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[Mod] Little Sticks 2
He'll release it when he wants to... >_> Tell your brother to wait.

Like I said before, awesome work :D

Though I wanna see how the backgrounds are going to look like. Are they going to be really simple and filled with black, white and shades of grey, or are they going to be all pretty and colourful (wouldn't really fit the style, but anyway...)
~Member of the NTSD team~
[Image: sigk.png]
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Hmm... Thought it would be a disaster and such...

But those gifs look pretty good. Expecially the Ultimate Fire Shot.

Keep on the good work!
LF sweet LF.
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dubbleD Wrote:add like some spark from the barrel of the gun to make it look like its shooting and not swinging it out of the gun maybe?

Also, empty bullet-shells would be cool too.
Like that; more or less.
[Image: phil_jump.gif]
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meh, it's to difficult, I could make it on stage if I use state 80XX and let them transform into coloured versions but then again this won't really work because I'm already using some other transformation stuff with 80XX...

kk, will add sparks now

be paitent, I'll relase it when I've made atleast 5 different chars...

Everything will be black and white... the special effects are the only coloured things in the game...
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hmm, don't you think that making the backgrounds a little more grayish instead of pure black would be better? It'd increase the visibility of the figures a lot ;)
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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that was only a fast test... made it in 2 mins...
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Then show us how you wanted it to look like. :P
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im i think i gonno wait for it to finish because im excited i love stickmans :D:D:D
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LoL , my eye is blinding when i see black adn white BG! Can you make some kay nvm but i like the mod the screen is leting me know how is the game goin on!

Keep it up!
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/superdudperubercrazynessoftheface O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O

WOW THIS IS THE BEST! I CANT WAIT TO DL IT! Its so good. I love stick figure fights, now i get to BE them!! woot woot. i was never good at making pivot stick figure animations! WOW
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