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[char]Reid Hershel
have made another game character:D.
i want to release it but i can't access to post a new thread in release section-_-
so i decide to post it here as a project too.
my 1st step of tales of LFII(hopefully).
to download it/my Reid Hershel, click HERE
EDIT: sry, the screenies have some error.
and for Alblaka, now you can notice the move by its audio;)
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sorry but
what kind of attacks does he have?
and the screenies are no screenies it's just him performing a move
pls more description
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another screenies:
his Hi-Ougi:
Farah doing twin palm strike, and Reid doing rising phoenix:
Reid spiral attack:
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this looks much better
Gonna test it later maybe
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Urgh, tired of seeing those same sprites over and over again.

My projects:
=> Comet - LF2 ver.1.9/1.9c skin.
=> CRE - ComboRegenerativeEnemy.

Contact me if the links to my projects become unavailable.
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what do you mean same sprite? those explosion? yeah u know i can't sprite, so i just take sprite and recode it.
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