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[solved] to balls that hit each other but then you click attack to win.
OK at the moment i am working on a DBZ mod, now i have made the attack called kamahamaha. the problem is that i want to create something so that when two kamahamahas are shot at each other, that you have to click attack to win. you will understand if you have played DBZ games before any solutions.
[Image: variaboss.png]
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From what I THINK you're saying, the best method to do something similar is to include a link back to the first frame of the technique whenever you hit the attack button so jamming it faster will get a repetition of the attack faster. However, I'm not sure if LF2 can support only that happening whenever two attacks collide, and it would enable it to happen under normal circumstances too.
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if the kamehame-ha is just like firzens ball this should work:
normaly opoint out alot of normal state: 3000 balls just like firzen does, and then if you press attack you go to a frame on which you summon a ball with state 3006 and then loop back to the normal frames, the state 3006 part should look completly like the normal ones, same damage, etc.
so if you press attack, the state 3006 ball will destroy your enemys state 3000 ball thingys and you'll win the clash... but if the enemy is going to press attack ,too, then the stronger balls will neutralise each others... so theone who presses attack the fastest will summon the most balls with state: 3006 and finnaly win

i think that's a solution for your problem...
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oh thanks it worked, thank you TheNave.
[Image: variaboss.png]
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But this state 3006-ball will crash through everything and will damage all enemys in a row...

I would recommend Ruduen's idea:
Pressing A makes you spawning the balls faster. Therefore, you have at the opoint-frame a wait: 3 and next: xy and a hit_a: xy
Then it would look, like the one ray would push the other one away...

And you could do some itr:8-works to add additional light effects if one ball gets hit by another. Then it wwould look more like an Energy Duel...
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Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
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(02-21-2009, 07:06 PM)Alblaka Wrote:  But this state 3006-ball will crash through everything and will damage all enemys in a row...

I would recommend Ruduen's idea:
Pressing A makes you spawning the balls faster. Therefore, you have at the opoint-frame a wait: 3 and next: xy and a hit_a: xy
Then it would look, like the one ray would push the other one away...

And you could do some itr:8-works to add additional light effects if one ball gets hit by another. Then it wwould look more like an Energy Duel...
yeh, should work better than my methode... I also got smthing different which I did on another dbz mod... but I'm to lazy to explain that now... it would look like this: [Image: gokukamehamehaclash.gif]
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Nice work...
Even when the right ray should be closer to Goku's hands XD
My Creations: (Click to View)

Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

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wow that looks really good i want an effect like that. so can u explain it more simplier i dont understand?
[Image: variaboss.png]
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IT is maybe same as i already told you:
With hit_a=beginning frame you will be able to "accelerate" the attack, so the "front line" between rays will push towards enemy. And if you make the ball's noticing each other on contact with itr:8, you can make them changing theire image to something like in that animation above...
My Creations: (Click to View)

Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

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ok got it i think. well can someone explain it more clearly like the hit_a does it go to the character or the ball?
[Image: variaboss.png]
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