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Your very first LF2 steps
my story is too long but it's much fun to mod lf2 ^^
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I have a small story. I was in school and a friend of mine told me about this awesome game calles Little fighters 2. download. play. delete by mistake. search by typing LF2 site in google (noob). find official forums. find LFE. learning now.

That's it, simple isn't it?
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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My story:

My brother told me about this game.. Little Fighter 2 one of the first versions (Freeze's iceball looks cool). Then we fight together.. a lot of years, he was better then me. and 7 years later i found lf2 apocalypse, the german lf2 clan, wow cool, join, fight, looked at the new characters, found lf empire in partner sites, and so on..

But my really first character modification was a Monk mod.
Ive played this game every day, and together with friends. In the afternoon my friend philipp visit me, and we found the sprites in the lf2 folder. We open it with paint, an sing: "Monk needs hairs, Monk needs hairs,..."
sorry for my bad english -________-
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I was Year 7 (2 years ago). Mum came home with a magazine with a cd attached. It was a gaming magazine and so I tried the whole lot of them. LF2 was on it. Anyway I practically hated all of the games on the cd, didn't expect much from free games anyway, when I realised I missed the fighting section :P. I played all of the games in the fighting section, and I just happened to like LF2. After a few hours of playing, my little brother found out that you could replace sprites. Well, I made Firen (my fave character) have blood practically EVERYWHERE lol and it looked horrible. Then my friend said you could get Anakin Skywalker from LFE. I was like OMG I GOTTA GET THAT. That's when I stumbled on the DCing part and started learning :D
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It was somewhere in 2003...I got bored, so I searching with Google around, until I found LF2. At that time, my computer was very instable, so its crashing many times, espically when my computer ran about 3-5 hours.
Anyway, I first was a pure rookie, but I didn't use F6 (until I found out, thats exist!).
Then after my almost died PC was reinstalled, I forgot about LF2 and was long absent...
In 2006, I was thinking in LF2 again, and downloaded the new 1,9c.
It was still fun, but I can't kill Julian in Stage 5 (can't still kill him, at least in Difficult).
In 2007, LF2 gets bored, so I seached LF2 in YouTube, and found LFE. I found also some Mods, who brought me fun again (RLF2 is the best!) They was fun, but I still like the Orginal at the most, why, I don't know.
One Year later, I forgot about LF2, but in August, I visited LFE again and found so out about the LF2 v2.0.
With that, it was much better than 1.9. Im still playing LF2, but i am a noob, bacause I can't kill Julian in Stage 5 to get the Difficult extra credits (in here stand the code)
I used often Henry, he was very ease to use. Meanswhile, I still playing with him, but hes lame and a bit overpowered. I playing also now Davis and Freeze.
My Experence is lacking, I played never online, but offline since now about 3-4 years. I seems to have a big potential.

My own DCing was not good too. I sometimes changed the stage.dat, and it was pretty funny.
I'm Lagger, because i'm lagging in online games.
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One day... I was playin' Diablo II on BattleNet and I met a guy... I was playin' with him a long time sience i met him. That was 2006 on vacations.

In other day i noticed his description on comunicator, that was something like "Return to LF2"... I didn't know what's this, but I was wondering, what's that shortcut. I was thinking about Little Fighter and i asked him. He agreed, it's little fighter 2 and he sent me a polish forum adress... That's how this begun.

My first nick was "John_pizza", couse I was playing John and my favourite attack was Disc, which i called "pizza"... I was playing on internet etc...
I started to write basic tutorials, how to edit character in ms paint, how to change color's palette bitmap from 256 to 24 bites :D... :D
That how I started.

About month later I joined to The Master Team Clan and I made my first lf2 mod for it.
My next mod was Bloody Little Fighter 2... There were not any blood, but that was nice name for it.

Bloody Lf2 was last mod, which I finnished... :D
I was two years yonger than now and this mod is pretty sh**** D:!

I had some other projects like Lf2 Julians, or lf2 Dark Team (for clan)... But they weren't finished, dunno why.

In theese two years i really learn to draw lf2 spriters and I'm unofficial best spriter in my country.
Maybe I'm not super detaily, but i'm realy fast... I'm making Sheet_0 in 3-4 hours, and sheet_1 in 30 minutes-2 hours!

Currently I'm making mod lf2 polish players and I'm happy with it. It will be finished in 99%!
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When i playing NTSD (Naruto The Setting Dawn), i asked with Cassoka about characteres configuration, he say to me about a program, Rammichael Data Changer, he pass me this program, when i go test this program, i change Itachi's (A char of NTSD) speed, i'm surprise!
I will try to continue using this program.
Today, i'm working with a private LF2 mod.

Sorry about english, i'm brazilian, i don't have a english teacher. :(
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making bandit skin... left it half way done....
join LFE-strategic command
[Image: bar3rd7.png]
^userbar by bamboori.
[Image: signaturefn9.jpg]
^signature by me^
Mainsite search first ;)
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My elder brother introduced LF2 to me way back in 2001. I was a High School student back then... But a lot of years I'm inactive since I shifted my attention to Mugen and only this year that I came back to LF2 again...

I started making chars and released Grimalien and Draco on 2002 at Game4Fans. It was an active community back then. I also made my first version of Slime & Paelem back then... and Akuma which I didn't release... Sad to say, I don't have most of my chars back then except for my newer chars like Slime & Paelem...
[Image: azazel.gif]
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