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Chat with Marti
Azriel Wrote:btw, gotta ask how the jumping works - does it check for frame 210, then wait 4 TU and if ur next frame is 212 it'll make u have dvy: (jump_height) ?
whenever 212 is activated with a next the jump velocities are activated - similar to opoints or mp: -x
the J210 action doesnt seem to be connected to the 212 function (only the data script connects them)
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WOW new game and uprade 1.9........

But with background music my jukebox project (TM) will become nearly useless.....Redface
[Image: qwaqyydv.png]
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I sent the topic in israel and one said "don't you think it should take one day for adding background music?"
another said that he hoped for more....
still cool
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It would be cool if marti could make replaceable wma-files!

Otherwise I hope he's kinda raver- I won't accept a LF2 with rock,pop,hiphop or classical music!!!!!! (+"!" x 10000)
I already said, that Hardstyle would come cool in stagemode!
Please don't wonder when I suddenly dissapear for a while!
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erm, I don't think I need to ask - I bet you can replace them...
[Image: random.php?pic=random]
Once I had a fortune, it said: "Leave now. Life is short. Time is luck"
Don't dream your life, live your dream!
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I think it's easy to make bg-music!
I know how to programm a jukebox with Basic....
The trick is, to open a song called "1"/"2"/"3"...etc
So you could replace the songs and just need to rename them into "1"/"2"/"3"...etc
Please don't wonder when I suddenly dissapear for a while!
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lf-empire: hi marti
Marti: hi
lf-empire: how are you ?
Marti: become less busy these few days
so that I can work on Lf2 again :P
lf-empire: :)
nice to hear
I got a suggestion from a member
which you might be interested
but not sure if you can realise it
Marti: yes:)
lf-empire: guys which edit the exe do a lot of stuff these days
but copy the AI is still a hard thing for them
the question is
if you could add some kind of option in data txt
so it look like:
id: xy ai: xy type: 0 file: ...
so for your chars you set ai and id same
but in case new modifications come
it would be easier to give them ai, too
I know it may be to hard
but this thing would still be awesome to coders...
Marti: I think... my answer may be disappointed u guys
although I know it is a good idea
however, our time is very limited
we prefer to get LF2 update as soon as possible
then start to work on the new game


lf-empire: ah ok
erm, another question should be more simple:
you told the music is wma right?
do you plan to protect them somehow or can it easily be replaced?
Marti: we will not do that
so that players may change them if they want
lf-empire: ok
thought so
all for today
I thank you
Marti: me too :)
lf-empire: bye
Marti: see u. take care
[Image: random.php?pic=random]
Once I had a fortune, it said: "Leave now. Life is short. Time is luck"
Don't dream your life, live your dream!
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MH-Razen Wrote:I got a suggestion from a member
stop thinking who that stupid member is!
it was me:D

that implies that there is only one person left on the planet who can do this.(if he has time and mood==>never)

MH,have you ever tried inviting him to LFE?(supposed to be a suggestion)
[Image: 18085qo3.png]
siggy made by scorpion

This is o_O. Help o_O by Copying and pasting o_O
into your signature to help him gain world domination.
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erm, moved the other stuff to disposal and appologice for being confused :p

No I didnt ask Rammichael. But will write him an email...
[Image: random.php?pic=random]
Once I had a fortune, it said: "Leave now. Life is short. Time is luck"
Don't dream your life, live your dream!
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hi MH... can you help me tell Marti some stuff...?
1. If the game is deterministic, then LF2 only have to send valid user inputs to each others computer, and the result should be completely the same and also saving bandwidth. User can have the choice of what kind of syndication technique they are going to use.
2. How about just open source part of the game, the physics part. LF2 is not a hard game to replicate, but the physics system is quite difficult to understand. I just need to see how LF2's physics works.
3. I wish I can establish a contact with you in the future :) since if one day you want to continue the project, I really do want to help. Maybe you can implement LF2 API so anyone can write stuff to extend it. I really like efficiency and I believe LF2's core is not the most efficient one out there and I would like to improve it. collusion detection seems to be a table of AABB and then test intersections... right? it might be improved... plz show me the part of your collusion detection code.... :)
4. Open source can create a lot of derivative works, but you don't have to license it in GPL or something. You could license it in a way that no one can create their own derivative of work without your permission. Anyone does that can be sued and you can earn from that.
5. LF2 network can be build on a P2P structure instead of client-server structure.
6. uhh... give me a chance to join you guys... like say if you want some function been written and you are too busy, give me the specs and I write it for you :)
7. Porting to SDL so can be played under Linux.
8. Certainly you don't have that much time :) I can help... in a few years when I'm in MIT.
9. We can keep in touch, email: mgcclx [a...t...]
10. my site

I'm ok with programming... placed 2nd on a contest... for the entire long island.
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