06-06-2009, 02:26 PM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2009, 02:28 PM by Simoneon.)
MH Wrote:poison
So here I am with my thoughts...
The main idea of my poison is that ball with state: 400 chasing enemy, and decreasing enemy lifes at (for ex.) every 10 seconds (with centerx +120). It could be done with itrk: 0 or itrk: 3, but there're some problems that will occure:
Everyone will see shadow of that ball.
The ball with state: 400 can chase other enemy instead of that poisoned...
The first problem can be solved by simple way: change that ball id:.
The other problem can be solved with itrk: 8, but then, more problems will occure.
So my question: is there any way to avoid that second problem without more problems?
I prefer to play in vs mode 1vs1, then You'll true poison! :P
BTW, it could look much cooler if You infect caught character, but hey, it doesn't matter... I think... :P
And one more thing: You need to wait, and then it'll poison :P
06-07-2009, 01:38 AM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2009, 11:21 AM by HappyHouR.)
(06-06-2009, 08:56 PM)Simoneon Wrote: Yes I thought that, but this solution is better: change ID (bat_ball for ex.)
Now only 2nd problem is bugging me..
i found a better way but i used hit Fa: 12 for the ball chase and state 9997 for no shadow & dosnt get destroy . bla wait 300 =10 sec itr injury 10 . u could thought about too or u did?
actionsball.dat (Size: 13.12 KB / Downloads: 570)
dont know if that what you really wanted but i guess its good enough. last frame in the ball does the poisoning. the rest is just testing stuff.
also i tried to shake the effect using second character in same team pass right where the poison is and it didnt chase that guy that passed through infect character. btw after the character falled its went to the next close character so its bit of problem.
an idea. green sprite for poison thing like the character look infect or so.
another idea for the first problem.. you could make an "poisened effect" sprite for it... something like an skull or something..
than an skull flies around the char.. this has 2 advantages:
1. you don't have to change the id and don't have to use happyhour's method
2. you can easily see who is poisened and who is not.
well if you combine this with happyhour's method.. it should be solved
nice idea, pal!
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday
Actually, try having a state:3005 ball with a hit_Fa: or itr:kind:8 for the chasing stuff, and have itr:kind:3 put them in a frame where they "grab" the poison as a weapon or something...
But then that will cause 2 problems:
a)You'll need to delete the burning smoke effect.
b)The poison might hurt other people as well as the intended target, possibly allies.
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I thought all those ways, but this poison (look at first post) effect was simplest, 'cuz of id: and other thingies.
Now can someone tell me how to avoid 2 problem?
I know one way: add to all chars special bdy (not same for everyone) and then add itr kind: 8 to poison ball. The only problem is that there can't be much itr's in one frame...
So yeah, need answer how to make that poison just on one enemy?
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I thought i too post my poison effect in a new thread but the forum don't let me it says a message like this:
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