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[solved] NTSD II Platforming System
HAR HAR :D, I bet either Nave or Zxcv knew this was coming, huh?

I really want to know how the NTSD II platforming system works. As everyone acknowledges, platforming was never truly perfected before (even with itr/kind 8), and when I ran a search on a couple of ideas imagined before, the only real, working system complete with tutorial was Lauli's idea (which was a simple "perching" rock allowing absolutely no movement :D).

So, without further ado:


How is LF2 platforming actually accomplished as in the mod NTSD II?


Sidenote: Humor me, tell me if any of the following five-minute guesses are right, or similarly close at all :D.

1) Altered 'Centery' + Transformation like in Two Level LF2 (Highly Doubted)

2) More "close", I think: Alter every frame in every character except for the 'jump' and 'dash' frames, with the value 'dvy: 550'. Replace 'state: 0' with 'state: 1' on standing frames (to prevent frame '212' redirection). Use a narrow itr/kind82 strip on the surface of the platforming with 'dvx: 0', or leading back to standing frames. On either side of the platform, use another itr/kind82 strip with 'dvx' leading to hanging frames. This method seems hella tedious :D.

If you can, please tell me if either of my guesses are right before answering the question :D.


~Solomon Leung
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Nr. 2) is almost right, I(with Silva's help ofc) also hex'ed a new state which allows the character to jmp to a certain frame by pressing > or <, that's how the walking and running works, 'nd also another state for the stop running by pressing backwards, else we just used a crap load of different ik/8's to make it perfect
Thanks given by: Alblaka
Ugh, so this is another hex question :D.

@Any Admin

Please move this thread to the 'Hex 2.0' section of this forum. Thanks.


Do you mind sending me the code for the two states (similar to the ik8)? I could decipher it myself.

Oh, and I believe the walking state must measure continuous input right? Because you only walk as long as you hold the directional key :D.

I need a working platform system :D, and I want this question solved :D.

EDIT: DUDE, WTF is with the number eight's turning into smileys?


~Solomon Leung
<div style="background-image:url(''); filter:alpha(opacity=70); border-top:1px solid #000000; border-right:1px solid #000000; border-left: 1px solid #000000; border-bottom: 1px solid #000000"> <table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td width="500"><img src= opacity="1" alt="Little Fighter Code Lyoko"></td><td width="30"><img src="" width="1" height="100"></td><td><font face=monotype corsiva><font color=#0A298F><font size="4"><b><i>~Solomon Leung</size><br><font size="2">P.S. I Just Lost <a href="" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none"><font color=#0A298F>The Game</font></a></b></i></font></font></size></td></tr></table></div>
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hmm... actually Zxcv told me not to share it, that will keep NTSD II special :/
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o i was waiting for that part

just wondering nave zxcv said the platofrms are there from starting
so you got the perspective tag working in the dll ?
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ye I did, wasn't difficult atall, I can share that part^^
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have you found a way to turn the frame number limit to 799 frame limit instead of 399? (in the dll framework i dun want that exe)
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shouldn't be that hard, but I'm to lazy to do that now... just remember:
Silva Wrote:Important Stuff:
Is it possible to .... ? Yes.
Is it practical? Maybe.
Will someone bother doing it? Probably not.
Will Silva Nave do it if you ask him? No.
Will Silva Nave get annoyed if you pm him about it? Yes.

Follow this chart if you want to pm Silva Nave(beta version, changes are unlikely):
[Image: pmsilva2.png]
Guidelines for making a thread(beta version, changes are likely):
[Image: askingaquestion2.png]
Thanks given by: Alblaka
ok ok i want to noe if its possible or if you found a way

i'm not asking you to do it right now i want to noe if its possible
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@naruto hyuuga: Just one thing I want to introduce to you:
[Image: GRAMMAR.jpg]
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