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[solved] ball that follows you but acts independently
hmmm its like cream from sonic. she has this chao thing beside her all the time, a pet or something. if the enemy get's lets say 100 pixels in front of her the chao will move and punch it and return to its original position. if there's an enemy 50 pixels behind cream then the chao will shoot a projectile backwards, but not by executing the D>A commands, it does it on its own.
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(11-12-2008, 10:29 AM)wingsofthewind Wrote:  yupp that's what i did but thx anyway TheNave. the second part is like, i tried to let the ball 'catch' anything that is near my character, with an itr kind 3 but the ball doesn't go to the frame i want. it's supposed to have the effect like the enemy comes near to me and the ball will attack the enemy automatically

the ball doesn't go to the frame you want coz the ik8 is overriding the ik3's catchingact:. So, you need frames that the ball has the ik3 without having ik8 (it needs at least wait: 1 per frame with any itr, otherwise the itr isn't read). But this means your ball will always "jump" to you, coz it has frames without being stuck to u (the ik3 frames).

(11-12-2008, 05:51 PM)MH-Razen Wrote:  (beside: itr/kind 3 area in the type3--object which catch the char..., but... not sure ... this work, but itr/kind 3 in type 3 is a bit freaky :p)

what do u mean by freaky, coz I thought ik3 is "safer" than some other stuff (well there's the shadow problem that sometimes happens but that's minor).

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Well at the "standing"frames of that chaos flying animal thingy you need the itr/kind: 3 for that catching move... just like this(I already set the coordinates right, just like you discripted it^^)
      kind: 3  x: 100  y: 16  w: 10  h: 65  
catchingact: X X  caughtact: 1 1
you have to replace the catchingact X with a normal framenumber ofc^^

On frame X you'll need a cpoint like this...
      kind: 1  x: 105 y: 38
      vaction: 1  throwvz: -842150451  hurtable: 1 throwinjury: -842150451 decrease: 10
do NOT use state 9, this will move the cought-char probatly on the y-axis, better to use state: 15 since that disables that function...
this frame needs a wait: 0 and then a next to that tailmove you want(on the tailmove you don't need any cpoints, just code it normal like every other move)

The disadvantages on this methode are... if a char is doing a move and got cought then he immetadely returns to his standing frames
The cought char could move on the x-axis a bit while beeing cought, dunno how to slove that right

~hope this helped~
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that means i'll have alternate frames, one which lets the chao align itself to my character and another which allows it to attack?
regarding cpoint... do i need to have it in every frame or just the frame after the the enemy's caught by itr kind 3
and as for itr, is there a limit for the number of itr in a frame? because got the chao to react to the front and the back i will need 2 itr, or more if i were to add more attacks
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you need the cpoint only on 1 frame, theone chaos was led when the itr/kind: 3 has been activated... you can put the itr/kind: 3's on all frames you want, even them who have already an itr/kind: 8

the limit of itr/kind: 8 is around 4 or 5, I noticed that on my chiyo, I dunno if it's only itr/kind: 8 or on all itr's
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if i put the itr kind 8 and 3 together the chao doesn't seem to catch the enemy, it's as if the itr kind 3 doesn't work like azriel says it's overwritten.
i cant seem to make it catch on it's own without making it 'jump' using alternate frames and even after that the actions is buggy. guess i'll have to make do with more itr kind 8 that react to the character when it does certain actions
thx so much ppl
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