(05-31-2008, 01:51 PM)Lauli Wrote: Every single character has a itr/kind: 8 and a bdy in the jumping frames with the exact same values, but every character has different values.
The itr/kind: 8 makes the character delete. So if there are two characters with the same values both will be deleted.
Don't make the character delete, make the character jump to a different frame(call it frame A) to summoning an invisible ball (with state 3005)(call it ball A) with itr/kind: 8(call it ik8 A) and different bdy(call it bdy A) that can hurt a ball summoned by stage.dat and give it timer like hit_a: 2 and hit_d: 500 and give disappearing and rebounding frame with wait: 1 and next: 1000, in the first phase in the stage.dat make stage.dat only summon a different invisible ball (call it ball B)with state: 3005, bdy A, ik8 A, wait: 1, timer like hit_a: 2 and hit_d: 500 and give disappearing and rebounding frame with wait: 1 and next: 1000, and hit frame with wait: 1 and next: (your message frame), and make message frame with pic: (your message pic), state 9998, wait: 500, next: 0, different bdy(call it bdy B) and the next phase of stage.dat is summoning an object.
So, if you play two or more same char the same char goes to frame A and summoning ball A, and the stage.dat will summon ball B, and ball A hurts ball B and ball B will jump into hit frame and next to your message frame with message pic and stage.dat will not summoning an object because the enemy(ball B) not dead or disappearing and so, the stage will be stopped.
If you play a different char (example: John and Davis), the itr/kind: 8 and different bdy doesn't work because the y of itr/kind: 8 and bdy of John and Davis is not same and the timer of ball B is over and the ball B disappearing, so the stage is still running.
If you play VS, Battle or Championship mode the message doesn't appear, because in VS, Battle or Championship mode don't have stage.dat and the timer of ball A is over and disappearing, so.... the message doesn't appear and VS, Battle or Championship mode is still running.