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[Char] Scorpion (supposed to represent the maker)
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[Image: calloutScorpionANIM.gif]
[Image: standUPw00t.gif]
[Image: sup0r_punch.gif]
[Image: run_attack.gif]
[Image: look_closly.gif]
[Image: wheredoibelong.gif]

Original post:

I made some "Scorpion" Sprites, hehe ^^

[Image: HOLY_DIVER.png]

lol i didn't made a gif o_O

I changed only the T-Shirt color, cause i like the normal LouisEX

There are two versions the first with a bigger tail (from hiruko)
... And the second with a smaller one (from sasori)

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Shock These are nice!! (I prefer the first version BTW)

Maybe you could change the stance a little bit to make him look a little bit more beast-ish:

[Image: iori%20orochi.gif]

And also, I'd remove the dark outlines from the tail...
(maybe also change his skin colour a bit and make his clothes look more torn etc. to let him look even more badass)
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I prefer the first one, it just looks more like a scorpion, Scorpion :P

The only thing you should work on is a motion blur, see the last sprite in the 1st version is quite pixelated. Blurring/Smudging is a really nice thing to use there ;)

I just realized that you were a few secs faster than I was in replying =P
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Agree to Lauli; first version and remove the black lines...
[Image: random.php?pic=random]
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this reminds me of sasori from naruto is that where you got the idea?
btw i like the 1st version
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MH-Razen Wrote:Agree to Lauli; first version and remove the black lines...
Oh ... erm why to remove them Shock but ok i'll try
plankton Wrote:this reminds me of sasori from naruto is that where you got the idea?
Yeah, you're right :)
Quote:Maybe you could change the stance a little bit to make him look a little bit more beast-ish
Thats not easy Shock don't know which sprite frame i shell took for it :confused:
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take the injured-pics, there Louis(EX) is already in a crooked position ;)
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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lol v2 looks like a louis with a blue devil tail XD
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Scorpion Wrote:
MH-Razen Wrote:Agree to Lauli; first version and remove the black lines...
Oh ... erm why to remove them Shock but ok i'll try
only on the inside area of the sprite - because lf2 sprites just dont have outlinings inside the sprite area
(the trident for example is only outlined when it borders the black background, never above louis)

select the outline of the sprite - invert it - then select everything 'black' and colorize it to a dark brown or sth of the like

and i would change the head/hair/eyes/something to make it not look like louis
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The first one is great, the second one looks weak to meh!

Try out silvas and yinyins effect: 6-exe-file!
Would be cool if he'd had poison-moves!^^
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