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Profile Problem
i really dont want to be part of this anymore. i hereby quit my mod status.
Thanks given by: Electric2Shock
LFE mods are so corrupted, imo :(
Thanks given by: Electric2Shock , nehalbordoloi
Guys, you're blaming each other! Stop it, please. And close this thread.
Also, I don't think EF can edit someone profile, he's just a member, plus, I don't think he's that horrible either.
This place motivates me to become an artist, this place motivates me to learn coding, this place made me grow up, showed me the ways to interact with people. Unlike the old childish of me myself, I've learned a lot and gotten some experiences. For me, it's not just a fan forum, it's a helpful community. From a noob to someone who would think before he speaks, looking back at my old post made me laugh hard, I'm grateful of the differences between these 2 years.
~Thank You All and Farewell
~Goodbye, LFE.
RIP - 14/04/2014
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(07-09-2011, 11:23 AM)Hero destroyer Wrote:  Guys, you're blaming each other!

thanks, mister I didn't know that.

(07-09-2011, 11:23 AM)Hero destroyer Wrote:  Stop it, please. And close this thread.

This issue isn't resolved yet.

(07-09-2011, 11:23 AM)Hero destroyer Wrote:  Also, I don't think EF can edit someone profile, he's just a member, plus, I don't think he's that horrible either.

have you actually read the thread? you would know better otherwise.

[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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Now... wth...
Is LFEs modstaff really going to collapse just because of a random guy and a few random accusations? Derp.

Imho, some people ARE taking this WAY too serious.
My Creations: (Click to View)

Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

Thanks given by: Electric2Shock , nehalbordoloi
erm, i think this isn't just a "random guy" and "random accusations"...
it's the modstaff behavioural issues i guess(?)

Quote:BP again on msn Wrote:
a) I am having fun with him
b) ef is having fun with him
c) blowfly is having fun with him
d) marshall is having fun with him
e) I want him to leave lfe by his own will

this is just, CRUAL!! how can you do such things to a human being(?)
he may be an annoying person the last time you know him, but there's a chance that he might change in the future!! it's just that you guys didn't give him a chance and keep making fun of him bcus of what he did in the past, which will up in an endless flaming issues over and over again...
Thanks given by: Electric2Shock
Apparently, I owe you all an explanation about what exactly happened. Fair, so let's do this.

You might have noticed that, a few days ago, XxBlackOps888xX, XxBlackOps999xX, and XxBlackWing999xX appeared in the "Who was online today"-listing. Let us quickly recall the reasonings behind the bans of those accounts:
- Shameless advertising of various kinds of websites
- Multi-accounting
- Obvious resistancy to any advise being offered
Actually, I do not know myself why I did not issue an IP-ban back then, but the hope that he would better himself was non-existant. If it was put in place in January or so, this would not have happened at all.

Then, the other day, a certain "Sirfrog™" joined the forums. Quite a few things make one check profiles, and almost exact copies of well-known names is one of them. So, I went ahead and checked out his profile. The website-link that is still visible was also in his signature, paired with the generic "If you want X, try Y"-sentence. Something that, usually, only bots do. I sent SirFrog (the real one) a PM informing him about that.

Shortly afterwards, I performed an IP-check upon this guy. It turned out to be the same as the users mentioned above. I do remember him posting links to various Lose-weight-websites and/or related places. Such users are definitely not welcome here, so it was about time to take other measurements than the regular ones. The major idea was to make him leave LFE by his own free will. Now, how can this be achieved in the most effective way?

For the sake of flagging, I edited his signature, replacing his ardysslife-crap with a much more ridiculous one, plus mentioning the other accounts. It did not take long until he saw it and reverted his sig to the original one and added some slightly offensive terms which I do not want to elaborate any further.

It soon caught up in the IRC where, at that time, a few people, among which empirefantasy, hung out. Of course, we did talk about that user, so they went on checking his profile. Sirfrog™ counted one and one together; he saw empirefantasy lurking on his page and he noticed profile-changes. An interesting connection, considering that he has his own forums that he administrates. He should actually know at least something about user-permissions. And here, on LFE, regular members cannot alter others' profiles in any way.

Empirefantasy received a PM from Sirfrog™, telling him to stop. Of course, the content got posted inside the IRC, which was met with amusement. I was curious about how this will continue, instructing empirefantasy to just play along. It ultimately resulted in a fiery PM-war shooting back and forth, getting harsher and harsher with each message. Sirfrog™ was deadly sure that he found the one being responsible for all the edits. Whilst this user was displayed to be at the age of 13, I have seen him also having quite some different ages as well, so please do not refer to the "maturity and common sense grow with time"-point.

In the meantime, the news about this user spread among moderators (more specifically, those that have the priviledges of editing profiles). Whilst I could announce who exactly was involved in this, I will not mention them. The reason? Ultimately, it was me who started it and it is me who is to blame therefore. I did not direct others detail by detail of what to do, this happened autonomously, yet, in my position, I have to take responsibility for them. And I fully respect and apologize for the dismay that this has caused.

Back to the public part; the profile-edits continued. It was just a matter of time until things would explode, and this "explosion" was this very thread. Apparently, some have seen the pointers I gave through his signature, some did not. Well, I hope, by now, this is clear of who this user was.

Once again, whilst it appeared as "staff having their fun-day", it was a bit beyond that. Remember the goal I was trying to achieve? To make him leave LFE on his own. Now, few to none knew this, and I was not planning on leaking this information before a certain point has passed. Explaining this to an emotionally stirred up person (and the one that is meant knows who I refer to) would certainly take some time, which is why I refrained from going into any details there. In fact, I am trying to get some uni-related stuff done; which is the reasoning behind me not giving full-length responses (if I give responses) the past few days. But I do not want to bore you with those issues, as, apparently, I always have to have an open ear for this kind of issues, regardless of what time it is or what might be going on in my life. Nobody cares and nobody should care at all. I have not met anybody from here in person, so technically, you could refer to it as talking to strangers. Strangers who really do not give a darn thing about anything going on in your private life. Whatever, this is how the internet works.

Sirfrog™'s case is unique in its very own way. This method has, according to my state of knowledge, never been applied before; and, considering the amount of rage this has brought upon LFE, will not be applied anymore. Profile-edits are mainly performed in order to remove harmful links from bots' profile-pages, so there is a reason behind this priviledge. By now, it is hard to determine who exactly did what, so this will probably remain a mystery. It is not important anyways as, once again, the one to blame everything on is the one whose post you are currently reading.

As with any controversial user, it has once again shown that the reputation-system, in the way it is working right now, is not a feature to be kept. So, hereby, all open discussions related to it are to come to an end with the following conclusion: it will remain disabled until further notice (which, I dearly hope, will be never).

As this could be interpreted in the wrong context, it shall be announced that Bamboori was not involved in this.

Although, Marshall has already formulated an apologize, I would like to reiterate it. I hereby sincerely apologize for the events that have happened within the past three days. I apologize for the immature actions the handful of us have performed. Whilst it was fun to some, it was a sore to others; and I beg pardon for this. Anything related to it will, as long as I have some sort of say in this, no longer be tolerated.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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the reason people started using the thank button as a like button is because people started using it that way (first in forum games, then random pic of the day, then everywhere)

the reason lfe members troll newcomers is because mods started doing that (first to bots, then to noobs, then non-mods see it as normal and start doing that too).

admittedly some newcomers post content that should not be posted, but that's why we should be here to clean it up, not encourage it (or even come up with it ourselves).

just be sensible.

(07-09-2011, 12:00 PM)Blue Phoenix Wrote:  Profile-edits are mainly performed in order to remove harmful links from bots' profile-pages, so there is a reason behind this priviledge. By now, it is hard to determine who exactly did what, so this will probably remain a mystery.

for protection such as this you also require a new usergroup with read only and pm to staff members only permissions that can be quickly applied to anyone causing such havoc when nobody has the time to fully take care of it
kind of a mute function to sort things out - maybe with a huge flag on it noting every mod coming online to take care of it as soon as possible

because otherwise its just a back and forth of editing +ragespamthreads which noone obviously has the time and nerves for

thanks for finding some time to explain
and sorry for making it all explode in the middle of the night :p
but it just wasnt right
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(07-09-2011, 12:56 PM)YinYin Wrote:  for protection such as this you also require a new usergroup with read only and pm to staff members only
small reminder: bp is the staff... ;D
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