(04-24-2012, 01:55 PM)sadbhav Wrote: If you will be given a chance to become invisible for one day, what would do with this ability?
including invisible clothes?
without invisible clothes i would decline that chance i think
(04-24-2012, 01:55 PM)sadbhav Wrote: (Let you inner perv out!!! ...Ahem.)
with invisible clothes i would use this for other things because anything pervy would feel just as awkward as being invisible but naked.
i think i would rather spy a little on others - mostly to hear what ppl talk like when i am not around.
(04-24-2012, 02:36 PM)LutiChris Wrote: Atm right now im thinking about the upcoming movie the Avengers
Are you psyched out about it?
what? no not at all - i had to look this up
(04-24-2012, 02:36 PM)LutiChris Wrote: And what favorite superhero is your favorite (can be from any genre)?
i'm not that much into super heroes, but if i had to pick one from all those generic comic heroes i would choose batman for he claims this title through his own determination only (instead of having some kind of accident, being gifted, alien, mutant, getting far superior technology or any other form of 'whoops now i'm able to save the world so i better do it')
not to mention he manages to be both hero and anti hero at once which is kinda awesome
going to another genre to me video game characters value higher as heroes - highest of all: samus aran
(04-24-2012, 03:26 PM)EXG9 Wrote: Do you have NES console?
sadly no