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Character sprite concepts
[Image: 4yX72Ae.png]
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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@Arcane, I edited Nino sprite a little bit. Made him look a little bit more muscular in the arms region (took me way longer than it should and it's still not perfect lol :p ) and resized him to 105% in height

Just do whatever you like with it :) In other words, you should edit it only if you think it should be edited. I'd be more than happy if the sprite you made for Nino could be made into a character!

[Image: I52RS2j.png]-->    [Image: nino_zpseec21ca5.png]-->     [Image: nino2_zpsc6e332e2.png]-->        [Image: nino3_zps2ce9ba1e.png]

Original sprite      original size            resized to 105%        resized to 105%, but head original size

Size does matter!

(Edit: I now see that I made Nino shrug up his right shoulder :p )
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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Did concept for female character.
I sucked at this one.
[Image: pv7851Y.png]
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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[Image: 4yX72Ae.png] I realy like the haristyle now!

[Image: pv7851Y.png] hmm im not sure bout that one, I guess we could say more if we see that design in sprite form.... also I cant decide whether the color green is fitting
Thanks given by: Gespenst
 Neither was I sure but I tried to give some begining for that.
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
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General concept:

 [Image: Generaldesign1_zps0d4f2db2.png]

This might just as well be my best sprite eva, even though I didn't sprite the hair, the character is based entirely on Gad's deamon sprite and especially the hair is almost entirely the same as Gad's deamon's. But it suits him pretty good :) 

What do you guys think? Feel free to edit this sprite or make a design for the general or his boss yourself. This is just an idea of course.

Edit: it's based off this sprite to be more precise ;) [Image: 14j126s.png]
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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what do you think?
I revamped Memento sprite

[Image: Generaldesign1_zps0d4f2db2.png][Image: mKOu7m2.png]
[Image: X2wDdsN.png]
Thanks given by: Memento
maybe it needs some strange kind of armor? for example this one would fit, you could also give him louis id for the armor ingame too and work around that when designing abilities (maybe a weapon too? but first a clearer niche of design should be made - like all other lf2 chars have, when you just look at it you know what to expect)
about the female char: something really agile and nimble would be cool, somekind of spy, but with ancient'er elements, because lf2 is not really in a modern environment, a rogue type with two daggers (hidden when she stands, ofc, only showing in attacks and abilities) is a good start with high mobility in mind; really motivated by previous page post (forgot who made it lol)
throwin da 2 cents :D
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I would say before thinking about how the char looks
In my opinion it's better to think what chars we want than think of all the abilities each of them will have
So we can easily design the way the char look to fit for their personalities and abilities

Thinking order - examples

Main idea for the char - spear man
Abilities - (better to add sketches this stage but I can't sketch atm) ability that get you or the enemies away from each other
2an ability that get u closer to the enemy or the enemy to u
3 an aoe attack
4 close range attack
5 energy ball or long range - chose between 4 and 5 one
Those will be the main things we need to keep in mind for each attack in my opinion 
So for example 
1 strike with the spear to get the enemy away
2 dashing with the spear some kind of bats fast punch
3 striking the ground with the spear to make an energy blast of some kind
5 energy ball something like deeps ball

Those are just examples they are not really creative

So after we thought about the abilities we know what the char do
And what he need to wear
So his attacks are mainly close range
Than he need protectin but in the same hand he also move a lot 
So some kind of shoulder/chest armor will fit
With a fabric pants so he could run and dash 
So in general
The char will have a spear and let say an upper body armor with some fabric pants
Now we know what we need to design and start sprinting him

My opinion 

Just spriting freely cool guys won't get us any far
We need to think about what we need and what we want from each of them
U guys need some organization..
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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I like Mono's sprite. An armor might be good on him. So would a scar on base form, maybe.

I agree that we need an idea for the character we are designing before we actually make it. I also had an idea when I made the sprite: the general shows up several times and he's stronger each time. The sprite I made was supposed to be base form, so pretty simply. I actually thought of him as a guy with fairly simple moves: powerful, dark attacks like Julian's, mostly just simple ITR type one work. Why? Well, why would it be much diffirent? Look at the original fighters... No need for all too fancy attacks and themes. I think Mono's sprite would work perfectly fine, and in my opinion, overly fancy stuff doesn't make a fighter's appearance better, but worse :p 

- Base form: a quick melee attack, a strong melee attack (both hitting several opponents), 1 strong ball attack and 1 attack with an effect similar to Louis' transformation to LouisEX, and a couple of strong combos, 
- Masked form: fairly similar moves, but more powerful. He'll also have one more move: could be anything. 
- With the last mask on (final boss): heavily armorred body (no real armor needed), fairly similar moves but more powerful. He'll also have a couple of new moves.

Also, I dislike the use of weapons usually, especially on boss characters. Why? Because I think using weapons is a sign of weakness. But if you'd really like weapons on him: how about blades on his shins and elbows? That allows for quite some pain and cool slashing attacks
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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