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[Char] Arcanis
Time that I comment some stuff:

Since you want him to have arcane/mental magic, I'd take anothe colour for that stars.

This colour
or maybe
this one
would fit better...
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There´s just a little problem, I mdae the stars with the same colour as the amulett and that wouldn´t look similar
[Image: Link.jpg]
| Arcanis | Dome | Kai [-finished-] | Drawings |
Avatar was made by LutiChris

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John has a red amulet and his magic is purple
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That´s right but you don´t realy see that he uses his amulett. And purple/ red are not that far away like red/blue,green.
[Image: Link.jpg]
| Arcanis | Dome | Kai [-finished-] | Drawings |
Avatar was made by LutiChris

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Just try it :P

[Image: 1punchud3.png]
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Well, There won´t be just stars, I´ll make balls and much other stuff and I think the red just fit in best there, but I can try it if you want :>
[Image: Link.jpg]
| Arcanis | Dome | Kai [-finished-] | Drawings |
Avatar was made by LutiChris

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I'd prefer red, to get a bit more contrast feeling. If you're a blue guy and your attacks are also blue... I don't think that that would look good. My opinion :P
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That would be a reason too, and green wouldn´t realy fit with blue I think but thanks anyways lauli :>
[Image: Link.jpg]
| Arcanis | Dome | Kai [-finished-] | Drawings |
Avatar was made by LutiChris

active again.
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What green?

Well, maybe you should give the colour a little bit more colour (lol?) so that it won't looks so dark-grey-red... Or maybe that was just the JPEG quality.

@BP: What about davis, deep and dennis then? :P
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Contrasts are good if you know how to use them.
Too much and it makes your eyes hurt.
Too little and the color scheme looks boring.
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