Zombie Night
This is actually another one of the "Werewolf/Mafia forum games"-series, just with... ZOMBIES.
Joining is possible again!
This is actually another one of the "Werewolf/Mafia forum games"-series, just with... ZOMBIES.
GAME RULES (Click to View)
The rules are somewhat different, and slightly more complex though:
In general, there are a couple of citizens, each one with a different ability and one of them is randomly choosen as the Main Zombie.
The Game is running in days/rounds, too, though the actions everyone can do are different.
Each player can take one action per round. There will be one round every 24 hours, if noone posts any actions the round will be skipped. If someone forgot/hadn't time to post within the 24 hours he will automatically "defend himself" (for zombie: "try to infect a random person").
It's possible to change your action for the round under following restrictions:
-You can't change your action if the round has ended (duh!)
-You can't change your action if you posted it longer then 3h ago.
-You may only change your action once per round.
-You can't change actions that were used by other people (f.e. someone accepted your invitation, you can't pull it back then)
An exeption:
Voting on a vote which has started after you weren't able to change your action anymore. Of course you're allowed to add a voting to the action in that case.
Additonal to the basic actions everyone can take, there are 5 special "classes". At the beginning of the game, EVERY player (including the later zombie) chooses a class and keeps it until the end of the game (zombies keep their classes and abilitys, too!).
Next to the rules above there is one special rule for the main zombie (the player first choosen as zombie):
He has 2 lives.
Most likely this is useful if he gets shot by a farmer, since then he will survive without being discovered (though everyone will know, that the main zombie now has only one life left).
Even if you get killed by a vote (and then survive, which will tell everyone clearly you're the main zombie) you can at least use your last round to try another infection (you cannot use your class abilitys like cure now (duh!)).
In general, there are a couple of citizens, each one with a different ability and one of them is randomly choosen as the Main Zombie.
The Game is running in days/rounds, too, though the actions everyone can do are different.
Each player can take one action per round. There will be one round every 24 hours, if noone posts any actions the round will be skipped. If someone forgot/hadn't time to post within the 24 hours he will automatically "defend himself" (for zombie: "try to infect a random person").
It's possible to change your action for the round under following restrictions:
-You can't change your action if the round has ended (duh!)
-You can't change your action if you posted it longer then 3h ago.
-You may only change your action once per round.
-You can't change actions that were used by other people (f.e. someone accepted your invitation, you can't pull it back then)
An exeption:
Voting on a vote which has started after you weren't able to change your action anymore. Of course you're allowed to add a voting to the action in that case.
EVERYONE can... (Click to View)
-Start a vote to kill a citizen
If at least 50% of the active players (zombies included) vote to kill aperson, the guy get killed and is (wut!) dead.
VOTING on an already existing vote is NOT an action and can be done additionally.
-Start a vote to jail a citizen
Since it can be quite a backdraft to just kill people (which are, in the beginning, most likely NO zombies), citizens are able to JAIL someone. For this 33% of all possible votes are required (actually it's possible to jail MANY people in one round).
Jailed citizen can't do anything, until they get freed, zombies can try to break out only.
-Atart a vote to free a citizen
For whatever reason, people who are jailed can be freed by 25% of the remaining players voting to free them.
-Watch the jail
Watching the jail will reduce the chance for eventual Zombies to escape, though you won't get anything else.
-Defend himself in the next night
The basic option. It will give you a 25% chance to protect against infection.
If you haven't choosen an option at the end of a round, you will automatically do this action.
This auto-action doesn't apply if you keep being inactive for to long.
-Defend someone else in the next night
Defending someone else will give the protected person a 50% protection chance. Therefore a couple of people protecting each other will be more successful then trying to survive alone.
On the other hand, if you try to "protect" a zombie, you won't give him a 50% protection boost (duuh!), but give him an additonal (to his usual infection try this round) 25% chance to infect you!
-Defend the fortress
Citizen being inside a fortress can choose to "defend the fortress" giving an additional 10% defense boost to everyone inside the fortress, themselves included.
-Leave a fortress
People who got invited (and accepted the invitation) to a survivors fortress can leave it as an action (if they think there is a zombie inside the fortress).
If at least 50% of the active players (zombies included) vote to kill aperson, the guy get killed and is (wut!) dead.
VOTING on an already existing vote is NOT an action and can be done additionally.
-Start a vote to jail a citizen
Since it can be quite a backdraft to just kill people (which are, in the beginning, most likely NO zombies), citizens are able to JAIL someone. For this 33% of all possible votes are required (actually it's possible to jail MANY people in one round).
Jailed citizen can't do anything, until they get freed, zombies can try to break out only.
-Atart a vote to free a citizen
For whatever reason, people who are jailed can be freed by 25% of the remaining players voting to free them.
-Watch the jail
Watching the jail will reduce the chance for eventual Zombies to escape, though you won't get anything else.
-Defend himself in the next night
The basic option. It will give you a 25% chance to protect against infection.
If you haven't choosen an option at the end of a round, you will automatically do this action.
This auto-action doesn't apply if you keep being inactive for to long.
-Defend someone else in the next night
Defending someone else will give the protected person a 50% protection chance. Therefore a couple of people protecting each other will be more successful then trying to survive alone.
On the other hand, if you try to "protect" a zombie, you won't give him a 50% protection boost (duuh!), but give him an additonal (to his usual infection try this round) 25% chance to infect you!
-Defend the fortress
Citizen being inside a fortress can choose to "defend the fortress" giving an additional 10% defense boost to everyone inside the fortress, themselves included.
-Leave a fortress
People who got invited (and accepted the invitation) to a survivors fortress can leave it as an action (if they think there is a zombie inside the fortress).
ZOMBIES can... (Click to View)
-"Defend" someone else in the next night
Zombie players type this order just like any other (normal) citizen. But instead protecting they are trying to infect them. The chance for the infection to be successfull is 75% reduced by whatever protextion boost the victim has (f.E. Someone defending himself will be infected to 75%-25%=50%).
An infected person becomes a zombie and will be told that you got infected, but not by whom he got infected.
Failed infections will be reported to the (escaped) victim and any people defending him, too.
-"Defend yourself" in the next night
Instead targeting someone (and leaving possible evidences against you with the post), you can just claim to "defend yourself". In the night a zombie doing this will just attack any player at random with the same chances as above.
If you haven't choosen an option at the end of a round, you will automatically do this action.
-Break free (if they are jailed)
Trying to break free is the last option for a zombie who got jailed and seemes to get killed soon. F.E. a zombie can try to break free if he sees many votes against him. If the zombie would have been killed that round, but made a break-out, he won't be killed (though in the next day, most likely everyone will vote against him, so then he will be killed for sure by a farmer).
It's important, that you don't POST that you are trying to break free (since immeadeantly everyone would choose to watch the jail > fail), but PM it to me.
IF a zombie decides to try a break-out the citizen's WILL be told he actually is a zombie (which will highly cause him to surely die in the next round). The chance to successfully escape the Jail is 50% - 15%/citizen watchign the prison (if 3 people watch the prison, your chance is just 5%... Shouldn't try.)
Zombies who are free this way, can NOT be kill-voted (since they aren't with the citizens anymore), but of course can still be targeted by farmers. Also, they can't use special abilitys of their classes (which is quite obvious).
-Do whatever a citizen can do
Just like everyone else, too...
In the case it would be way to dangerous to attack someone, a zombie can send me a message, that he is "faking": Fake can mean either to not do anything or try to infect a certain person in the next night, regardless whatever he had posted. It's not allowed to fake 2 times in a row. The PM needs to arrive BEFORE or at max 10 minutes after the zombies post (you cant post something and after 5 hours and the posts of other people suddenly say "Nah, just a fake").
This can be quite useful, since there is actually no clue who attacked the person, therefore it's recommended to use fake as often as possible (every 2 rounds).
Faking a vote can actually easyly be discovered if the zombies vote would have been the final vote to make the vote succeed, since it will fail then (it was just a fake).
Rush is a special kind of infection. A zombie "rushing" HAS to post this as a clearly visible action, showing himself as zombie. Rushes can only be made against people in fortresses. The rusher get's a 100% (-fortress defence) chance to infect the target.
The special thing about rush is: For each other zombie rushing against the same fortress, a rusher will gain +15% infection chance (f.E. 3 zombies rushing will each get 130%-defence). It's highly recommended to only use this as a last option against a big fortress of citizens, the zombie should PM each other to all rush at the same round.
Zombie players type this order just like any other (normal) citizen. But instead protecting they are trying to infect them. The chance for the infection to be successfull is 75% reduced by whatever protextion boost the victim has (f.E. Someone defending himself will be infected to 75%-25%=50%).
An infected person becomes a zombie and will be told that you got infected, but not by whom he got infected.
Failed infections will be reported to the (escaped) victim and any people defending him, too.
-"Defend yourself" in the next night
Instead targeting someone (and leaving possible evidences against you with the post), you can just claim to "defend yourself". In the night a zombie doing this will just attack any player at random with the same chances as above.
If you haven't choosen an option at the end of a round, you will automatically do this action.
-Break free (if they are jailed)
Trying to break free is the last option for a zombie who got jailed and seemes to get killed soon. F.E. a zombie can try to break free if he sees many votes against him. If the zombie would have been killed that round, but made a break-out, he won't be killed (though in the next day, most likely everyone will vote against him, so then he will be killed for sure by a farmer).
It's important, that you don't POST that you are trying to break free (since immeadeantly everyone would choose to watch the jail > fail), but PM it to me.
IF a zombie decides to try a break-out the citizen's WILL be told he actually is a zombie (which will highly cause him to surely die in the next round). The chance to successfully escape the Jail is 50% - 15%/citizen watchign the prison (if 3 people watch the prison, your chance is just 5%... Shouldn't try.)
Zombies who are free this way, can NOT be kill-voted (since they aren't with the citizens anymore), but of course can still be targeted by farmers. Also, they can't use special abilitys of their classes (which is quite obvious).
-Do whatever a citizen can do
Just like everyone else, too...
In the case it would be way to dangerous to attack someone, a zombie can send me a message, that he is "faking": Fake can mean either to not do anything or try to infect a certain person in the next night, regardless whatever he had posted. It's not allowed to fake 2 times in a row. The PM needs to arrive BEFORE or at max 10 minutes after the zombies post (you cant post something and after 5 hours and the posts of other people suddenly say "Nah, just a fake").
This can be quite useful, since there is actually no clue who attacked the person, therefore it's recommended to use fake as often as possible (every 2 rounds).
Faking a vote can actually easyly be discovered if the zombies vote would have been the final vote to make the vote succeed, since it will fail then (it was just a fake).
Rush is a special kind of infection. A zombie "rushing" HAS to post this as a clearly visible action, showing himself as zombie. Rushes can only be made against people in fortresses. The rusher get's a 100% (-fortress defence) chance to infect the target.
The special thing about rush is: For each other zombie rushing against the same fortress, a rusher will gain +15% infection chance (f.E. 3 zombies rushing will each get 130%-defence). It's highly recommended to only use this as a last option against a big fortress of citizens, the zombie should PM each other to all rush at the same round.
Additonal to the basic actions everyone can take, there are 5 special "classes". At the beginning of the game, EVERY player (including the later zombie) chooses a class and keeps it until the end of the game (zombies keep their classes and abilitys, too!).
The 5 classes are... (Click to View)
A basic guy. Farmers have (cliche, lol) always a shotgun.
If you (or someone you are protecting) gets attacked by a zombie there will be a 50% chance of the zombie to die instantly (preventing any possible infection). On the downside you only have 1 shot for the entire game ( = you will only have one 50% chance to kill a zombie). It's possible to disable the auto-defend by telling me (via PM/Post).
If you still have your shot left you CAN also (as an round action) just kill someone (depletes your shot, too). Of course this is quite a powerful ability, but using it early will most likely just kill a citizen. Instead it's more useful to wait for a zombie to break free (showing himself as zombie) and then landing a 100% sure kill.
I would recommend the zombie players NOT to attack farmers in the beginning... if you're unlucky you will be killed before you could infect someone...
The medic is one of the teamplayer classes. Instead his usual actions he can try to cure someone. This is may the only reason not to kill zombies instantly, but jail and watch them to regain a citizen.
In total, the medic has enough material to attempt 3 cures in one game.
The medic is free to choose anyone to cure. If the medic has targetted a zombie, there is a 25% chance (75% if the zombie is already jailed) to turn him back into a citizen. Additional, the cured citizen will be resistant to infections for the next night. For the case the target was already a citizen, there is only a 50% chance to make him resistant for the next night. Whatever actually is happening, the medic won't be told whether he was successful or not.
Additional, there is a little danger about attempting cures: If the target is a zombie, there is always a 10% chance of being infected yourself (regardless whether you cured the zombie or not).
A zombie player being a medic can try to "cure someone", actually just trying to infecting him. The zombie player will loose one cure point, but the infection has a general success rate of 100% (if the target isn't getting defended it's a really poor target...). Of course a targetted zombie can neither be infected (he's already) nor he will be cured (since the fake medic is trying to infect, not to cure).
Though this can be quite a hit, a medic just curing random persons is most likely to get identified as zombie...
The merchant has a big crate with supplies. 1 time in the game he can (as an action) refill the special points (Ammo, Cures, Batteries) of 2 citizen (OR just 1 citizen, merchants choice). Merchant's CANT refill each other.
Though this can be quite useful, refilling a zombie medic can be quite deadly, too...
A zombie being the merchant can refill other citizens supplies (or that of other zombies), too. And there actually WILL be a refill... AND a 100% infection chance (as noted above on the zombie medic).
The spec-ops' special ability is a pair of IR-night-googles. The batteries of the googles have only enough power to be used 2 times in a single game. If the spec-ops player announces to use them (additional to his usual action), he will be able to see one Zombie attack in the next night.
But he will only be told WHO is fighting (so Zombie AND citizen (or citizenS if someone protected is getting attacked)), but not who actually is the Zombie.
A zombie spec-ops can (of course) use his googles (may telling him who else is attacking as a zombie) and then give the citizens fake informations.
This class can only be choose by people who survived the last match (either as Main Zombie or as Citizen). Somebody surviving two times in a row will even get this class ADDITIONAL to their usual class.
EXCEPTION: If less then two people would be able to choose Survivor, the survivor class is free for all.
Survivors are specialist in surviving. Therefore they CAN'T be the main zombie in the beginning (so, all survivors are always normal citizens in the beginning, though they can get infected in the later game). Also, they always have a 10% protection boost against infections (experience strikes!).
Survivors can build a fortress (usually as their first action) and in later game invite other citizen into the fortress (you can invite 1 or 2 people with a single action). A survivor can only build ONE fortress and can't ge resupplied by a merchant. Invited citizens can decide, whether they join the fortress or not (f.E. if you think there is a zombie inside the fortress, you shouldn't join it), IF they accept, they can't leave the fortress without using an action. If the survivor himself leaves the fortress, the citizen he invited first will gain the right to invite further people.
If someone in the fortress is attacked, he will gain a 10% protection boost AND 10% for each other (non-zombie) citizen in the fortress. This bonus DOESN'T apply if the attacking zombie IS in the fortress (>got invited or may even is a survivor zombie), in this case, the Zombie will even get 100% (instead usual 75%) infection chance.
This circumstance makes it difficult for a survivor to choose people for his fortress: Alone he doesn't get a big boost, with too many people there is a high danger to get a zombie into a fortress.
Trying to infect the Survivors straight at the start can be difficult (due to their auto-10%), but really useful since they are usually the people NOT exspected to be a zombie.
A basic guy. Farmers have (cliche, lol) always a shotgun.
If you (or someone you are protecting) gets attacked by a zombie there will be a 50% chance of the zombie to die instantly (preventing any possible infection). On the downside you only have 1 shot for the entire game ( = you will only have one 50% chance to kill a zombie). It's possible to disable the auto-defend by telling me (via PM/Post).
If you still have your shot left you CAN also (as an round action) just kill someone (depletes your shot, too). Of course this is quite a powerful ability, but using it early will most likely just kill a citizen. Instead it's more useful to wait for a zombie to break free (showing himself as zombie) and then landing a 100% sure kill.
I would recommend the zombie players NOT to attack farmers in the beginning... if you're unlucky you will be killed before you could infect someone...
The medic is one of the teamplayer classes. Instead his usual actions he can try to cure someone. This is may the only reason not to kill zombies instantly, but jail and watch them to regain a citizen.
In total, the medic has enough material to attempt 3 cures in one game.
The medic is free to choose anyone to cure. If the medic has targetted a zombie, there is a 25% chance (75% if the zombie is already jailed) to turn him back into a citizen. Additional, the cured citizen will be resistant to infections for the next night. For the case the target was already a citizen, there is only a 50% chance to make him resistant for the next night. Whatever actually is happening, the medic won't be told whether he was successful or not.
Additional, there is a little danger about attempting cures: If the target is a zombie, there is always a 10% chance of being infected yourself (regardless whether you cured the zombie or not).
A zombie player being a medic can try to "cure someone", actually just trying to infecting him. The zombie player will loose one cure point, but the infection has a general success rate of 100% (if the target isn't getting defended it's a really poor target...). Of course a targetted zombie can neither be infected (he's already) nor he will be cured (since the fake medic is trying to infect, not to cure).
Though this can be quite a hit, a medic just curing random persons is most likely to get identified as zombie...
The merchant has a big crate with supplies. 1 time in the game he can (as an action) refill the special points (Ammo, Cures, Batteries) of 2 citizen (OR just 1 citizen, merchants choice). Merchant's CANT refill each other.
Though this can be quite useful, refilling a zombie medic can be quite deadly, too...
A zombie being the merchant can refill other citizens supplies (or that of other zombies), too. And there actually WILL be a refill... AND a 100% infection chance (as noted above on the zombie medic).
The spec-ops' special ability is a pair of IR-night-googles. The batteries of the googles have only enough power to be used 2 times in a single game. If the spec-ops player announces to use them (additional to his usual action), he will be able to see one Zombie attack in the next night.
But he will only be told WHO is fighting (so Zombie AND citizen (or citizenS if someone protected is getting attacked)), but not who actually is the Zombie.
A zombie spec-ops can (of course) use his googles (may telling him who else is attacking as a zombie) and then give the citizens fake informations.
This class can only be choose by people who survived the last match (either as Main Zombie or as Citizen). Somebody surviving two times in a row will even get this class ADDITIONAL to their usual class.
EXCEPTION: If less then two people would be able to choose Survivor, the survivor class is free for all.
Survivors are specialist in surviving. Therefore they CAN'T be the main zombie in the beginning (so, all survivors are always normal citizens in the beginning, though they can get infected in the later game). Also, they always have a 10% protection boost against infections (experience strikes!).
Survivors can build a fortress (usually as their first action) and in later game invite other citizen into the fortress (you can invite 1 or 2 people with a single action). A survivor can only build ONE fortress and can't ge resupplied by a merchant. Invited citizens can decide, whether they join the fortress or not (f.E. if you think there is a zombie inside the fortress, you shouldn't join it), IF they accept, they can't leave the fortress without using an action. If the survivor himself leaves the fortress, the citizen he invited first will gain the right to invite further people.
If someone in the fortress is attacked, he will gain a 10% protection boost AND 10% for each other (non-zombie) citizen in the fortress. This bonus DOESN'T apply if the attacking zombie IS in the fortress (>got invited or may even is a survivor zombie), in this case, the Zombie will even get 100% (instead usual 75%) infection chance.
This circumstance makes it difficult for a survivor to choose people for his fortress: Alone he doesn't get a big boost, with too many people there is a high danger to get a zombie into a fortress.
Trying to infect the Survivors straight at the start can be difficult (due to their auto-10%), but really useful since they are usually the people NOT exspected to be a zombie.
Next to the rules above there is one special rule for the main zombie (the player first choosen as zombie):
He has 2 lives.
Most likely this is useful if he gets shot by a farmer, since then he will survive without being discovered (though everyone will know, that the main zombie now has only one life left).
Even if you get killed by a vote (and then survive, which will tell everyone clearly you're the main zombie) you can at least use your last round to try another infection (you cannot use your class abilitys like cure now (duh!)).
Joining is possible again!
List of participiants for the next game: (Click to View)
MATCH I (Click to View)
Round 1 (Click to View)
Simoneon (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) is defending Divisor and wearing IR-googles.
Hacker (Survivor) 70% built a fortress.
TheNave (Spec-Ops, 2 Batteries) 25% is defending himself.
Divisor (Medic, 2 Cures) 100% is defending Hacker.
LutiChris (Farmer, 1 Ammo) is voting to jail Elias.
Elias (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself.
Jerkington XIII (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself.
Reaper (Farmer, 1 Ammo) is defending Divisor.
Ramond (Survivor) 20% built a fortress.
The zombie invasion is running, a couple of citizens managed to escape into a bunker...
But one of them is... INFECTED!
Hacker's Fortress: (+10%)
Fotres of ultemate destruktion: (+10%)
Jail Elias [1/3] FAILED
Hacker (Survivor) 70% built a fortress.
TheNave (Spec-Ops, 2 Batteries) 25% is defending himself.
Divisor (Medic, 2 Cures) 100% is defending Hacker.
LutiChris (Farmer, 1 Ammo) is voting to jail Elias.
Elias (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself.
Jerkington XIII (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself.
Reaper (Farmer, 1 Ammo) is defending Divisor.
Ramond (Survivor) 20% built a fortress.
The zombie invasion is running, a couple of citizens managed to escape into a bunker...
But one of them is... INFECTED!
Hacker's Fortress: (+10%)
Fotres of ultemate destruktion: (+10%)
Jail Elias [1/3] FAILED
Round 2 (Click to View)
Simoneon (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) 10% invited LutiChris and TheNave.
Hacker (Survivor) 30% invited Simoneon and Ramond.
TheNave (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) is voting to jail Simoneon and is using IR-Googles.[/b]
Divisor (Medic, 2 Cures) is voting to jail Simoneon.
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo) is shooting Jerkington.
Elias (Merchant, 1 Supply) is voting to jail Simoneon.
Jerkington XIII (Merchant, 1 Supply) is defending himself.
Reaper (Farmer, 1 Ammo) is voting to jail Simoneon.
Ramond (Survivor) 30% invited Hacker.
There was a quiet night, though some of citizen claimed to hear a zombie sneaking around...
BOLD actions can't be changed anymore (>rules)
Hacker's Fortress: (+10%)
Fotres of ultemate destruktion: (+20%)
Jail Simoneon [4/3]
Simoen got jailed!
Hacker's Fortress was destroyed because of a lack of inhabitants.
Jerkington XIII was shot down by LutiChris.
Hacker (Survivor) 30% invited Simoneon and Ramond.
TheNave (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) is voting to jail Simoneon and is using IR-Googles.[/b]
Divisor (Medic, 2 Cures) is voting to jail Simoneon.
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo) is shooting Jerkington.
Elias (Merchant, 1 Supply) is voting to jail Simoneon.
Jerkington XIII (Merchant, 1 Supply) is defending himself.
Reaper (Farmer, 1 Ammo) is voting to jail Simoneon.
Ramond (Survivor) 30% invited Hacker.
There was a quiet night, though some of citizen claimed to hear a zombie sneaking around...
BOLD actions can't be changed anymore (>rules)
Hacker's Fortress: (+10%)
Fotres of ultemate destruktion: (+20%)
Jail Simoneon [4/3]
Simoen got jailed!
Hacker's Fortress was destroyed because of a lack of inhabitants.
Jerkington XIII was shot down by LutiChris.
Round 3 (Click to View)
Simoneon (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) is jailed.
Hacker (Survivor) 30% is voting to kill Simoneon.
TheNave (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) is voting to kill Hacker and is using IR-Googles.
Divisor (Medic, 1 Cures) is attempting to cure Simoneon.
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo) is guarding the jail.
Elias (Merchant, 1 Supply) is defending himself.
Jerkington XIII (Merchant, Citizen) is dead.
Reaper (Farmer, 0 Ammo) is shooting LutiChris.
Ramond (Survivor) 30% is voting to kill LutiChris.
Big rumors running along, one citizen died by another citizens hand, another poor guy got jailed, panic is spreading among the last survivors.
Fotres of ultemate destruktion: (+20%)
Kill LutiChris [1/4]
Kill Hacker [1/4]
Kill Simoneon [1/4]
LutiChris got shoot by Reaper... AND SURVIVED, he is the main zombie!
Hacker (Survivor) 30% is voting to kill Simoneon.
TheNave (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) is voting to kill Hacker and is using IR-Googles.
Divisor (Medic, 1 Cures) is attempting to cure Simoneon.
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo) is guarding the jail.
Elias (Merchant, 1 Supply) is defending himself.
Jerkington XIII (Merchant, Citizen) is dead.
Reaper (Farmer, 0 Ammo) is shooting LutiChris.
Ramond (Survivor) 30% is voting to kill LutiChris.
Big rumors running along, one citizen died by another citizens hand, another poor guy got jailed, panic is spreading among the last survivors.
Fotres of ultemate destruktion: (+20%)
Kill LutiChris [1/4]
Kill Hacker [1/4]
Kill Simoneon [1/4]
LutiChris got shoot by Reaper... AND SURVIVED, he is the main zombie!
Round 4 (Click to View)
Simoneon (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) is jailed.
Hacker (Survivor) 30% is defending Elias.
TheNave (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) is voting to kill LutiChris.
Divisor (Medic, 1 Cures) is voting to kill LutiChris.
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo, Main Zombie) is "defending" Reaper.
Elias (Merchant, 0 Supply) 50% is resupplying Reaper and Divisor.
Jerkington XIII (Merchant, Citizen) is dead.
Reaper (Farmer, 0 Ammo) 25%(no action) is defending himself.
Ramond (Survivor) 30% is voting to kill LutiChris.
OMG! The main zombie got discovered, while the medic is trying to pull Simoneon back to the light side...
Fotres of ultemate destruktion: (+20%)
Kill LutiChris [3/4]
Divisor got shot by Reaper, who was just defending himself.
Hacker (Survivor) 30% is defending Elias.
TheNave (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) is voting to kill LutiChris.
Divisor (Medic, 1 Cures) is voting to kill LutiChris.
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo, Main Zombie) is "defending" Reaper.
Elias (Merchant, 0 Supply) 50% is resupplying Reaper and Divisor.
Jerkington XIII (Merchant, Citizen) is dead.
Reaper (Farmer, 0 Ammo) 25%(no action) is defending himself.
Ramond (Survivor) 30% is voting to kill LutiChris.
OMG! The main zombie got discovered, while the medic is trying to pull Simoneon back to the light side...
Fotres of ultemate destruktion: (+20%)
Kill LutiChris [3/4]
Divisor got shot by Reaper, who was just defending himself.
Round 5 (Click to View)
Simoneon (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) is jailed.
Hacker (Survivor) 30%
TheNave (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries)
Divisor (Medic, 2 Cures)
LutiChris (Farmer, Main Zombie) is dead.
Elias (Merchant, 0 Supply) 50%
Jerkington XIII (Merchant, Citizen) is dead.
Reaper (Farmer, 0 Ammo)
Ramond (Survivor) 30%
Fotres of ultemate destruktion: (+20%)
The citizens choose to forfeit the match.
Hacker (Survivor) 30%
TheNave (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries)
Divisor (Medic, 2 Cures)
LutiChris (Farmer, Main Zombie) is dead.
Elias (Merchant, 0 Supply) 50%
Jerkington XIII (Merchant, Citizen) is dead.
Reaper (Farmer, 0 Ammo)
Ramond (Survivor) 30%
Fotres of ultemate destruktion: (+20%)
The citizens choose to forfeit the match.
THE TRUTH (Click to View)
Round I:
LutiChris infected Simoneon
Round II:
LutiChris shot Jerkington
Simoneon infected Hacker
Round III:
Hacker infected Ramond
LutiChris infected TheNave
Divisor cured Simoneon
Round IV:
Hacker infected Elias
TheNave infected Divisor
Reaper shot LutiChris
Round V:
Citizens forfeited.
LutiChris infected Simoneon
Round II:
LutiChris shot Jerkington
Simoneon infected Hacker
Round III:
Hacker infected Ramond
LutiChris infected TheNave
Divisor cured Simoneon
Round IV:
Hacker infected Elias
TheNave infected Divisor
Reaper shot LutiChris
Round V:
Citizens forfeited.
MATCH II (Click to View)
Round 1 (Click to View)
LutiChris (Farmer, 1 Ammo) is defending TheNave.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself.
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 2 Batteries) 25% is defending himself.
TheNave (Merchant, 1 Supply) 75% is defending himself.
Divisor (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% is defending himself.
Elias (Survivor) 20% built GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE ZOMBIES.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) 25% is defendin himself and wearing his IR-Googles.
Ramond (Survivor) 20% built Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 25% is defending himself.
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% is defending himself.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Suplly) 25% is defending himself.
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Jail Elias [1/4]
The zombie invasion is running, a couple of citizens managed to escape into a bunker...
But one of them is... INFECTED!
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself.
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 2 Batteries) 25% is defending himself.
TheNave (Merchant, 1 Supply) 75% is defending himself.
Divisor (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% is defending himself.
Elias (Survivor) 20% built GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE ZOMBIES.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) 25% is defendin himself and wearing his IR-Googles.
Ramond (Survivor) 20% built Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 25% is defending himself.
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% is defending himself.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Suplly) 25% is defending himself.
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Jail Elias [1/4]
The zombie invasion is running, a couple of citizens managed to escape into a bunker...
But one of them is... INFECTED!
Round 2 (Click to View)
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo) is shooting JerkingtonXIII.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) (no action) 25% is defending himself.
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 2 Batteries) 25% is defending himself and wearing IR-googles.
TheNave (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself.
Divisor (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% is defending himself.
Elias (Survivor) 45% (no action) is defending himself.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) started a vote to kill Hacker and is wearing IR-googles.
Ramond (Survivor) 45% is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 25% is defending himself.
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% is defending himself and voting to kill Hacker.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself.
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Hacker [2/5]
A quiet night. May the zombies were left outside of the bunker? Or is the main zombie just waiting for the moment to strike?
LutiChris shot JerkingtonXIII... and he survived, HE IS THE MAIN ZOMBIE!
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) (no action) 25% is defending himself.
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 2 Batteries) 25% is defending himself and wearing IR-googles.
TheNave (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself.
Divisor (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% is defending himself.
Elias (Survivor) 45% (no action) is defending himself.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) started a vote to kill Hacker and is wearing IR-googles.
Ramond (Survivor) 45% is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 25% is defending himself.
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% is defending himself and voting to kill Hacker.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself.
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Hacker [2/5]
A quiet night. May the zombies were left outside of the bunker? Or is the main zombie just waiting for the moment to strike?
LutiChris shot JerkingtonXIII... and he survived, HE IS THE MAIN ZOMBIE!
Round 3 (Click to View)
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo) is shooting JerkingtonXIII.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself and is voting to jail Phil.
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) started a vote to jail Phil and is wearing his IR-googles.
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) is resupplying LutiChris and Reaper and is voting to jail Phil.
Divisor (Medic, 1 Cures) is attempting to cure Hacker.
Elias (Survivor) 45% (No action) is defending himself.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25% is defending himself, wearing IR-googles and voting to jail Phil.
Ramond (Survivor) 45% is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is trying to infect a random person.
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures) (No action) 25% is defending himself.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself and voting to jail Phil.
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Kill C4_Deidara [1/5]
Jail Phil [5/3]
The main zombie got discovered this soon... and it's the afk...
Phil was jailed.
JerkingtonXIII was shot by LutiChris and died.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself and is voting to jail Phil.
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) started a vote to jail Phil and is wearing his IR-googles.
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) is resupplying LutiChris and Reaper and is voting to jail Phil.
Divisor (Medic, 1 Cures) is attempting to cure Hacker.
Elias (Survivor) 45% (No action) is defending himself.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25% is defending himself, wearing IR-googles and voting to jail Phil.
Ramond (Survivor) 45% is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is trying to infect a random person.
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures) (No action) 25% is defending himself.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself and voting to jail Phil.
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Kill C4_Deidara [1/5]
Jail Phil [5/3]
The main zombie got discovered this soon... and it's the afk...
Phil was jailed.
JerkingtonXIII was shot by LutiChris and died.
Round 4 (Click to View)
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo) is shooting C4_Deidara.
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply) is resupllying LutiChris and Reaper.
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) started a vote to jail LutiChris.
Divisor (Medic, 1 Cures) 25% is defending himself.
Elias (Survivor) 20% is inviting LutiChris.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25% is defending himself and wearing IR-googles.
Ramond (Survivor) 45% is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures) is jailed.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself and voting to jail LutiChris.
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Jail LutiChris [2/3]
LutiChris shot the main zombie with a doubled portion of heroism... but is that enough to stop the infection?!
LutiChris shot C4_Deidara... who was a zombie!
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply) is resupllying LutiChris and Reaper.
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) started a vote to jail LutiChris.
Divisor (Medic, 1 Cures) 25% is defending himself.
Elias (Survivor) 20% is inviting LutiChris.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25% is defending himself and wearing IR-googles.
Ramond (Survivor) 45% is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures) is jailed.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself and voting to jail LutiChris.
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Jail LutiChris [2/3]
LutiChris shot the main zombie with a doubled portion of heroism... but is that enough to stop the infection?!
LutiChris shot C4_Deidara... who was a zombie!
Round 5 (Click to View)
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo)
~deleted by accident, sry~
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Kill Divisor [4/4]
Another zombie down... but is this the end of the plague?
The citizens voted to kill Divisor. He actually WAS a zombie.
~deleted by accident, sry~
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Kill Divisor [4/4]
Another zombie down... but is this the end of the plague?
The citizens voted to kill Divisor. He actually WAS a zombie.
Round 6 (Click to View)
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo) started a vote to kill Phil.
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply) 25% is defending himself.
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) started a vote to kill Hacker and is voting to kill Phil.
Divisor (Medic, 0 Cures, Zombie) is dead
Elias (Survivor) 20% is inviting LutiChris and voting to kill Phil.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Ramond (Survivor) 45% is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures) is jailed.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Kill Phil [3/4]
Kill Hacker [1/4]
The zombies keep dieing, will the citizens make it to survive?
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply) 25% is defending himself.
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) started a vote to kill Hacker and is voting to kill Phil.
Divisor (Medic, 0 Cures, Zombie) is dead
Elias (Survivor) 20% is inviting LutiChris and voting to kill Phil.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Ramond (Survivor) 45% is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures) is jailed.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Kill Phil [3/4]
Kill Hacker [1/4]
The zombies keep dieing, will the citizens make it to survive?
Round 7 (Click to View)
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo) is voting to kill Hacker.
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) started a vote to kill Hacker and is voting to kill Phil.
Divisor (Medic, 0 Cures, Zombie) is dead
Elias (Survivor) 20% started a vote to kill Phil and is voting to kill Hacker.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25%is defending himself and voting to kill Hacker and Phil.
Ramond (Survivor) 45% (no action) is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures) is jailed.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Kill Hacker [4/4]
Kill Phil [3/4]
Quiet night... may too quiet...
The citizens decided to lynch Hacker... and they decided, right, another zombie is dead now.
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) started a vote to kill Hacker and is voting to kill Phil.
Divisor (Medic, 0 Cures, Zombie) is dead
Elias (Survivor) 20% started a vote to kill Phil and is voting to kill Hacker.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25%is defending himself and voting to kill Hacker and Phil.
Ramond (Survivor) 45% (no action) is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures) is jailed.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Kill Hacker [4/4]
Kill Phil [3/4]
Quiet night... may too quiet...
The citizens decided to lynch Hacker... and they decided, right, another zombie is dead now.
Round 8 (Click to View)
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo) is voting to kill Simoneon.
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply) 75% (no action) is defending himself.
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries, Zombie) is dead
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) started a vote to kill Simoneon.
Divisor (Medic, 0 Cures, Zombie) is dead
Elias (Survivor) 20% is defending Simoneon and voting to kill Simoneon.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25% is defending himself and voting to kill Simoneon.
Ramond (Survivor) 45% (no action) is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures) is jailed.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Simoneon [4/3]
The zombies keep dieing, but the infection is still not done yet...
The citizens decided to kill Simoneon... But sadly he was just a (afk) citizen.
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply) 75% (no action) is defending himself.
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries, Zombie) is dead
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) started a vote to kill Simoneon.
Divisor (Medic, 0 Cures, Zombie) is dead
Elias (Survivor) 20% is defending Simoneon and voting to kill Simoneon.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25% is defending himself and voting to kill Simoneon.
Ramond (Survivor) 45% (no action) is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures) is jailed.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Simoneon [4/3]
The zombies keep dieing, but the infection is still not done yet...
The citizens decided to kill Simoneon... But sadly he was just a (afk) citizen.
Round 9 (Click to View)
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo) is voting to kill Phil.
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply, Citizen) is dead
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries, Zombie) is dead
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) started a vote to kill Phil.
Divisor (Medic, 0 Cures, Zombie) is dead
Elias (Survivor) 45% (no action) is defending himself.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25% is defending himself and voting to kill Phil.
Ramond (Survivor) 45% (no action) is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures) is jailed.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Kill Phil [3/3]
Did the citizen went to far with their accusing? An innocent citizen had to die...
The citizens decided to lynch the jailed guy... finally the zombie died.
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply, Citizen) is dead
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries, Zombie) is dead
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) started a vote to kill Phil.
Divisor (Medic, 0 Cures, Zombie) is dead
Elias (Survivor) 45% (no action) is defending himself.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) 25% is defending himself and voting to kill Phil.
Ramond (Survivor) 45% (no action) is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures) is jailed.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Kill Phil [3/3]
Did the citizen went to far with their accusing? An innocent citizen had to die...
The citizens decided to lynch the jailed guy... finally the zombie died.
Round 10 (Click to View)
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo) is voting to kill Ramond.
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply, Citizen) is dead
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries, Zombie) is dead
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) started a vote to kill Ramond.
Divisor (Medic, 0 Cures, Zombie) is dead
Elias (Survivor) 20% started a vote to kill TheNave and is voting to kill Ramond.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) started a vote to kill LutiChris and is voting to kill Ramond.
Ramond (Survivor) 45% is trying to defend himself from the furious crowd with flaming torches...
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures, Zombie) is dead.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Kill Ramond [4/3]
Kill TheNave [1/3]
Kill LutiChris [1/3]
10 days. And still no end of the infection.
The citizens decided to lynch Ramond: One survivor less who could have helped them against the zombies.
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply, Citizen) is dead
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries, Zombie) is dead
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) started a vote to kill Ramond.
Divisor (Medic, 0 Cures, Zombie) is dead
Elias (Survivor) 20% started a vote to kill TheNave and is voting to kill Ramond.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) started a vote to kill LutiChris and is voting to kill Ramond.
Ramond (Survivor) 45% is trying to defend himself from the furious crowd with flaming torches...
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures, Zombie) is dead.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead
Fortres of ultemate destruktion two!!!!!!!: (+10%)
Kill Ramond [4/3]
Kill TheNave [1/3]
Kill LutiChris [1/3]
10 days. And still no end of the infection.
The citizens decided to lynch Ramond: One survivor less who could have helped them against the zombies.
Round 11 (Click to View)
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo) 100% started a vote to kill Reaper.
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply, Citizen) is dead
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries, Zombie) is dead
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) is defending LutiChris.
Divisor (Medic, 0 Cures, Zombie) is dead
Elias (Survivor) 20% is defending LutiChris.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) started a vote to kill LutiChris.
Ramond (Survivor, Citizen) is dead.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures, Zombie) is dead.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead
Kill Lutichris [1/2]
Kill Reaper [1/2]
One survivor died due to unreasoned suspections by the citizens... Is any hope gone to grave with him?
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply, Citizen) is dead
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries, Zombie) is dead
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) is defending LutiChris.
Divisor (Medic, 0 Cures, Zombie) is dead
Elias (Survivor) 20% is defending LutiChris.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries) started a vote to kill LutiChris.
Ramond (Survivor, Citizen) is dead.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures, Zombie) is dead.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead
Kill Lutichris [1/2]
Kill Reaper [1/2]
One survivor died due to unreasoned suspections by the citizens... Is any hope gone to grave with him?
Round 12 (Click to View)
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo) 100% started a vote to kill Reaper.
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply, Citizen) is dead
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries, Zombie) is dead
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) is still defending LutiChris.
Divisor (Medic, 0 Cures, Zombie) is dead
Elias (Survivor) 20% is still defending LutiChris.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries)
Ramond (Survivor, Citizen) is dead.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures, Zombie) is dead.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead
Kill Reaper [1/2]
The last stand has already begun... how long lucky Elias will last...
The citizens forfeited the Match.
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply, Citizen) is dead
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries, Zombie) is dead
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply) is still defending LutiChris.
Divisor (Medic, 0 Cures, Zombie) is dead
Elias (Survivor) 20% is still defending LutiChris.
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries)
Ramond (Survivor, Citizen) is dead.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures, Zombie) is dead.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead
Kill Reaper [1/2]
The last stand has already begun... how long lucky Elias will last...
The citizens forfeited the Match.
THE TRUTH (Click to View)
Round I:
JerkingtonXIII infected Hacker
Round II:
LutiChris shot JerkingtonXIII
Hacker infected Phil
Jerkington failed on infecting C4_Deidara
Round III:
Jerkington failed on infecting LutiChris
LutiChris shot JerkingtonXIII
Phil infected C4_Deidara
Round IV:
Hacker failed on infecting LutiChris
C4_Deidara infected Divisor
LutiChris shot C4_Deidara
Round V:
Divisor failed on infecting TheNave
Hacker tried to infect Phil
Round VI:
Hacker failed on infecting Ramond
Round VII:
Hacker infected Reaper
Round VIII:
Reaper infected TheNave
Round IX:
Reaper infected Elias
Round X:
Elias tried to infect TheNave
Round XI;
Elias failed on infecting LutiChris
TheNave failed on infecting LutiChris
Round XII:
Citizens forfeited.
JerkingtonXIII infected Hacker
Round II:
LutiChris shot JerkingtonXIII
Hacker infected Phil
Jerkington failed on infecting C4_Deidara
Round III:
Jerkington failed on infecting LutiChris
LutiChris shot JerkingtonXIII
Phil infected C4_Deidara
Round IV:
Hacker failed on infecting LutiChris
C4_Deidara infected Divisor
LutiChris shot C4_Deidara
Round V:
Divisor failed on infecting TheNave
Hacker tried to infect Phil
Round VI:
Hacker failed on infecting Ramond
Round VII:
Hacker infected Reaper
Round VIII:
Reaper infected TheNave
Round IX:
Reaper infected Elias
Round X:
Elias tried to infect TheNave
Round XI;
Elias failed on infecting LutiChris
TheNave failed on infecting LutiChris
Round XII:
Citizens forfeited.
MATCH III (Click to View)
Round 1 (Click to View)
LutiChris (Medic, 2 Cures) is defending Simoneon
TheNave (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 75% is defending himself.
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply) 50% is defending forgetlatios.
Phil (Survivor) 60% built "fortress of the purple cat queen".
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 35% (no action) is defending himself.
forgetlatios (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 50% is defending Divisor.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) 25% is defending himself and wearing IR-googles.
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures) is defending Phil.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) 50% is defending TheNave.
fortress of the purple cat queen: [+10%]
The zombie invasion is running, a couple of citizens managed to escape into a bunker...
But one of them is... INFECTED!
TheNave (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 75% is defending himself.
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply) 50% is defending forgetlatios.
Phil (Survivor) 60% built "fortress of the purple cat queen".
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 35% (no action) is defending himself.
forgetlatios (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 50% is defending Divisor.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) 25% is defending himself and wearing IR-googles.
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures) is defending Phil.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) 50% is defending TheNave.
fortress of the purple cat queen: [+10%]
The zombie invasion is running, a couple of citizens managed to escape into a bunker...
But one of them is... INFECTED!
Round 2: (Click to View)
LutiChris (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% is defending himself and voting to jail Elias.
TheNave (Farmer, 1 Ammo) started a vote to jail Elias.
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Phil (Survivor) 20% is voting to jail Elias.
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 20% buildt "Hellhound" and is voting to jail Elias.
forgetlatios (Farmer, 1 Ammo) is voting to jail Elias.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
fortress of the purple cat queen: [+10%]
Hellhound: [+10%]
Jail Elias [4/3]
A quiet night, no special occurings... may there is no zombie?
The citizens decided to jail Elias.
TheNave (Farmer, 1 Ammo) started a vote to jail Elias.
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Phil (Survivor) 20% is voting to jail Elias.
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 20% buildt "Hellhound" and is voting to jail Elias.
forgetlatios (Farmer, 1 Ammo) is voting to jail Elias.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
fortress of the purple cat queen: [+10%]
Hellhound: [+10%]
Jail Elias [4/3]
A quiet night, no special occurings... may there is no zombie?
The citizens decided to jail Elias.
Round 3: (Click to View)
LutiChris (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% is defending himself.
TheNave (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 25% is defending himself.
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself.
Phil (Survivor) 45% is defending himself.
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 20% is defending Simoneon.
forgetlatios (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) is jailed.
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) 50% is watching the Jail.
fortress of the purple cat queen: [+10%]
Hellhound: [+10%]
The suspected Main Zombie was jailed... But... was it a success?
TheNave (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 25% is defending himself.
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% is defending himself.
Phil (Survivor) 45% is defending himself.
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 20% is defending Simoneon.
forgetlatios (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) is jailed.
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) 50% is watching the Jail.
fortress of the purple cat queen: [+10%]
Hellhound: [+10%]
The suspected Main Zombie was jailed... But... was it a success?
Round 4: (Click to View)
LutiChris (Medic, 2 Cures) started a vote to jail C4_Deidara.
TheNave (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Phil (Survivor) 45% is defending himself.
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 45% is defending himself.
forgetlatios (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) is jailed.
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% is defending himself.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
fortress of the purple cat queen: [+10%]
Hellhound: [+10%]
Jail C4_Deidara [1/3]
No special occurings... may all zombies are jailed already?
TheNave (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Phil (Survivor) 45% is defending himself.
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 45% is defending himself.
forgetlatios (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) is jailed.
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% is defending himself.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
fortress of the purple cat queen: [+10%]
Hellhound: [+10%]
Jail C4_Deidara [1/3]
No special occurings... may all zombies are jailed already?
Round 5 (Click to View)
LutiChris (Medic, 1 Cures) is attempting to cure Elias.
TheNave (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 45% is defending himself.
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply) is watching the Jail.
Phil (Survivor) 45% is defending himself.
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 30% invited TheNave.
forgetlatios (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) is jailed.
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% is defending himself.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
fortress of the purple cat queen: [+10%]
Hellhound: [+20%]
[insert generic day discripton]
TheNave (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 45% is defending himself.
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply) is watching the Jail.
Phil (Survivor) 45% is defending himself.
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 30% invited TheNave.
forgetlatios (Farmer, 1 Ammo) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) is jailed.
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures) 25% is defending himself.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
fortress of the purple cat queen: [+10%]
Hellhound: [+20%]
[insert generic day discripton]
Round 6: (Click to View)
LutiChris (Medic, 1 Cures) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
TheNave (Farmer, 0 Ammo) 20% is shooting forgetlatios and is voting to kill Divisor and is voting to kill Phil.
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply) is voting to kill TheNave.
Phil (Survivor) 20% started a vote to kill TheNave.
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 30% started a vote to kill Phil and is voting to kill Divisor.
forgetlatios (Farmer, 0 Ammo) is shooting TheNave and voting to kill TheNave.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) is jailed and trying to break out.
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures) started a vote to kill Divisor and is voting to kill Phil.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
fortress of the purple cat queen: [+10%]
Hellhound: [+20%]
Kill Divisor [3/5]
Kill Phil [2/5]
Kill TheNave [3/5]
Elias broke free from the jail, he is a zombie!
Forgetlatios shot TheNave... but he survived, HE IS THE MAIN ZOMBIE.
TheNave shot forgetlatios... who was just a citizen.
Finally the citizens began to team up in the fortresses, will this be the key for winning against the zombie onslaught?
TheNave (Farmer, 0 Ammo) 20% is shooting forgetlatios and is voting to kill Divisor and is voting to kill Phil.
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply) is voting to kill TheNave.
Phil (Survivor) 20% started a vote to kill TheNave.
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 30% started a vote to kill Phil and is voting to kill Divisor.
forgetlatios (Farmer, 0 Ammo) is shooting TheNave and voting to kill TheNave.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries) is jailed and trying to break out.
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures) started a vote to kill Divisor and is voting to kill Phil.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) 25% (no action) is defending himself.
fortress of the purple cat queen: [+10%]
Hellhound: [+20%]
Kill Divisor [3/5]
Kill Phil [2/5]
Kill TheNave [3/5]
Elias broke free from the jail, he is a zombie!
Forgetlatios shot TheNave... but he survived, HE IS THE MAIN ZOMBIE.
TheNave shot forgetlatios... who was just a citizen.
Finally the citizens began to team up in the fortresses, will this be the key for winning against the zombie onslaught?
Round 7: (Click to View)
LutiChris (Medic, 1 Cures) (no action) 25% is defending himself.
TheNave (Farmer, 0 Ammo, Main Zombie) is infecting Divisor.
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply) is defending Phil.
Phil (Survivor) 70% started a vote to kill TheNave.
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 30% started a vote to kill Phil.
forgetlatios (Farmer, 0 Ammo, Citizen) is dead.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries, Zombie) (no action) 25% is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures) (no action) 25% is defending himself.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) (no action) 25% is defending himself.
fortress of the purple cat queen: [+10%]
Hellhound: [+20%]
Kill TheNave [1/3]
Kill Phil [1/3]
The zombies are revealed, but does that really matter now?
TheNave (Farmer, 0 Ammo, Main Zombie) is infecting Divisor.
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply) is defending Phil.
Phil (Survivor) 70% started a vote to kill TheNave.
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 30% started a vote to kill Phil.
forgetlatios (Farmer, 0 Ammo, Citizen) is dead.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries, Zombie) (no action) 25% is defending himself.
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures) (no action) 25% is defending himself.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply) (no action) 25% is defending himself.
fortress of the purple cat queen: [+10%]
Hellhound: [+20%]
Kill TheNave [1/3]
Kill Phil [1/3]
The zombies are revealed, but does that really matter now?
Round 8 (Click to View)
LutiChris (Medic, 1 Cures) isn't doing anything.
TheNave (Farmer, 0 Ammo, Main Zombie) is rushing Phil.
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply) is voting to kill Simoneon.
Phil (Survivor) 20% started a vote to kill Simoneon.
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 30% isn't doing anything.
forgetlatios (Farmer, 0 Ammo, Citizen) is dead.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries, Zombie) isn't doing anything.
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures, Zombie) is defending Divisor.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is defending Divisor.
fortress of the purple cat queen: [+10%]
Hellhound: [+20%]
Kill Simoneon [2/2]
Zombie Simoneon was killed by the citizens.
It's a stalemate... The citizens are still standing and the zombies seem to be dumb like walking deads...
TheNave (Farmer, 0 Ammo, Main Zombie) is rushing Phil.
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply) is voting to kill Simoneon.
Phil (Survivor) 20% started a vote to kill Simoneon.
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 30% isn't doing anything.
forgetlatios (Farmer, 0 Ammo, Citizen) is dead.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries, Zombie) isn't doing anything.
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures, Zombie) is defending Divisor.
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is defending Divisor.
fortress of the purple cat queen: [+10%]
Hellhound: [+20%]
Kill Simoneon [2/2]
Zombie Simoneon was killed by the citizens.
It's a stalemate... The citizens are still standing and the zombies seem to be dumb like walking deads...
Round 9: (Click to View)
LutiChris (Medic, 1 Cures)
TheNave (Farmer, 0 Ammo, Main Zombie)
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply)
Phil (Survivor) 20%
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 30%
forgetlatios (Farmer, 0 Ammo, Citizen) is dead.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries, Zombie)
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures, Zombie)
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead.
All citiens were infected, Zombie Team wins!
TheNave (Farmer, 0 Ammo, Main Zombie)
Divisor (Merchant, 1 Supply)
Phil (Survivor) 20%
C4_Deidara (Survivor) 30%
forgetlatios (Farmer, 0 Ammo, Citizen) is dead.
Elias (Spec-Ops, 1 Batteries, Zombie)
JerkingtonXIII (Medic, 2 Cures, Zombie)
Simoneon (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead.
All citiens were infected, Zombie Team wins!
THE TRUTH (Click to View)
Round III:
TheNave infected JerkingtonXIII
Round IV:
JerkingtonXIII infected LutiChris
TheNave infected Simoneon
Round V:
LutiChris infected Elias
TheNave infected C4_Deidara
JerkingtonXIII tried to infect TheNave
Simoneon tried to infect Lutichris
Round VI:
LutiChris tried to infect TheNave
Simoneon tried to infect C4_Deidara
forgetlatios shot TheNave
TheNave shot forgetlatios
Round VII:
Simoneon tried to infect Elias
TheNave failed on infecting Divisor
JerkingtonXIII tried to infect LutiChris
Elias tried to infect JerkingtonXIII
LutiChris tried to infect JerkingtonXIII
Round VIII:
Simoneon failed on infecting Divisor
JerkingtonXIII infected Divisor
TheNave rushed and infected Phil
TheNave infected JerkingtonXIII
Round IV:
JerkingtonXIII infected LutiChris
TheNave infected Simoneon
Round V:
LutiChris infected Elias
TheNave infected C4_Deidara
JerkingtonXIII tried to infect TheNave
Simoneon tried to infect Lutichris
Round VI:
LutiChris tried to infect TheNave
Simoneon tried to infect C4_Deidara
forgetlatios shot TheNave
TheNave shot forgetlatios
Round VII:
Simoneon tried to infect Elias
TheNave failed on infecting Divisor
JerkingtonXIII tried to infect LutiChris
Elias tried to infect JerkingtonXIII
LutiChris tried to infect JerkingtonXIII
Round VIII:
Simoneon failed on infecting Divisor
JerkingtonXIII infected Divisor
TheNave rushed and infected Phil
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Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
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