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old stuff (click for big version) (Click to View)
some of this got finished and some, well did not.
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
Thanks given by: Lauli , MnM
Nice, so many sketches! :)
But I'm a little skeptical about Prince Freeza's drawing. It looks like a digital drawing photoshopped onto a piece of paper, it looks a little too clean for a pen drawing.
If not, prove me wrong!
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your wrong sir,
its totaly made with a cheap ink pen on paper taken with my cam.. The only photoshop here is the overlay color..

Nevermind.. am posting the original one later i dont wanna talk alot..
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Oh, interesting!
Because the lower parts especially reminded me of photoshop brushes.
[Image: 2dvn2xf.png]
I'd really like to see a scanned version, this is blowing my mind right now!
Thanks given by: Angel_Adam , LutiChris
oh my mistake, was typin to fast on phone, yes those splatters to are photoshop..
Also, its taken as a pic and not scanned :p
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Quick update again.
  • [Image: 2mpec6x.png]

I'm eager to see more of your sketches, by the way!
Thanks given by: Marko pro , LutiChris , Jahvansi
what is the number written below hhmmmm face

Need more ppl who can sprite backgrounds and weapons
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It's just an exaggerated number. I usually like sketching old people, because they have interesting faces, and that's one of the many old people I drew.
The text below it says something like "Well, actually I don't even know who that is. Old person #3478966312"
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you forgot that vegeta has big, i mean GIANT forehead and his eyes are lower
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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i meant real vegeta :)
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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