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Zup, My Emperors! Bringing some (whole 2!, 2! I say!) drafts for LF3BYTITASŽIBIKAS Story Mode. Criticism, suggestions and other shenanigans are welcome! Enjoy!
Respectfully, Titas Žibikas aka Paschendale
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Download LF3BYTITASŽIBIKAS1.5a here:

Ni hao, my Emperors!
It has been something like a year, since the last update, but version 1.5a is finally here! So, what's new? I remastered all (not all, though) the backgrounds, THAT'S what! Enjoy!
What's next? The laundry list of things to do is as follows:
1.Record some gameplay videos-demos.
2.Finish the scripts.
3.Finish the Story Boards (sic!).
4.Create some music (OST).
5.Tinker with AIs.
And I'm going to end this readme on a sad note: I'm cutting off the Story Mode and making cutscenes as stand-alone enterprise, since the scope for the game is a bit too ambitious for what I have in mind, so, yeah, bummer. Sad face. As Matt Hackett put it once: save it for the sequel!
Respectfully, Titas Žibikas aka Paschendale
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Download LF3BYTITASŽIBIKAS1.6a here:

Zdarov, my Emperors!
A new version for your thirsty minds (1.6a this time; over 90 bgs)! The code, art, and spriting are what's keeping me sane these turbulent and hectic days of my crazy existence. And those BLACK values! Jesus, some of the added backgrounds look like those from the FPS video-game "Singularity"! I'm not kidding; these things are driving me nuts! Well, more proof of my excellence, am I right, or what, kiddos?
For the next versions of the game, I'll be adding more characters to the roster and remastering them. Wait for it, anticipate it, keep checking back, and give me some feedback, Hell-be-damned!
Bonus: I've updated the script somewhat; you can find it in the "lf3fiction" folder of the .rared game file!
Respectfully, Titas Žibikas, aka Paschendale
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Download LF3BYTITASŽIBIKAS1.7c here:

Hola, my Emperors!
Version 1.7c is out! Added and remastered 10 new characters! I think that's it for them, since including any more new heroes crashes the .exe. I'm taking a break for a bit, going to finish THAT. DAMN. SCRIPT!
Respectfully, Titas Žibikas, aka Paschendale
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Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Book 1 Fighters at War (Click to View)
Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Book 2 Meet the Broly (Click to View)
Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Book 3 The Demon Hunter (Click to View)
Bonjourno, my Emperors!
The 3 story mode scripts/books, although some edits are still needed, are done. Finally! Clocked over 15k words here... I consider my readers to be smart and erudite people, who can figure out and interpet the left-out/un-explained parts on their own, so, that's that. Since there won't be a playable Stage Mode, I suggest you to role-play some of the scenes (like... any scene you desire).
If you want an early experience/taste of the planned story-boards' stand-alone dialogue and fighting cutscenes, NOW is your TIME to put some EFFORT into reading it!
The gist of it.
P.S. Also, going to translate this thing into Lithuanian; only the third book is left. Godspeed!
Respectfully, Titas Žibikas aka Paschendale
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Jaunieji kovotojai 3 by Titas Zibikas Knyga 1 Kariaujantys mušeikos (Click to View)
Jaunieji kovotojai 3 by Titas Zibikas Knyga 2 Susipažinkite su Broliu (Click to View)
Jaunieji kovotojai 3 by Titas Zibikas Knyga 3 Demonų medžiotojas (Click to View)
Sveiki, mano imperatoriai, tiek lietuviai, tiek iš viso pasaulio!
Pagaliau užbaigiau scenarijus, čia juos ir publikuoju; dabar, - lietuviškai. Pagrindinį titulą išverčiau ne kaip "Mažieji kovotojai", bet kaip "Jaunieji kovotojai", tuo metu, atrodė, stilingiau. Dabar, dirbsiu prie Istorijos Režimo Video (abiejomis kalbomis: tandemu), scena po scenos. Tiek. Dievo greičiu.
Pagarbiai, Titas Žibikas aka Paschendale

Greetings, my Emperors, Lithuanian and from over all the globe!
Finally, I'm finished with the scrips, so I'm publicizing them here; now, - in Lithuanian. I translated the title not as "Little Fighters", but as "Young Fighters", at the time, it seemed more stylish. Now, I'm going to work on Story Mode Videos (in both languages: in tandem), scene by scene. That's that. Godspeed.
Respectfully, Titas Žibikas aka Paschendale
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Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 1 Scene 1:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 1 Scene 2:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 1 Scene 3:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 1 Scene 4:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 1 Scene 5:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 1 Scene 6:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 1 Scene 7:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 1 Scene 8:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 1 Scene 9:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 1 Scene 10:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 1 Scene 11:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 1 Scene 12:

My Emperors! No need to salute each other, anymore, we are THAT familiar, now!
In any case, this thread is getting bloaty, so, for Story Mode Videos, I'm creating a separate thread. Please, check it out!
Have a good Autumn!
Respectfully, Titas Žibikas aka Paschendale

EDIT: A mod disagreed with my opinion for a new thread, so, shucks, REALLY! The bloatiness of it all! Anyway, I'm going to upload Story Mode Videos here, scene by scene, so be sure to check back. Godspeed!
Respectfully, Titas Žibikas aka Paschendale
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Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 2 Scene 1:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 2 Scene 2:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 2 Scene 3:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 2 Scene 4:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 2 Scene 5:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 2 Scene 6:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 2 Scene 7:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 2 Scene 8:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 2 Scene 9:

Story Mode Videos Book 1 is done. Creating a second post for the Book 2: going to upload scene by scene, again, so be sure to check back. The mods, I hope, won't mind for this INTRUSION. Have a good early Winter!
Respectfully, Titas Žibikas aka Paschendale
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Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 3 Scene 1:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 3 Scene 2:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 3 Scene 3:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 3 Scene 4:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 3 Scene 5:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 3 Scene 6:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 3 Scene 7:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Book 3 Scene 8 and 9 Epilogue:

Story Mode Videos Book 2 is done. Preparing the last, Book 3, batch! Have a good holiday season, my emperors!
Respectfully, Titas Žibikas aka Paschendale

EDIT: Four and a half months! That's how long I took my time with the Story Mode Videos, and I don't know, how long it would take for me to make it playable. But, I hope you will LIKE it! Now, just left to create a cool .exe skin and some catchy music, plus, do as much debugging as I possibly can. Have a good spring, mein Emperors!
Respectfully, Titas Žibikas aka Paschendale
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Download LF3BYTITASZIBIKAS1.8c here:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas EXE Skin:

Little Fighter 3 by Titas Zibikas Story Mode Videos (ENG+LIT) are done! You can check them out on my YouTube Channel here:
My dream is to create a playable Campaign Mode, but I'm an alone Indie Developer, which is liberating and taxing at the same time, so, maybe, with more people, it would be possible, I'm not sure. If you're interested in helping, write here or send me a PM.
Also, version 1.8c is here! Can I hear a "HOOHAH!"?
Created a new skin, using my Tribute to LF2 Art; thought about adding standing frames with quotes, but decided against it. Left most of the text/letters unchanged, didn't see the need for it.
De-Bugging list is as follows (in the later versions, after this one, I'll try to fix as much as I can):
(1)Space background data delistment as a game-crashing bug; clashed with the other file-path of the same name "space"; (2) Davis super_ball is working again; (3) Louis dash jump attack is working again; (4) remastered the third template background.
Aaaaand... I changed the game's icon, as well.
Music is next! Stay tuned!
P.S. I ASSURE you, my Dear Player, the game is safe and secure, but you could get a graph log error on startup, which can be flagged as false-positive by your Anti-Virus; just wait for it to scan it, it WILL launch. I think the error has something to do with the music files, I'm not certain. That's it! And REMEMBER: have FUN!
Respectfully, Titas Žibikas aka Paschendale
Thanks given by: Phenian

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