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[solved] Need help by changing colours
hey guys i am new here but i have play lf2 for a long time now so i want make new characters. but first i want to make a test char to see what happened so i have copy julians datas in a new ordner change all to the name gohst. now i have change the colour of the balls and other sprites.
i have change the images in .data´s too but then i play the char and the spezial atacks are in the normal colour if julians attaks. why???
what i have made wrong?
plz awnser me.
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okay first of all... welcome here ^^
can you show me what you have changed in the data?
please use ["code] [/code]" for this. without the " of course

and can you show me your data.txt too?
then i can help you
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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so, you edited the header things? good :)
now about the data: check the lines in data.txt. It should be something like.......
id: 60  type: 0  file: data\ghost\ghost.dat
or similar.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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ok first the data.txt
id:  0  type: 0  file: data\template.dat
id:  52  type: 0  file: data\julian.dat
id:  51  type: 0  file: data\firzen.dat
id:  50  type: 0  file: data\louisEX.dat
id:  38  type: 0  file: data\bat.dat
id:  39  type: 0  file: data\justin.dat
id:  37  type: 0  file: data\knight.dat
id:  36  type: 0  file: data\jan.dat
id:  35  type: 0  file: data\monk.dat
id:  34  type: 0  file: data\sorcerer.dat
id:  33  type: 0  file: data\jack.dat
id:  32  type: 0  file: data\mark.dat
id:  31  type: 0  file: data\hunter.dat
id:  30  type: 0  file: data\bandit.dat
id:  1  type: 0  file: data\deep.dat
id:  2  type: 0  file: data\john.dat
id:  4  type: 0  file: data\henry.dat
id:  5  type: 0  file: data\rudolf.dat
id:  6  type: 0  file: data\louis.dat
id:  7  type: 0  file: data\firen.dat
id:  8  type: 0  file: data\freeze.dat
id:  9  type: 0  file: data\dennis.dat
id: 10  type: 0  file: data\woody.dat
id: 11  type: 0  file: data\davis.dat
id: 12  type: 0  file: data\gohst.dat

id: 100  type: 1  file: data\weapon0.dat   #stick
id: 101  type: 1  file: data\weapon2.dat   #hoe
id: 120  type: 1  file: data\weapon4.dat   #knife
id: 121  type: 4  file: data\weapon5.dat   #baseball
id: 122  type: 6  file: data\weapon6.dat   #milk
id: 150  type: 2  file: data\weapon1.dat   #stone
id: 151  type: 2  file: data\weapon3.dat   #wooden_box
id: 123  type: 6  file: data\weapon8.dat   #beer
id: 124  type: 1  file: data\weapon9.dat   #<
id: 217  type: 2  file: data\weapon10.dat  #louis_armour
id: 218  type: 2  file: data\weapon11.dat  #louis_armour
id: 300  type: 5  file: data\criminal.dat  #criminal

id: 200  type: 3  file: data\john_ball.dat
id: 201  type: 1  file: data\henry_arrow1.dat
id: 202  type: 1  file: data\rudolf_weapon.dat
id: 203  type: 3  file: data\deep_ball.dat
id: 204  type: 3  file: data\henry_wind.dat
id: 205  type: 3  file: data\dennis_ball.dat
id: 206  type: 3  file: data\woody_ball.dat
id: 207  type: 3  file: data\davis_ball.dat
id: 208  type: 3  file: data\henry_arrow2.dat
id: 209  type: 3  file: data\freeze_ball.dat
id: 210  type: 3  file: data\firen_ball.dat
id: 211  type: 3  file: data\firen_flame.dat
id: 212  type: 3  file: data\freeze_column.dat
id: 213  type: 1  file: data\weapon7.dat   #ice_sword
id: 214  type: 3  file: data\john_biscuit.dat
id: 215  type: 3  file: data\dennis_chase.dat
id: 216  type: 3  file: data\jack_ball.dat
id: 219  type: 3  file: data\jan_chaseh.dat
id: 220  type: 3  file: data\jan_chase.dat
id: 221  type: 3  file: data\firzen_chasef.dat
id: 222  type: 3  file: data\firzen_chasei.dat
id: 223  type: 3  file: data\firzen_ball.dat
id: 224  type: 3  file: data\bat_ball.dat
id: 225  type: 3  file: data\bat_chase.dat
id: 226  type: 3  file: data\justin_ball.dat
id: 228  type: 3  file: data\julian_ball.dat
id: 229  type: 3  file: data\julian_ball2.dat
id: 230  type: 3  file: data\gohst_ball.dat
id: 231  type: 3  file: data\gohst_ball2.dat

id: 998  type: 5  file: data\etc.dat
id: 999  type: 5  file: data\broken_weapon.dat


id: 4    file: bg\sys\hkc\bg.dat
id: 2    file: bg\sys\lf\bg.dat
id: 3    file: bg\sys\sp\bg.dat
id: 5    file: bg\sys\gw\bg.dat
id: 6    file: bg\sys\qi\bg.dat
id: 7    file: bg\sys\ft\bg.dat
id: 8    file: bg\sys\bc\bg.dat
id: 1    file: bg\sys\cuhk\bg.dat
id: 0    file: bg\sys\thv\bg.dat
id: 10    file: bg\template\1\bg.dat
id: 11    file: bg\template\2\bg.dat
id: 12    file: bg\template\3\bg.dat

id: 100~199 drop weapon

now the gohst.dat
name: gohst
head: sprite\sys\gohst_f.bmp
small: sprite\sys\gohst_s.bmp
file(0-49): sprite\sys\gohst_0.bmp  w: 79  h: 99  row: 10  col: 5
file(50-63): sprite\sys\gohst_1.bmp  w: 109  h: 99  row: 7  col: 2
file(64-113): sprite\sys\gohst_2.bmp  w: 79  h: 99  row: 10  col: 5
walking_frame_rate 3
walking_speed 5.800000
walking_speedz 2.400000
running_frame_rate 3
running_speed 12.000000
running_speedz 1.500000
heavy_walking_speed 5.200000
heavy_walking_speedz 2.100000
heavy_running_speed 10.300000
heavy_running_speedz 1.300000
jump_height -17.299999
jump_distance 11.000000
jump_distancez 3.800000
dash_height -11.000000
dash_distance 19.000000
dash_distancez 5.000000
rowing_height -2.000000
rowing_distance 5.000000

now the gohst_ball.dat
file(0-7): sprite\sys\gohst_ball.bmp  w: 81  h: 82  row: 4  col: 4
weapon_hit_sound: data\090.wav
weapon_drop_sound: data\090.wav
weapon_broken_sound: data\090.wav

now the gohst_ball2.dat
file(0-7): sprite\sys\gohst_ball2.bmp  w: 109  h: 99  row: 4  col: 2    
file(8-11): sprite\sys\gohst_col.bmp  w: 199  h: 404  row: 4  col: 1
file(12-15): sprite\sys\gohst_col2.bmp  w: 159  h: 404  row: 4  col: 1
file(16-30): sprite\sys\gohst_exp.bmp  w: 159  h: 159  row: 5  col: 3
weapon_hit_sound: data\020.wav
weapon_drop_sound: data\020.wav
weapon_broken_sound: data\020.wav


thats it all i have changed.
and ty for the fast answer =)
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have you checked the oid-values?
every oid: 228 must be change to oid: 230 and the same for oid: 229 (=> 231)
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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i dont understand what i musst make ?
im german and i dont know what oid is hehe =)
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that's no excuse..
mainsite search first.
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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yeah it works thanks
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There's a "solved" button on this page for you, if you'll just click it...

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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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yes, please use the solved-button next time, spares some time.....
anyways, as this topic is solved, it should be moved to the appropriate forum...
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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