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[solved] Preventing recovery
What I'm trying to make is a large indestructible energy blast that does little damage, but pushes the enemy forward with the same speed it's moving at, so it keeps hitting him constantly until they reach the edge of the screen. I got that to work, but I'm having trouble because the enemy can just press jump and leap out of the blast. Is there a way to keep him from doing that? Oh, and catching him won't work, since that would only hit one enemy.

Here's the code of the object's flying frames (they're all identical):

<frame> 0 flying
   pic: 0  state: 3006  wait: 0  next: 1  dvx: 20  dvy: 0  centerx: 40  centery: 124  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 22  y: 27  w: 55  h: 100  dvx: 30 fall: 100  vrest: 10 bdefend: 100  injury: 200   effect: 4
      kind: 0  x: 22  y: 27  w: 55  h: 100  dvx: 20 fall: 100  vrest: 10  bdefend: 0  injury: 25   effect: 1
      kind: 0  x: 22  y: 27  w: 55  h: 27
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In each falling frame, which should be from 180-190 or whatever. Have the hit_j: go to the frame it's on. So frame 180 should have a hit_j: 180, frame 181 a hit_j: 181, and so on. Works for whatever frame you choose upon to use.
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Is there no way to make him unable to recover after a hit? Or to hit again him before he can recover? Disabling recovery just to make one attack work is pretty excessive.
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Yeah, thought you wanted to remove it completely o.o. Anyway, the ability to recover from falling comes at like frame 182 (If i'm wrong since this is off the top of my head, and it's midnight edit accordingly). So the frames before 182, you could give those frames a itr/8 with a high y: value. You also need to make an additional set of frames that mirror that of the falling frames. That aren't from 180-190. After all that, have your move opoint a type: 0 body, with a wait: 1. This body's coordinates should match that of the itr/8 in the falling frames, or at least should hit it, leading it to the alternative falling frames that can't recover. Your additional falling frames should continue from frame 182 of the regular falling frames. Yup that should do it. If my assumption that the ability to recover comes from the frame number and not the state is correct :/

~will post example tommorow
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why not just (in the ball) have an itr that has a low arest (or vrest if you want multiple, may not work as you expect it to due to single frame delays) and fall: 0 bdefend: 100? that way it'll constantly hit and keep the hit person in the "injured" frames without falling. the dvx: of the itr should be equivalent to (or maybe higher than) the dvx of the ball (i think). so, imagine ur ball has dvx: 10 in its frame header

    x: ? y: ? w: ? h: ? dvx: 10 bdefend: 100 arest: 1 fall: 0

use state: 3005 or something, or if u use one of the "weak" states, you'd have to put the itr in the hit frame and also make it link back to the flying frames
edit: @phoenix - can u make the # just highlight the tag after it rather than single line comments? would be cool thanks

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EDIT: nevermind, I'll just burn him. I can't believe I didn't think of this.
Thanks for the help regardless.
EDIT2: is there anything I should watch out for if I make it's state 18 like Firen's flames? The smoke explains the fire effect and it looks about twice as cool.
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No. unless you want to use state 18 in other ways like to hurt enemies on your team and others, which will require a high y value to hide the smoke. No.
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