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[solved] drinking move
basical i davis to to go to a specific frame when he drinks beer,

the problem is both beer and milk share the set of frame, so how can i ensure davis will drink milk normally but will also execute my new frame when drinking beer:s

p.s every other player most be able to drink beer normally

p.p.s i will be back monday:O
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Put an itr/kind 8 with y: 9999 or something in char's drinking frames, and make the dvx lead to your special frame.
Then give the beer (on_hand frames, i think) a body at y: 9999 (has to be at the same height as the y of itr/kind 8 ).
Char's ik8 should be able to react with beer's special body and execute the new frame.

@no one
oh ya...totally forgot about that...
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wow that was fast, will try over the weekend
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itr/kind: 8 can't react with any other type beside type: 0.

What you need is some special itr/kind: 8 inside the beer and inside Davis (different y value) which can react with Davis special bdy in the drinking frame. the itr will lead the beer to a frame sequence where it opoint out a type: 0 bdy to react with Davis itr/kind: 8 and make him goes to the attack frames

Or you can make the beer constantly opoint out a type: 0 bdy in the drinking frames. That will save you the beer itr but will result in the com logo bug, the AI won't matter since other char will try to attack the drinking person anyways.
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You use a frame 55 and to send character into fake drinking frame (145) with weapon action that cause the t6 to opoint a ball that react to your body and opoint a t0 that cause you to go the action you desire.

If you opoint in the t6 in every frame it could get messy so I used a fake frame(131 in the beer).

I used this code for gad character to transform from bandit to DrunkBandit(gad's character).
There I used to wait value to delay the interaction and another ik8 to pinpoint on the bandit before the t0 being spawned.
Thanks given by: scare crow
itr/kind: 8 can't react with any other type beside type: 0.Shock

obviously my first few attempts failed, will try these other method suggested when school is a bit less hectic:s

ps thanks for the code happy hour, i am a sloppy data changer
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working great thanks alot happyhour

ps i assumed i was allowed to double post in my own tread since i have seen this in a couple threads if i am wrong please tell me
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