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[solved] Sinow Rappy's Pet Method
Sinow Rappy's pet theory is widely used in mods to create, well puppets :D. However, I've searched both the mainsite and the forums, and I haven't been able to locate a tutorial explaining his pet method. I know it has something to do with Jan's healing angels, but the theory isn't really explained in this forum.

Does anyone have a link to where I can find the original tutorial Sinow posted? Or would anyone care to explain :D?

Sorry for the short post,

~Solomon Leung
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Well, I know how it works, and I've used it often already... but I'm not good in explaining, I can explain you the basics thought... well it's like, a ball which is always following you, same like jan's healing angle, but on a very high y-value, so that it doesn't reacte with his body and heals him... ofc the centery is algined so that it still seems like the ball would be on the ground... and then there is an ik8 in that ball, which react with a body in every frame of your character, this ik8 brings the ball to a "standing"-frame, on which it doesn't move, that frame sticks at the character with the ik8, but the "next" still goes to the flying frames which follow your char.... so, when your character moves, the ik8 doesn't stick at his body anylonger and then the next is activated and the ball starts following you...
then you need to know how to turn the ball around, you need a second special bdy in your char, but it's somehow too complicated for me to explain it, my english isn't that good, but I hope somebody else can explain it for ya

oh and about the summoning, the character goes high into the air(and leaves a "clone" at the ground, so there won't be missing sprites) then he summons a normal heal angle, which will react with your char, and on the frames on which that "blue healing effects" apear, the actually "flying"-frames begin...
so your character will be healed at first, but that is unavoidable
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How does the ball follow you in the 'flying' frames, and you only and not anyone else? Does it use the 'hit_Fa:' function teamed up with state: 18? If so, why can't the ball turn around ('hit_Fa:' function allows turning...)?

Sorry for the short post,
Please respond...

~Solomon Leung
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jan's heal angels only work on the targeted teammates. so, when u opoint it, u have a pause frame where you allow yourself to be healed, and via ik8, delete all the other spawned "angels".

In the angels healing "hit" frames (dvx from ik8 heal), make another ik8 which leads to the pet frames.

in your char, have a bdy in the summon-pet-move's frames at this 2nd ik8's level, and also in the standing frames (for the facing change).

In all other frames, the pet will follow you LIKE a hit_Fa: 1, but you do NOT put any hit_Fa: in the data. that's coz it's programmed in the source code that way.

simplest way I can put it really. Sinow worked out the -ve gravity values. At least, I won't know how that works (never tried it myself but that's the theory)

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So does this mean that I don't have to put 'anchoring body' frames all over my character? According to your explanation, the angel should follow you automatically.

Also, can the pet do certain moves when you do certain things (i.e. can the pet do one move when you do D>A, and another move when you do D^J, etc.)?

Sorry for the short post,
Please Respond...

~Solomon Leung
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Yes to which question? TheNave said that I have to put itr/kind 8 body frames all over my character. He also said I needed special bodies to be put in order to make the Pet 'turn' in its follow.

If the Pet simply follows you around, how can you get it to do any special moves? Itr/kind 8 wouldn't really work, because the pet would not stay behind you at a set distance.

Sorry for the short post,
Please Respond...

~Solomon Leung
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can't u just try it out?

the ball will chase ur char, attempting to align its x and z coordinate to your char's x and z coordinate (centerx/y). you only paste bdys (in your char) in
a) the frames u want the pet to stand still on ur char
b) the frames u want the pet to go a specific attacking frame.

in ALL other frames, if you run away somewhere, the ball will chase you like Dennis' chase ball. let's say you're in a drinking frame with no bdy for the pet's ik8 to detect. it will zoom through u (assuming it's fast enough), and when it's past u, it slows down, turns around and flies back. It will keep decelerating each pass, until it stops.

the bdy in the char serves just to stop the thing immediately if desired (so you'd use a really small bdy).

in the ball (pet), if you want it to do attacks, it's just like any other ball with multiple ik8s. just put a bdy in the char at different levels to activate different ik8s, which activate different dvx-es, and so attacks can be made by the ball.

I'm going to stop answering questions now.

Never ever ever ever ever again use "Sorry for the short post". in my sleep deprived state, I feel rather hostile to things like that that don't add any meaning to anything.

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Ok, thanks. Problem solved. I'm gonna stop ending my short posts with "Sorry for the short post" (no need to get mad, though :D).

~Solomon Leung
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