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Mine's Sprites
Chase well i could do that but i am busy at my work well it would take jst a sec but am lazy anyways i am doing it :)

@trickity house: Am sorry man would u mind speaking to me?(Mean r we still frnds?)
[Image: bgr137n018xd8hf38.png]
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dude I wasn't mad just trying to explain. yeah I'll still comment
[Image: 3rdslim.jpg]
[Image: DAslim.jpg]
[Image: Rocky.jpg]
[Image: Clidebanner.jpg]

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Added new face to that one.. Green before i knew there are some dirty pixels in the dress don mind it.
[Image: bgv3elkyitjjkaq3o.png]
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My improved version of spriting:
[Image: bh81s16c7k24nj7ac.png]
Edit: Thank for Freeza for that Base it helped me a lot and figured some ideas of spriting.
May i know how u made smooth edges its hard for me to break the code
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WOW the hair is awesomely shaded. Plus you made it big so yeah it's more detailed.
One suggestion, you should learn about persepective,
like this image,
[Image: bgv3elkyitjjkaq3o.png]
His body faces us when other LF2 sprites face right.
btw your sprites are nice! Keep it up!
edit just realised that his feet is a bit pixel-broken.
[Image: abstractdaad.png]
Graphic Stuff|Tania|Indo Fighter|Sprites|Comics|
News of my days: My graphics skills will go better. Eventually...
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thx taniaetc i knew that greenguy has broken pixels but am busy rite now so i could not finish it off. Yep i need to learn about prespectives.
GUys U see REPUTATION is back: SO if u LIKE ma spritings can add me reps.
new thingy i sprited wid my own base
I probably sticked his leg together.
[Image: bh96ovicjvi0jthus.png]
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Ok here is how my LCSH version dennis looks like:
[Image: bhg7r05bj9cbg6mck.png]
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woah, his hair is crazy, i like it!
not too sure about the long vest though. maybe a slight recolour too?
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^ crazy? its EPIIIIICCC
you gotta change a bit more on his cloths.. .e.g the trousers should be a bit different.. but yeah.. you got the right karma for it dude!
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday :D
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(03-13-2010, 09:41 AM)Alectric Wrote:  woah, his hair is crazy, i like it!
not too sure about the long vest though. maybe a slight recolour too?
Thx i took me a day to think the hair. Hmm thats good idea.(recoloring)
(03-13-2010, 09:44 AM)Phil Wrote:  ^ crazy? its EPIIIIICCC
(03-13-2010, 09:44 AM)Phil Wrote:  you gotta change a bit more on his cloths.. .e.g the trousers should be a bit different.. but yeah.. you got the right karma for it dude!
hmm i would do the different look probably no recolor.
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