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Angel Adam - Stay At Home No More School [SO!BAYBE]
our gangsta rap member Adam who i think most of you know is singer if ya didn't know...
and this is his 2nd music video so check it out

enjoy and comment B]
adam ur great singer i think ur gonna be big
u realy have it ;D
[Image: p45mycA.png]
Thanks given by: Angel_Adam
wow i didnt know angel adam is such a nice singer/rapper!
i really like the song its already on my playlist now ;)
the song is stuck in my head^^

keep up the great work u absolutly have my support angel adam! :)
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I have seen another video clip from him before.
Nice song Angel Adam.
What i noticed is that you do all video parts in home,which means a music with low budget.Isn't that a smart way to start the carrier as a singer? :)
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mundvol Wrote:the song is stuck in my head

lol i share a room with him, try listening to the singing 24 hours every day..

@empirefantasy, its his 2nd video song.. i think theres plenty of time for improvement. besides he makes it all by him self at home studio with his friend so i think they made a good job.
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
Thanks given by: Bamboori
Well we wante to make the video in something new and outside an all that but whataya know the song says STAY AT HOME so we founded it cool to make the vido about not the seeing the outside world ;)))
Tnxx all
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Sorry, I cannot possibly praise a song or a colleague who openly dismisses education (school). Besides, apparently the book he looks at is flipped (twice). Plus, I'm not a fan of rap.
Thanks given by: Chishio
Got to agree with ES. However, except from the lyrics it's well done.
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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lol.. nice rap.. maybe next time we can team man..
i know beatbox. =P.. i dont like to upload my beatboxing video.. coz youtube have many ppl will say "is that fart sound?" or "you have no talent." i saw these comment in others young beatboxing video. and im 13. so i hate those comment. so i dont want to upload. but my sis awnt me to.. so when i uploaded.. i show u all. ;)

keep it up dude!!! =)


Stand Straight , Never Fall

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Hey, finally we get to see something else from you.
Well... the song, it's not bad. I'm not the hugest fan of hiphop and there are some flaws here and there, but still, not bad ;)

The thing that probably bugs me most is the lead synth. It's good and catchy, nice for the intro, but after about 0:15 it's just too distractive. I think it's very similar to that other song of yours, where you used one sound sample over and over and over again.
I don't know, the melody could even stay the same, there just needs to be some variety to it.

Also, since you got that nice small studio equipment of yours, why don't you try and record your own percussion? You don't even have to get a full acoustic drum set for it. You can also edit the crap out of various claps/hits/etc. I once got a nice big-drum sound by smashing a leather chair, haha.

But I gotta say, I like the bass a lot!!! (Simon aka. Simon agrees) It's used just in the right time and it sounds awesome!

Okay, hope you read this, peace out. ;D
Thanks given by: Simoneon

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