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[RPG] Apoc's Survival
There is a moment of silence, before rash steps sound in front of the door. "Hello?" an audibly afraid, male voice asks from the other side of the door. Apparently the someone tries to open the door, pulling on the knob, but due to the bolt on the inside, the door wouldn't open. "Is-is somebody in there?"
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Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

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Sam gathers all his courage. "Yes I am here" he replies and tries to open the door from inside.
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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The bolt is easyly slid open and the door is instantly pushed open from the outside, as a person stumbles inside.

Roll: Hiding/DEX 1S vs TUI 0S

The person is a slightly chubby man dressen in black dress pants and formal white shirt, bald head and an sweaty expression of fear and confusion across his face. He takes one insecure step into the room, unable to spot Sam who's hiding behind the door. "Must... must have been imagination..." he mutters slowly, whilst walking over to the open closet to look whether somebody is hiding inside there.
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Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

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Sam quickly takes the chances and tries to sneak out and close the door behind him. However that guy is, Sam does not need him.
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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Roll: DEX against TUI: 0S
As soon as Sam starts moving, the person spins around and, upon spotting you, jumps backwards with a high-pitched yell, crashing into the closet, causing a wave of mops, rags and buckets to bury him below the destroyed piece of equipment.
My Creations: (Click to View)

Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

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Sam, seeing as that the man poses no threat, became calm and simply asks "Are you okay?" slowly closing in on the man.
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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The man scuffles and wriggles below the pile of cleaning tools before finally freeing himself, breathing heavyly and staring up to you. "Oh dear god, did you have to scare me like that..." He reaches for his chest. "And I thought I would get a heart attack..." The man gets himself back to his feat, albeit slowly due to his obese nature. "I'm Michael, what's your name?"
My Creations: (Click to View)

Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

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Sam slowly inspected the man, if he would have been faking this behaviour then he was a marvellous actor. "You can call me Sam" he said to the man who introduced himself as Michael. "I don't suppose you can answer me what exactly is going on here?" he continued.
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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The Tales of Jonny Ramon Scott - Chapter I

(08-12-2013, 04:59 PM)Alblaka Wrote:  Entering through the open door, Jonny finds himself in dark, small restroom, the only light coming from the previous room.
There's merely a toilet and a sink. It's hard to see anything in detail, but the lack of foul stench suggests the room is somewhat clean.

Jonny turns on the tap from the sink and checks out the quality of its water.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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The Tales of Jonny Ramon Scott - Chapter I
There is, at first, a gentle stream of clear and cold water. After a matter of a few seconds, the water flow starts stuttering and then stops entirely.

The Tales of Sam Philson - Chapter I
"I... I'm not sure myself... but I heard scary noises from the lower floors... the door to the stairs appeared barricaded, so I instead decided to check whether somebody else is on this floor. And apparently there is, nice to meet you Sam. Even in these... weird circumstances." Michael reaches out his hand for a handshake, trying to put on a welcoming smile with only meager success.
My Creations: (Click to View)

Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

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