06-16-2014, 03:28 PM
Wish granted-but BP eats ghoul knights(which is Amadis)
I wish i get a girlfriend...
I wish i get a girlfriend...
Credits to Prince_freeza for avatar
Wish Granted-With a Twist!
06-16-2014, 03:28 PM
Wish granted-but BP eats ghoul knights(which is Amadis)
I wish i get a girlfriend... Credits to Prince_freeza for avatar
06-16-2014, 03:44 PM
Wish Granted, but somehow someone pushed her into a trap which was set by the Mafia.
I wish that Wishes wished for wishy wishy wish things. Spoilered Spoilers (Click to View) You're just dying if you're living and thinking about a betrayal, revive yourself.
Think about that one person that has trusted you forever, not the thousand people that have betrayed you.
I dont really understand,but...wish granted-but the wishy wishy wishy wish becomes a fishy fishy fishy fish and u get a lot of smelly fish.
I wish I will get rank "Incredible member" . Credits to Prince_freeza for avatar
06-17-2014, 05:18 AM
Wish Granted, but you were so incredible that someone got jealous and hacked your rank to a new member.
I wish that Conqueror would have named himself Conqueror in the IRC Chat. Spoilered Spoilers (Click to View) You're just dying if you're living and thinking about a betrayal, revive yourself.
Think about that one person that has trusted you forever, not the thousand people that have betrayed you.
06-17-2014, 01:03 PM
I did.Sometimes though "Conquer" is my nick.
I wish I am famous. Credits to Prince_freeza for avatar
06-17-2014, 03:15 PM
You become famous, but Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks you, because you were stealing his spotlight.
I wish I get used to my new keyboard. Spoilered Spoilers (Click to View) You're just dying if you're living and thinking about a betrayal, revive yourself.
Think about that one person that has trusted you forever, not the thousand people that have betrayed you.
06-17-2014, 04:05 PM
You do get used to it, but then it turns out the keyboard was made in china by a third-party and after a few days all the keys start falling out.
I wish Nintendo would recontinue the wifi network so that I can play brawl and mario kart online
06-18-2014, 01:25 PM
Wish granted-but u were so obsessed in playing it that u forgot there was a tornado outside and so hide in your basement...u got blowned to Indonesia (my country XD )
I wish school was over. Credits to Prince_freeza for avatar
06-18-2014, 03:57 PM
Wish Granted. But since it was over, no child ever got to be in school "EVER AGAIN" Which made them dumb and listen to anyone.
I wish that Conqueror shouldn't have made everyone even himself dumb xD. Spoilered Spoilers (Click to View) You're just dying if you're living and thinking about a betrayal, revive yourself.
Think about that one person that has trusted you forever, not the thousand people that have betrayed you.
06-19-2014, 03:37 AM
Wish-granted i didnt make anyone dumb-but i made them so smart 4 year olds can solve Einsteins equation XD
I wish all the members in lfe forum joined the tournament. Credits to Prince_freeza for avatar
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