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The Slow Quiz
incase you mean that french "violer", it means "verletzen" or "missbrauchen" or "vergewaltigen" in german, I guess you meant the "vergewaltigen"(to rape) one...
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In case you meant Swedish violer (:D) it is this in German.

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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I meant the french one, and "this" is no word in German...

Ramond - 1337
Phil - 13
Reaper - 12.5
3rdEnemy - 10
Jerkington XIII - 8
Nave - 8
snorsorbet - 8
Blue Phoenix - 7
SirFrog - 7
Azriel - 2
Bamboori - 2
Hacker - 2
Kenert - 2
Lauli - 2
Magnamancy - 2
vandesdelca - 2
Alblaka - 1
Daymio - 1
skelguardian - 1

Point Stealer: Use it to steal one point from anybody else on the scoreboard.

Point Booster: Use it to make a normal question (not bonus!) worth 1.5x its original points. (You have to use this together with your answer to the same question; in case the answer is wrong the extra points stay up for grabs for other people!)

Question 50 (2 points):
How many different episodes of "Chad Vader" are currently viewable on YouTube?
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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2 seasons are online... first one got 8 episodes, second one got 10 episodes...
so 18 it shall be. :D
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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Phil, I am your father...

Ramond - 1337
Phil - 15
Reaper - 12.5
3rdEnemy - 10
Jerkington XIII - 8
Nave - 8
snorsorbet - 8
Blue Phoenix - 7
SirFrog - 7
Azriel - 2
Bamboori - 2
Hacker - 2
Kenert - 2
Lauli - 2
Magnamancy - 2
vandesdelca - 2
Alblaka - 1
Daymio - 1
skelguardian - 1

Point Stealer: Use it to steal one point from anybody else on the scoreboard.

Point Booster: Use it to make a normal question (not bonus!) worth 1.5x its original points. (You have to use this together with your answer to the same question; in case the answer is wrong the extra points stay up for grabs for other people!)

Question 51 (2 points):
What was Phil's very first username? On the LFE Forums I mean.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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bah.. i guess i am not allowed to answer..
the answer is 19POtt92
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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just_a_phil? or wasn't that the first one?
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Phil there's no rule saying you can't answer a qusetion about yourself

Nave no it wasn't justaphil it was POtt92 or 19POtt92, can't remember, I think with the 19 in front

oh and @Phil's edit above: he can quote your post

Ramond - 1337
Phil - 17
Reaper - 12.5
3rdEnemy - 10
Jerkington XIII - 8
Nave - 8
snorsorbet - 8
Blue Phoenix - 7
SirFrog - 7
Azriel - 2
Bamboori - 2
Hacker - 2
Kenert - 2
Lauli - 2
Magnamancy - 2
vandesdelca - 2
Alblaka - 1
Daymio - 1
skelguardian - 1

Point Stealer: Use it to steal one point from anybody else on the scoreboard.

Point Booster: Use it to make a normal question (not bonus!) worth 1.5x its original points. (You have to use this together with your answer to the same question; in case the answer is wrong the extra points stay up for grabs for other people!)

Question 52 (1 point):
True or False: There are accordions with ONLY buttons, no keyboard (like a piano).
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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oh right :D
it was 19POtt92 btw (for everyone who forgot)..

edit: oh and yes .. "true" there are certainly some with only buttons.. if i remember correctly the russian bayan has only buttons..
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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true indeed.
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