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"Guys?", Raideen asks, seemingly surprised and alarmed. "What's the matter? You seeing things?"
Nevertheless he follows them and looks around carefully. Too bad his seeing abilities are not the best. He's gotta rely on the others...
03:28 [BluePhoenix] sleep is for weakling.
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The entire group still only acting very passive, Alblaka decided to take the first chance:
HUHU! Anybody out there who wants to ambush us?
Version 1.10 out now!
Version 1.02 out now!
Version 1.22 out now!
Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
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01-27-2009, 09:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2009, 09:26 PM by Evil Sonidow.)
Music: Fighting
The party heard a voice: "You've done a huge mistake coming here, humans! This forest belongs to us, and now you die here!"
(( Here is how movement works: each square counts as 5 feet. Two consecutive diagonals count as 15 feet though. You can only walk the amount of your speed in your sheets (unless you charge, for example).
You are entitled to one standard action and one move action per turn. ))
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Hearth quietly hears the bugbear speak, moving quickly. "Sorry, but I don't plan on dying."
((Move action: Hearth moves 5 to the left and 2 up. With the diagonals, this equals exactly 30 feet.))
((Standard action: Hearth attacks the javelin bugbear 6 with his unarmed strike.))
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Drahcir ran at one of the bugbears and smashed his halberd down on its head.
Move--5 squares down (or 6, depends on how you count)
Standard--attack Javelin bugbear 4 with halberd
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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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01-28-2009, 03:40 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-28-2009, 03:41 AM by Evil Sonidow.)
(( Drahcir, you've exceeded your movement. You have 2 choices: I can count it as a charge attack (+2 to your attack, -2 to your AC, armor class), or you can attack the one to your left diagonal and don't get any bonuses or penalties. ))
"The only ones dying here will be you!" Sonidow rushed to attack the same bugbear as Hearth.
(( Move action: 6 to the left. ))
(( Standard action: power attack. -2 to attack, +4 to damage (2 handed weapon). ))
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I'll attack the one to the left, then.
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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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01-28-2009, 01:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-28-2009, 01:38 PM by Ramond.)
"Ah, encounter! Maybe" - directed to Alblaka - "maybe you shouldn't have said that."
Upon seeing them surrounded he decides to pull out his longsword and follow Drahcir.
Moving: down-left down-left (15 ft.), down (5 ft.).
Standard: (What can I doexcept power attack?)
(still typical that I, with just small movement capabilities, start off in the center, surrounded by teammates  )
03:28 [BluePhoenix] sleep is for weakling.
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Pell moves towards the Bugbear with his kama raised, in silence to the difference to most of his comrades.
(( Move action: two squares right and one square diagonally top right ))
(( Standard action: attack "Bugbear (Morningstar) 3" with my kama ))
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(WUT! It even plays like the D&D Board Game i have XD Only with diagonal moving LOL)
Move: 2 left and 1 up (not more)
Action: Casting Magic Missile against Bugbear (funny name) 3
Alblaka quickly moved behind his teammates to prevent from getting caught in melee fights and began to cast a quick attack spell.
Version 1.10 out now!
Version 1.02 out now!
Version 1.22 out now!
Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
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