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Ramond's RPG Adventure v2.0
[Image: readordie.gif] [Image: readordie.gif] [Image: readordie.gif] [Image: readordie.gif] [Image: readordie.gif] [Image: readordie.gif] [Image: readordie.gif] [Image: readordie.gif] [Image: readordie.gif] [Image: readordie.gif]

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Also, this post is outdated. Visit the Book of Knowledge for more information.

Woohoo RPG Adventure is BACK on TRACK! Remember it on the old forums?
Here you go; this is RPG Adventure v1.02 - Remastered.

I've come up with an RPG (Role Playing Game) Adventure. It's a mixture of an Adventure where you can pick a choice of what you want to do and fight (like Arena). So who wants to join? I need people. (lol sure thing)

You can choose to be either class, but there may only be one person per role.

You get to know your stats:
In battle:

Hit Points (HP): How much damage you can get before becoming unconscious.
Mana Points (MP): How many spells you can cast. Refills constantly, but slowly.
Strength (STR): The more you have, the more you break through the enemies' physical defense.
Attack Power (ATK): How much physical damage you deal.
Defense (DEF): How much damage is reduced when physically hit.
Magical Defense (MDF): How much damage is reduced when magically hit.
Dexterity (DEX): How good you can evade attacks, and how often you hit enemies.
Intelligence (INT): How powerful the spells you cast are. The more you have, the more you break through the enemies' magical defense. More INT also means faster MP regeneration.
Agility (AGI): How early you attack.

Outer battle:

Strength (STR): Makes it possible to carry certain heavy equipment pieces.
Dexterity (DEX): How good you can pick locks, how successful you are with pickpocketing, among other things.
Intelligence (INT): How good you can persuade people and find ways out of bad situations.

Also, there are levels (LVL). You start at level 1 and need a certain amount of experience (EXP) to go on a level. After you level up, your stats increase, depending on your class.

Then you may choose to increase TWO DIFFERENT stats yourself:

HP: +4 (Warrior Bonus: +2, Paladin Bonus: +1)
MP: +2 (Sorcerer Bonus: +3, Wizard Bonus: +2, Paladin Bonus: +1)
STR: +1 (Warrior Bonus: +1, Paladin Bonus: +1)
ATK: +1 (Warrior Bonus: +2, Assassin Bonus: +1, Paladin Bonus: +1, Swordsmaster Bonus: +1)
DEF: +1 (Warrior Bonus: +1, Paladin Bonus: +1)
MDF: +1 (Sorcerer Bonus: +2, Wizard Bonus: +1)
DEX: +1 (Rogue Bonus: +2, Archer Bonus: +1, Swordsmaster Bonus: +1)
INT: +1 (Sorcerer Bonus: +1, Wizard Bonus: +1)
AGI: +2 (Rogue Bonus: +2, Archer Bonus: +1, Swordsmaster Bonus: +1)


First, the agility determines the sequence of the characters. If more characters have got the same amount of agility, the sequence between them is always random.
Then, after the chars before you have all chosen an action, it's your turn. In your turn you can choose between some actions (see below). After your turn, the sequence goes on and after the character with the least agility it starts from the char with the most agility again.

Attack: Physically attacks an enemy of your choice. (This is the standard action taken if the responsible player takes too long to post.)
Special Attack: You can choose between various attacks. All of them have something special. Costs MP.
Spell: You can choose a spell you've learned and cast it. Costs MP.
Item: You can use an item.
Defend: Increases the chance of avoiding the next attack on you for a round. If you're hit, damage is reduced.

(NEW!) Whether you hit is determined by adding a HIT Roll (goes from 1 - 20) to your DEX subtracting the enemy's AGI. If the number is greater than 0, you hit.

The damage is determined by adding a DMG Roll (goes from 0 - 10) to your ATK subtracting the enemy's DEF. If the number is greater than 0, you do this much physical (or elemental/magical, depending on your weapon) damage.

The magical damage from a spell (or sometimes Special Attack) is determined by adding a DMG Roll (goes from 0 - 15) to your spell's DMG subtracting the enemy's MDF. Then, depending on what kind of damage the spell does, if the enemy is immune to it, you do absolutely no damage. If he's resistant against it, you do only 50% damage, if he's weak against it, you do 50% more damage. If the number is greater than 0, you do this much damage of the damage type the spell does.
PS: Spells always hit (assuming the enemy doesn't do Defend). There's no HIT Roll to that.

When you get a DMG Roll 10, you have a chance on doing a critical hit. The CRI Roll (goes from 0 - 10) decides if you do. Depending on the weapon you carry, you need at least a specific number to do a critical hit.
If you have no weapon (punching), you need to do a 10.
Otherwise, the weapon's description will show how much you need (AT LEAST) that you do a critical hit.

How does the defend system work?
Well, if you char uses Defend, you have a chance of avoiding the next incoming attack or spell (DEF Modifier: 7 - DEX Modifier, 1-10).
If you roll higher than the DEF Modifier, you successfully avoided the attack. If you roll lower than the DEF Modifier, you only receive 50% of the damage.

(DEX Modifier is based on the char's Dexterity.)

If you all become unconscious, it's game over for you. At that point a new adventure begins.
Then you can either rejoin or let other people play

If all your enemies are defeated, you win the battle and can go on with the adventure.

Enemy stats will not be shown (except EXP points awarded and HP). But with an analysis spell you can check out different enemy stats. (NEW!)

Also, you have the "Book of Knowledge" with you, where you can see all your possessions, special attacks, spells and enemy stats.

Class info:

The warrior is a close-combat character with high strength to damage enemies physically a lot.

Using any one-handed weapon, the warrior gains ATK +3.
The Warrior also gets a critical hit chance when he DMG rolls a 9.(NEW!)

Average: DEX, MDF
Weakest: MP, INT, AGI

The sorcerer mostly casts spells which damage enemies, mainly elemental (Fire, Water/Ice, Earth, Wind). He cannot use light and dark spells.

Faster MP regeneration.
Even faster MP regeneration if holding a staff in his hands.

Best: MP, INT, MDF
Average: DEX, AGI
Weakest: HP, STR, ATK, DEF

The rogue's sneaky tactics mostly are neccessary to get past locked doors and stuff.

Using any kind of dagger, the rogue gains ATK +1 and DEX +1.
The Rogue also gets a critical hit chance when he uses a dagger and DMG rolls a 9.(NEW!)

Average: HP, STR, DEF, MDF
Weakest: MP, INT

Similar to the rogue, he uses sneaky tactics to get behind enemies and kill them short and painless.

Using any kind of dagger, the assassin gains ATK +3.
The Assassin also gets a critical hit chance when he uses a dagger and DMG rolls a 9.(NEW!)

Average: INT, DEF
Weakest: HP, MP, MDF

He is similar to the sorcerer, but he uses spells which heal and cure team members. He can also cast holy spells.

Faster MP regeneration.
Even faster MP regeneration if holding a staff in his hands.

Best: MP, INT
Average: HP, DEX, AGI, INT
Weakest: STR, DEF, ATK

A person who mainly uses ranged attacks to hurt his opponents.

Using any kind of bow (including crossbows), the archer gains ATK +3 and DEX +2.
The Archer also gets a critical hit chance when he uses a (cross-)bow and DMG rolls a 9.(NEW!)

Average: HP, STR, DEF
Weakest: MP, INT, MDF

A warrior fighting for the side of light.

Using any kind of blunt weapon, the paladin gains ATK +3.
Fighting any kind of undead enemy, the paladin deals increased damage.
The Paladin also gets a critical hit chance when he uses a blunt weapon and DMG rolls a 9. If he uses a blunt weapon against an undead enemy, he also gets a critical hit chance when he rolls a 8.(NEW!)

Average: HP, INT, MDF, AGI
Weakest: MP, DEX

Swordsmaster: (NEW!)
A warrior who is specifically trained and skilled with swords.

Using any kind of sword, the swordsmaster gains ATK +3, DEX +1 and AGI +1.
He can carry two swords instead of weapon and shield. Thus, attacking twice. (Though, the off-hand weapon only has a HIT Roll reaching from 5 - 15.)

Average: HP, STR, DEF
Weakest: MP, MDF, INT


(an example of in-game can be found HERE)
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
Thanks given by: John Fighterli , AmadisLFE , MangaD
you could make a new class that relies purely on strength: they carry around hammers to attack
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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Do you join? If yes then specify class.
Yes more classes will be revealed as you travel along.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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i join as archer!
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I join as a Sorcerer!
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"Do not grieve, it is logical. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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Um...I have one more qustion, can we change our class in between the game anytime?
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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@sadbhav: No it would kinda screw up the storyline of the game... (the reason why you should choose carefully in the beginning!)

Guys you *might* wanna subscribe to this thread to be kept informed about updates ;)

EDIT: By the way. Game starts when we have 3 players so it might be soon.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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joining as paladin
EDIT--can we take advantage of our surroundings, say, pick up a rock and throw it at the enemy?

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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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@Drahcir: Well didn't think of that yet. Let me see...


(always look for this if you're willing to see your recent stats and items and and and... you know what I mean)
Page 1: Stats

Drahcir - Paladin
Level: 1
EXP: 0/100
HP: 75/75 - (75)
MP: 5/5 - (5)
STR: 20 - (20)
ATK: 30 - (30)
DEF: 24 - (20)
MDF: 15 - (15)
DEX: 10 - (10)
INT: 15 - (15)
AGI: 20 - (20)

Weapon -
Armor - Leather Armor (DEF +3)
Shield -
Helmet -
Gloves -
Boots - Leather Boots (DEF +1)
Accessoir -

Special Attacks/Spells:


Bamboori - Archer
Level: 1
EXP: 0/100
HP: 60/60 - (60)
MP: 0/0 - (0)
STR: 15 - (15)
ATK: 25 - (25)
DEF: 19 - (15)
MDF: 5 - (5)
DEX: 30 - (30)
INT: 10 - (10)
AGI: 30 - (30)

Weapon -
Armor - Leather Armor (DEF +3)
Shield -
Helmet -
Gloves -
Boots - Leather Boots (DEF +1)
Accessoir -

Special Attacks:


SirFrog - Sorcerer
Level: 1
EXP: 0/100
HP: 45/45 - (45)
MP: 50/50 - (50)
STR: 5 - (5)
ATK: 10 - (10)
DEF: 12 - (10)
MDF: 25 - (25)
DEX: 20 - (20)
INT: 30 - (30)
AGI: 25 - (25)

Weapon -
Armor - Cloak (DEF +1)
Shield -
Helmet -
Gloves -
Boots - Leather Boots (DEF +1)
Accessoir -



Blue Phoenix - Assassin
Level: 1
EXP: 0/100
HP: 40/40 - (40)
MP: 5/5 - (5)
STR: 20 - (20)
ATK: 25 - (25)
DEF: 19 - (15)
MDF: 5 - (5)
DEX: 25 - (25)
INT: 15 - (15)
AGI: 25 - (25)

Weapon -
Armor - Leather Armor (DEF +3)
Shield -
Helmet -
Gloves -
Boots - Leather Boots (DEF +1)
Accessoir -

Special Attacks:


Page 2: Items

1x Cloak (1): Gives you 1 extra DEF.
3x Leather Armor (3): Gives you 3 extra DEF. Requires at least 10 STR.

4x Leather Boots (4): Gives you 1 extra DEF.


Page 3: Spells
Spark (8 MP):
Creates a small flame which is shot at your enemy.
Does around 15 fire damage.


Page 4: Status Effects
This page is empty.


Page 5: Enemy Database
This page is empty.


Page 6: Quest Logbook (NEW!)
This page is empty.


Looks like we can start soon enough. Sending PMs requesting ready status.

And to all the other people: Anybody can join during the game. Just state your (wanted) class and say you want to be in.

Free slots: Warrior, Rogue, Wizard
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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Well, you forced me so I'll join.

Assassin's right here :D
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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