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Hallo Guys  :) Since I was last online on Lfempire Forum I have Just made Zendrow and told you guys about my LFWORLD project.
Thinking  So after giving this a huge gape making nothing I thought I first start with characters of LFWORLD. I am first working on Julian.
I am making it, it's 8% Completed. I am now busy so I pause making it, but I can't stay one moment :(  without showing you all My Unfinished JULIAN char [LFWORD PROJECT]
Here is the video.....

Video Link:

I will start Continue after my Final Exam ENDS.
Till then Wait.

Note# Don't say Anything about the video's background music. I Was just listening it and playing.  :D
New Member Just Joined "2017"
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But what is this Julian supposed to be like? Even more op?
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Wait for the game and movies you all can see the story there.  :)

Thought  I need to make clean clear DC of julian. His DC is easy anyway.  :)
[Image: yLnCXd5.png]

But the Ninja chars DC will be freaking Hard.  Twisted
New Member Just Joined "2017"
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You should add some animation for the teleporting. Looks bad if he just disappears suddenly and reappears suddenly.
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Woah, that was great, that combo was really good too.
It looks awesome. And as bashscrazy said, add some animations, although, I think that you're already gonna add it.

(09-05-2015, 10:55 AM)DARK-EVIL Wrote:  I am making it, it's 8% Completed.
Are you sure, he already looks great.
" LF2 Against The Evils", my first LF2 video series.
Check my channel :D :-

Litte Fighter Videos  <-- This is a link! Click This!
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Yea Charles I will add the Animation Without it ,Its nothing..I just made 8% After completing 60% The animation Work will start. And Yea Charles I need to talk with you Private. Come on Facebook.

And Thanks Deep. Sure its Awesome. It will be more Awesome when Its Completed!
New Member Just Joined "2017"
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who's charles
Thanks given by: Hellblazer

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