We're not talking about the weapon_drinking frames here.
1 tip to the OP: Keep the frames in which the bottle is held short to minimalize the chance of enemies hitting you and you dropping the bottle, or add something like the itr
from Henry's Sonata of Death to your frames.
Edit: Ok, I'll summarize for you how to create a move like this.
Frame 1: entirely up to you. Give it a higher wait if you want to 'charge-up' before your move or give it a wait: 0 if you want to continue the move right away.
Frame 2: opoint kind:2 the beer bottle. Use something like x: 0, y: -1000 if you want the bottle to be out of sight.
Frame 3: Use a weaponact with the same coördinates and give your frame state: 17. Either link this frame to itself with next: 0 and add a hit_d: to frame #4 or use next: to frame #4.
Frame 4: Use weaponact: 1000 in a wpoint in this frame to get rid of the bottle and draw some nice pictures to end your move.
-You can expand frame #3 to multiple frames if you want to give your character some nice effects during the move (e.g. opointing Henry's wind to create a shield).
-You can do anything you want with from frame #4 onwards.
-Use low wait: values so the frame can easily repeat itself - the beer bottle recovers only a very small amount of mp every time.
-Use a hit_a: tag in frame #4 to frame #2 so one can continue the move as long as that person presses A.