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Zombie Night (Round 2 - new sign-ups)
I would recommend, that everyone starts a vote for smoneone, effectively killing EVERYONE left in the game... this will kill the zombies for sure :D
My Creations: (Click to View)

Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

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Elias don't break the pattern if there is only the 3 of us left we can do it...
for now just eliminate...or we will get no where and someone will get infected...
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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ok, simple end. I'm a zombie and I infected both Nave and Elias.
Now we simply vote to kill the other two, ramond and luti( or did you infect one of them nave?) Or probably one of them is zombie anyway.
voting to kill ramond and starting a vote to kill LutiChris
Let's end this already.
Or shall we start a rush against the fortress? :D
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WTH?! Everyone posted an action! The first time in this Match we don't need to wait for AFKs!

Round 11: (ends on 3PM GMT, 20th)
LutiChris (Farmer, 0 Ammo)
Simoneon (Merchant, 0 Supply, Citizen) is dead
Hacker (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries, Zombie) is dead
TheNave (Merchant, 0 Supply)
Divisor (Medic, 0 Cures, Zombie) is dead
Elias (Survivor) 20%
Reaper (Spec-Ops, 0 Batteries)
Ramond (Survivor, Citizen) is dead.
JerkingtonXIII (Farmer, 1 Ammo, Main Zombie) is dead
Phil (Medic, 2 Cures, Zombie) is dead.
C4_Deidara (Merchant, 1 Supply, Zombie) is dead


One survivor died due to unreasoned suspections by the citizens... Is any hope gone to grave with him?
My Creations: (Click to View)

Return (String) System.getNewsOfTheDay();
Barely active, expect slow responses. If at all.

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lynching... no wait infecting LutiChris Let's end this with four zombies.
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defending LutiChris
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defending**** too bad don't have amo... Facepalm
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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Actually... Let's make this faster:
starting a vote to kill Luti
I really don't want this to last another day. Come on zombies, end this.
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voting to kill reaper...instead
i don't see what use it is to do anything....idk if u are bluffing or not
if not then then hell with it...
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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you're infecting him 75% chance, I'm infecting him 75% chance
he defends himselfe 25% protection
infection chance = 150% - 25% = 125% = sucess!
and @ elias
you're so damn pathetic for trying to infect me this round... I mean, O LOL! It was obvious that I'm a zombie when I started to kill the citizens one after another
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