Hi,I want to post this thread because,i want you to challenge me.
1.You have to post picture of anime (char,robot,mecha) /cartoon char/video game/ real life person and challenge me.(post pic that we can see full body not just half,because i will not accept the challenge)
2.You make from that posted pic sprite and i then will make sprite from same pic.
3.size cannot be bigger than 158x158
4.When you and i post those made sprites from pic other will vote.(when voting you just need to post for what you voted)
5.Voting: first five members votes will be deathline.When voting you have to write why voted (dont write i liked that sprites.Write which detail you liked,is body proportions good or shading good)
6.After deatline,i score votes and then we see a winner.
7.If you have challenged me once,you can't challenge me 2 times in a row,let others give challenge to me.
8.Cannot use already made sprites,you have to do new.
9. Don't post usseles post,of course if you have seriously questions.
10.When you posed your sprite,you cannot fix it because i wont fix flaws,so make realy good sprite without flaws.
11.You cant post new challenge if one challenge not over yet
12.don't post unless you have pic or question related to topic
13.Don't post everytime pics of real life persons,post varied pic,cuz i think then it will be more interested
ill wait for some one who will want to with me challenge
rince Freeza: Vegeta]
1.You have to post picture of anime (char,robot,mecha) /cartoon char/video game/ real life person and challenge me.(post pic that we can see full body not just half,because i will not accept the challenge)
2.You make from that posted pic sprite and i then will make sprite from same pic.
3.size cannot be bigger than 158x158
4.When you and i post those made sprites from pic other will vote.(when voting you just need to post for what you voted)
5.Voting: first five members votes will be deathline.When voting you have to write why voted (dont write i liked that sprites.Write which detail you liked,is body proportions good or shading good)
6.After deatline,i score votes and then we see a winner.
7.If you have challenged me once,you can't challenge me 2 times in a row,let others give challenge to me.
8.Cannot use already made sprites,you have to do new.
9. Don't post usseles post,of course if you have seriously questions.
10.When you posed your sprite,you cannot fix it because i wont fix flaws,so make realy good sprite without flaws.
11.You cant post new challenge if one challenge not over yet
12.don't post unless you have pic or question related to topic
13.Don't post everytime pics of real life persons,post varied pic,cuz i think then it will be more interested
ill wait for some one who will want to with me challenge
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![[Image: Vegeta-Kopija.png]](http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z327/Reinaradasu/Vegeta-Kopija.png)
![[Image: namekvegetabyfreeza.png]](http://img01.imagecanon.com/_upload/img/59/namekvegetabyfreeza.png)
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