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[Char] Nino
[Image: backflip_base_2_by_janisarcane-d8ly3n1.gif]

[Image: backflip_base_frames_2_by_janisarcane-d8ly3mr.png]

EDIT: side head in frame 2 and tiny change in frame 4

[Image: backflip_base_3_by_janisarcane-d8ly44r.gif]

[Image: backflip_base_frames_3_by_janisarcane-d8ly6do.png]
Thanks given by: Ariel
I think 3th frame could be better. When he starts his jump with only one leg, it means 50% jumping power instead of 100%.

You could check this backflip for reference. He's doing backflips around 3:50: . He is doing a backflip with legs together, but the start should be the same in both variations. Knees bent about 75 degrees, back not completely straight but diagonal. This allows for the most powerful jump.

Other than that, way to go :)
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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am not quite sure whether the jumping power is that important.
using 1 leg and pulling the other one back gives him the swing power of the back leg when hes pushing it forward.

I wanted to make it somehow like in this video:

what do the spriters think on that? Ariel Mono ? :)
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On second thought, I think this one-legged jump will do just fine if we make him jump forward pretty far and not too high, as if he'd jump up from running

Also, I suggest making an animation or gameplay video when we got some data for Nino, to show our progress :)

What would be best? I could make a gameplay video, but I'm not good at animating. So if we're going for an animation, I'll have to leave the job to you guys
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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i think the jump looks great , cant see any problem with that.

sketch for the ball attack, gonna do a second one also
[Image: k92kGRw.gif]
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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(03-21-2015, 06:04 PM)Ariel Wrote:  i think the jump looks great , cant see any problem with that.

sketch for the ball attack, gonna do a second one also
[Image: k92kGRw.gif]

No offence but you haven't shared your plans for the ball (and the power dash) yet :p What move are you making for him?
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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just what we said 2 balls and than dash

something like this
[Image: FXsChuB.png]

dash aint sure yet
but ball im pretty sure it will fit

ignore the sketch here is the template
[Image: G2IlUKV.gif]

or the second one front?
[Image: MBfY2DA.gif]
probably need 1 more frame there
[Image: p45mycA.png]
Thanks given by: Jahvansi
I prefer the second version :)

this way hes utilizing both arms as well
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Alright! Thanks

2nd version looks better imo:)
Original character edits
LF2 Timelapse (open source mod)

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some progress
[Image: FqUkWds.gif]
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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