so, sorry for the lack of progress. didn't have any internet connection for a while, and the battery of my computer had some problems, so i had to get a new one. now that i'm back, excpect some quick progress.
Arokh Wrote:I think it's a nice idea. Not only as a mod but as a spriting tool as well. This may help other people to create new sprites for the original lf2 characters much easier. (if you allow your work to be used like that.)
i have absolutely no problem against such a thing, especially since i used a template to make the templates. don't you think it would be disrespect if i didn't allow the templates to be used in such a way? anyway, if someone wants to use the templates for their original function, they have my permission (which they do not need actually

the lf2 fan Wrote:But hey are you only remaking the chars or modifying the stages too??
maybe, maybe not. i don't think i can properly templatize them.
AmadisLFE Wrote:so wait, template will get templatified ?
yes. even tho it's more of getting reworked instead of templatized.