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[CHAR] LutiChris [character continued] - supposed to represent the maker
(02-12-2009, 12:56 AM)KaywonnJuto Wrote:  They are ok...
too simple...
I like the 2nd and 5th one (very original)
but they are all simple...
when u copy and paste just outline the copyed sprite
and go over it...
mess around with it...
still work on the ones I have mentioned though...
keep it up ;)
i dont copy and paste at all...
<a target="_blank" href="">My_Sprites.bmp (255 KB)</a>
My_Sprites.bmp (255 KB)
<a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0" width="380" height="229" alt="My_Sprites.bmp (255 KB)" /></a>
[Image: My_Sprites.jpg]
i did it! I finally did it!
[Image: My_Sprites.jpg]
the 2nd one was done in photofiltre
the 5th was done in paint
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Guys, 2-3 sites in 1 hour. Is that really necessary?
fighter662, don't take offense but most of your posts are spam and... it would be great if you could continue your small talk via private messages. Thank You
Thanks given by: Apocalipsis , Silverthorn , LutiChris
have to agree with kaywonn.
still nedds more editing. but as u said ur new here and never draw on comp.
but u will devinitly emprove.
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
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Yeah lol he really did... :D
(ehm* thanks to me)
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Ugh,Yeah -
What should i do?
edit it more?
Make it LF2 style?
or is it already LF2 styled?
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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(02-12-2009, 06:02 PM)LutiChris Wrote:  Make it LF2 style?
or is it already LF2 styled?
If you wanna see some lf2-like chars, you should check out this thread:
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Here is my tutuial if anyone wants to know...
[Image: quicktutorialonbasicspriting_Derrick_by_k1.jpg]
hope you learn from it... :D
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but the guy shouldnt be facing towards you, more like looking to the right =>
other then that its alright, just dont use completely black colours cause that is seen as transperant in lf2
(i was talking to LutiChris)
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LOL for a moment I thought you were talking to me... :D
yeah - he should...
Does anybody like my tuturial?
I could post it for some reason on the "Tuturial Threads" for some reason
I hope Blue Phoenix fixes it soon...
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u already showed me that :) (i guess just showing everybody how to do it?)
I wanted to do a free hand draw so here is my new one (looks a bit weird)
[Image: me_LutiChris3.gif]
also did a new one for the detailed one
old-[Image: me_LutiChris1.gif]here is difference-[Image: me_LutiChris2.gif]new
there is big difference one on top is 100% free hand
and the next one is my really good one from copies
I actually do have big arms in real life :)
Here is what I think the best I have done so far...
[Image: me_LutiChris5.gif]
like it? this was my freehand 50% ( I reduced the face but it's still 100% mine anyway :D)
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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