(10-03-2013, 10:10 PM)Lucianocapocha Wrote: You don't know my brain
As a matter of fact, unless you stated a different age from your actual age in your profile, yes I do. At least part of it. It's tested, and so far at around 18 years of age is when the rational brain will be fully done in development, but it can take up to the age of 25 before the emotional brain is done.
This is not to say that you can't make rational decisions before this, nor does it say you can't be good at LoL.
(10-03-2013, 10:10 PM)Lucianocapocha Wrote: http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/boa...?t=3852030
Did you read the entire thread?
He says Riot should ban all Bronze players. Which would be everyone since at some point all people have been at bronze level. When they began playing they had no idea how to play, where absolutely terrible, and would by most high level people be considered trolls. Turns out they are simply unskilled, and not used to playing the game.
I think the last post in the thread has a very good point:
soulbanana8 Wrote:Being bad=\= trolling . At least noobs try, but trolls don't! Noobs at least are trying to do something good or what they think is best. Trolls just benefit the enemy team.
Banning trolls, yes. Bronze players?no chance
Problem is it is very hard to determine whether someone is a troll, or simply a bad player.
(10-03-2013, 10:10 PM)Lucianocapocha Wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8fSc17GscM
Did you even watch the video?
It in no way agrees with you. It states the exact same math I did, references a video about a mindset you clearly don't have.
Please at least watch what you comment about. You could learn something.
(10-03-2013, 10:10 PM)Lucianocapocha Wrote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w9Wrd2fHtA
All right, let's analyse shall we.
For one thing he starts immediately with Q, but doesn't use it at all, then at 4:30, Rammus comes in and is clearly visible on the minimap, he had a long time to get away, but instead stays and dies. That is what we call bad.
Then he goes ahead and buys boots... that will not help him get away when surrounded, will not help him trade, will not provide sustain, when behind. A terrible purchase overall.
Luckily Vayne decides not to back so her gold won't be spent. Meaning they are essentially still even in lane now.
At 5:45 Ezreal gets caught by Leona, who is in plain sight (demonstrating his innate ability get caught even when he should know it's going to happen), and gets poked down to 175 hp. Vayne then decides that attacking Lulu under the turret would be a great idea, and dies because of it.
At 8:00 he gets caught again and when Rammus is clearly visible he doesn't back away.
Part of this can be attributed to bad wards by the support. Rammus has a fast movement speed IE you ward deeper into their jungle such as at dragon and in their tribrush. He didn't really react to this problem and didn't ask the support to ward those places.
When Rammus gets in sight he stays instead of trying to get away, even though Vayne has far superior position, and it is basically a unwinnable fight.
I would conclude that this isn't a very high skilled game.
I agree the jungler isn't a very good. Wukong isn't a very good jungle pick, but that doesn't mean he is a troll, he is probably just bad. If people in gold were to play with Ezreal from that video they would assume he is trolling. He is really doing his best, he just isn't very good at the game.
If you really do believe your games are different then record them and actually show me them.
I am making blind guesses on how you are in game, so there isn't much I can say to help. I can only offer general advice.
@below: What?