(09-02-2009, 11:03 PM)L.emon Wrote: http://fc06.deviantart.com/fs29/f/2008/0...93a63f.jpg
Only need to give credits to the creator does not need permission to use.
Your ignorance is what causes your downfall.
zxcv11791, the creator of NTSD, made those sprites JUST for NTSD. But the Naruto spriting community is full of people who leech private sprites, and because there are currently aren't any good sprites of that particular character, people tend to just steal it off other people, in this case, NTSD.
And then, after these leechers have stolen our work, they post it on the internet as stuff that they have done, giving ignorant people like you the impression that they are allowed to use these (This isn't an insult, because many, many people do not understand this).
Don't believe me? All the characters in my NTSDII signature were made by us, some are edits, but the majority is custom.