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The Slow Quiz
True it's true
Thanks given by:
SirFrog is correct. It's falso.

Blue Phoenix - 30
sadbhav - 12
Cirno - 10
Lauli - 9
Drahcir - 2
NightElb - 2
SirFrog - 2
Dome - 1
Handertaker - 1
Hypermodder - 1
Joker - 1
RectumHoward - 1
vktewari - 1
Zanshin - 1

Question 39 (2 points):
The dominant of D# (D-sharp) is which note?

Bonus Question 38 (2 points):
Name one song by Radiohead which does not contain lyrics.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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Should be A# if I remember correctly about the definition of the dominant :P

Radiohead - In Rainbows?
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Rright. Blue-Phoenix, but no, In Rainbows is Radiohead's latest album, not a song :p

Blue Phoenix - 32
sadbhav - 12
Cirno - 10
Lauli - 9
Drahcir - 2
NightElb - 2
SirFrog - 2
Dome - 1
Handertaker - 1
Hypermodder - 1
Joker - 1
RectumHoward - 1
vktewari - 1
Zanshin - 1

Question 40 (3 points):
3 whole numbers add up to 49.
The largest of these 3 numbers squared minus the smallest number squared is smaller by 97 than the middle number squared.
At least one of the three numbers is a prime number.

Solve/Evaluate all of the numbers.

Bonus Question 38 (2 points):
Name one song by Radiohead which does not contain lyrics.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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1, 2 & 46 ^^''
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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What? No
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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15 , 16 , 18 -.-"
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None of them is a prime number...

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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Ok. Probably you don't have any clue ;)

Blue Phoenix - 32
sadbhav - 12
Cirno - 10
Lauli - 9
Drahcir - 2
NightElb - 2
SirFrog - 2
Dome - 1
Handertaker - 1
Hypermodder - 1
Joker - 1
RectumHoward - 1
vktewari - 1
Zanshin - 1

Question 40,5 (1 point):
Name three rivers that flow in Russia.

Bonus Question 38 (2 points):
Name one song by Radiohead which does not contain lyrics.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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uhh.. is this quiz still going? if yes.. then: Volga, Don, Kama

[Image: jpvgcj.jpg]

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