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Where did your Username come from?
i got it from my friends... they saw it some cartoon....
later i found out that my nick and my real name have same meening
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My name came randomly. I was making a char for RS ... anyway my mind was blank and the well thought of Enemy... Enemy - kinda lame... So i went for 3rd Enemy (1st and 2nd were open, but just liked the 3rd :D, and yeah it was like 2-3 years back)
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I find it fun to play one on one with bandits and beat them up so thats how i came up with Bandit-Crusher.:D
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Jerkington comes from my real name: jere=jerkington.
XIII because i was (exactly) 13 years and 1 day old.
Just waiting for the audio tags to become a thing
>My other musical "masterpieces"<
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My username is the reverse of my real name + z: Duy Truong => Truongdzuy
My Release Project (Click to View)
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I lov Chocolate!
I love Chocolate! :D

[Image: rezi.png]

Rezi Will Kick your BUTT! :D
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Well there's a story as to how my user name came to be "Alex V.Sharp": 8)

"Alex" is a shorter version of my full name "Aleksandar" (eng. Alexander) I used since old games could not fit more then 5-7 letters for a player. ;)

"Sharp" used to be "Sharpeye". My sister suggested it once when I located a small scooter screw that fell off while she was playing. I found it within a minute on a very wide and dusty street with one look (just lucky, I guess), so she said I have "sharp eyes" which I associated with the "Sharpshooter" unit from "Heroes of Might and Magic 3". I begun calling myself "Alex Sharpeye", referring to my favorite archer unit and shooter game skills. Couple of years later I used the computer's "read out loud" to hear how my name sounds and the PC pronounced it completely wrong! It begun to bug me, so I started using only "Sharp". cool

The "V" in the middle actually stands for "Vulpine" (Middle English, from Latin vulpinus, from vulpes = fox; perhaps akin to Greek alōpēx = fox) which refers to my favorite animal. Since there were A LOT OF "Alex Sharp"-s I had to make mine more unique, and guess what? None of them have a middle user name like I do! :)
[Image: 79aec8f57054ce98dba10bbdbd570b2487160e17...d72f6g.jpg]

Stuff that usually go in a sig: Quick Links! (Click to View)
Project frontier. Lost all my hope, yet still keeping it about! ;) (Click to View)
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As a kid I was reading a lot of books... I was reading about Egypt and I really liked their culture. Especially I liked the Egyptian gods and legends about them. So I was reading about god called Anubis and I liked him the most of all gods. Name ''Lord'', it came up from my dreams. I never dreamed that I was a king(or some kind of princess:D)... I was always the knight or lord. And you got my name now: Lord Anubis
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