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Did I beat Noir's record? :P
I reached Stage 45 Difficult with Davis (where the enemy Henry flute and during that the enemy Davis dragon punched me twice in a row :( )

There were five heroes left for me in the last stage, which should determine the winner, I suppose? :P . Do anyone still have Noir's recording somewhere? Or I have to simply try again because Stage 45 isn't that difficult without that unfortunate cheap combo by the com players :X

Attached Files
.lfr   Stage 45 Difficult Davis.lfr (Size: 32.33 KB / Downloads: 76)
Thanks given by: zort , John Fighterli

Thanks given by: Kevin , John Fighterli
Thanks :D
OK, great. I killed two more enemies than Noir did :P .
Just noticed that Davis is quite harder than other heroes, but not that much either due to his useful moves.
Anyway this is my first try with Davis and hopefully I will reach higher stage later when I'm not too tired
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I wish Noir would play LF2 again, maybe he will reach 60+. Xd Just a guess.
This place motivates me to become an artist, this place motivates me to learn coding, this place made me grow up, showed me the ways to interact with people. Unlike the old childish of me myself, I've learned a lot and gotten some experiences. For me, it's not just a fan forum, it's a helpful community. From a noob to someone who would think before he speaks, looking back at my old post made me laugh hard, I'm grateful of the differences between these 2 years.
~Thank You All and Farewell
~Goodbye, LFE.
RIP - 14/04/2014
Thanks given by: John Fighterli
Sometimes an old player reappears suddenly with a surprising record, that happened last year in the Tetris 40 Lines Race world record.
But it doesn't have to be Noir? :P . Let's see who will be the first person to beat Stage 50 in solo difficult. I believe it possible.
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Misuchii/Pika/Samomi has already gotten to 46: Man, that guy is incredible. One can tell just by looking at his GIFs. Sucks that I don't speak his language.
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Wow, someone reached Stage 46 with Davis! Well, if someone reached Survival Stage Easy 80 or more than that stage, then upload the recording and write the download link in the reply....
Well, I very like Noir's defencive skills....I want some more recording which Noir has made!Shock
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