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[help] Pick flying weapon in mid-air
maybe you ought to do something simpler until your DC-ing skills improve, not so complicated xD
what i'm trying to say is if the pros can't do it, try something less complicated
[Image: UB2.gif]

News of the day 19th Sep 10: Someone's back on track
Thanks given by:
if the pros can't do it i won't give up until i get it and become a pro myself ;)
[Image: bilxvzqm0a6dmcc6c.png]
by firzenX's graphics shop

my spriting attempts | Char: Boomer
chishio: "The only limitations in life, are those imposed by yourself and the laws of physics." - learn parkour or join the matrix (either will set you free from physics).
Thanks given by:
^^ ok btw you want those fire-boomerang data & sprites?
[Image: UB2.gif]

News of the day 19th Sep 10: Someone's back on track
Thanks given by:
Theoretically it is possible.
-But the weapon falls to ground very fast.

The char has to press defend+attack (because I´ve used i/k 7, you have to press "attack")

The code of the char:
<frame> 110 defend
   pic: 56  state: 7  wait: 12  next: 999  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  centerx: 39  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 1  x: 39  y: 46  weaponact: 35  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 7  x: 20  y: 1019  w: 38  h: 60  arest: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 20  y: 19  w: 38  h: 60
<frame> 111 defend
   pic: 57  state: 7  wait: 0  next: 110  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  centerx: 39  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 1  x: 36  y: 46  weaponact: 35  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 7  x: 36  y: 1054  w: 13  h: 25  arest: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 16  y: 19  w: 42  h: 60

This is the new throwing code for the boomerang
wtf is google doing? (Click to View)
Thanks given by:
(03-20-2010, 09:48 AM)Ballrogg Wrote:  This is the new throwing code for the boomerang

this boomerang will drop to the ground when thrown and the state: 1004 wont work for picking as it has a next other than 0

edit: let me correct myself there i just did pick an animated moving boomerang
i was so sure i had that problem once ...
anyway i will get it to work
Thanks given by:
first: moved to advanced.

Second: Actrually the picking light weapon thing is easy - a bdy in the weapon and the itr / kind 2 in the punch frames of the char have to get each other - if they do the char catch the weapon, the frame with the bdy must have state 1004.

Third: To catch the weapon in the air is a matter of timing. That`s the main problem, and since you only got one picking-light frame for the catch from ground and the catch from sky you have to make this frame work for both situations - i suggest some kind of magic like in harry potter 1 movie where they catch the broom :p

So lets start: My plan was to allow davis to catch a sword from freeze flying towards him as soon as it`s less then 100px away.

So first i midified the weapon7.dat - since the weapon is thrown and dont fall from sky when he can catch it you have to modify the throwing frames:

<frame> 40 throwing
   pic: 0  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 41  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  centerx: 35  centery: 58  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 12  y: 16  w: 49  h: 47  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 40    effect: 3
      kind: 0  x: 12  y: 15  w: 49  h: 49
   bdy: #catch it magic
      kind: 0  x: 0  y: 1040  w: 80  h: 500

since only davis should be able to do this i had to bring the bdy and itrs to a new level - so here y: 1000. i choose height 500 so i dont get into trouble with all the y-stuff. make sure you change the state to 1004

next i modify the first punch frames of davis:

<frame> 60 punch
   pic: 10  state: 3  wait: 1  next: 61  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 42  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
   itr: #catch normal weapons
      kind: 2  x: 27  y: 57  w: 36  h: 25  vrest: 1  
   itr: #catch them the magic way (weapons flying towards you)
      kind: 2  x: 40  y: 1079  w: 140  h: 500  vrest: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 28  y: 12  w: 33  h: 70

the "#catch normal weapons-itr" isnt modified, i added the second one level is y: 1000 again, the x-area starts at x: 40 (middle of char) and go 140 px forward - the area where he can start to catch weapons.

Now i also modified the pickinc_light frame:
<frame> 115 picking_light
   pic: 19  state: 15  wait: 2  next: 999  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 46  centery: 79  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 1  x: 54  y: 55  weaponact: 21  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 0  x: 24  y: 43  w: 33  h: 37
      kind: 0  x: 32  y: 24  w: 28  h: 28

the only thing i did is change the image and the wait so it dont look like he pick a weapon from ground if he pick it from sky and the wpoint - only for visual, nothing important...

Now a little video... (I installed a prog only for this - i just like to solve advanced problems :))

In the attachement you find the example files, the video and the tutorial...

Have fun ^^

EDIT: Rofl, while I made this there were two new posts :p

EDIT2: It might be the weapon don`t fly as far as normal with the state 1004 in throwing - add a dvy: -1 in each throwing frame and it should be close to the original throw distance...

Attached Files
.rar   Catch-Weapon-In-The-Air.rar (Size: 635.48 KB / Downloads: 118)
[Image: random.php?pic=random]
Once I had a fortune, it said: "Leave now. Life is short. Time is luck"
Don't dream your life, live your dream!
Thanks given by:
this boomerang can be picked by anyone as its thrown ...
file(0-99): sprite\sys\weapon9.bmp  w: 48  h: 48  row: 10  col: 10
weapon_hp: 200
weapon_drop_hurt: 35
weapon_hit_sound: data\027.wav
weapon_drop_sound: data\027.wav
weapon_broken_sound: data\027.wav
   entry: 1 normal 
     dvx: 2  fall: 40  vrest: 10 bdefend: 16  injury: 45  effect: 1
   entry: 2 jump   
     dvx: 7  fall: 70  vrest: 10  bdefend: 16   injury: 45   effect: 1
   entry: 3 run    
     dvx: 10  fall: 70  vrest: 10  bdefend: 16   injury: 55    effect: 1
   entry: 4 dash   
     dvx: 12  fall: 70  vrest: 20  bdefend: 60  injury: 55   effect: 1
<frame> 0 in_the_sky
   pic: 0  state: 1000  wait: 0  next: 1  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 24  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 1 in_the_sky
   pic: 1  state: 1000  wait: 0  next: 2  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 23  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 2 in_the_sky
   pic: 2  state: 1000  wait: 0  next: 3  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 25  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 3 in_the_sky
   pic: 3  state: 1000  wait: 0  next: 4  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 23  centery: 25  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 4 in_the_sky
   pic: 4  state: 1000  wait: 0  next: 5  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 26  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 5 in_the_sky
   pic: 5  state: 1000  wait: 0  next: 6  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 26  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 6 in_the_sky
   pic: 6  state: 1000  wait: 0  next: 7  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 25  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 7 in_the_sky
   pic: 7  state: 1000  wait: 0  next: 8  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 22  centery: 23  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 8 in_the_sky
   pic: 8  state: 1000  wait: 0  next: 9  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 26  centery: 15  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 9 in_the_sky
   pic: 9  state: 1000  wait: 0  next: 10  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 27  centery: 15  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 10 in_the_sky
   pic: 10  state: 1000  wait: 0  next: 11  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 25  centery: 25  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 11 in_the_sky
   pic: 11  state: 1000  wait: 0  next: 12  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 24  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 12 in_the_sky
   pic: 12  state: 1000  wait: 0  next: 13  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 25  centery: 24  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 13 in_the_sky
   pic: 13  state: 1000  wait: 0  next: 14  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 25  centery: 25  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 14 in_the_sky
   pic: 14  state: 1000  wait: 0  next: 15  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 24  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 15 in_the_sky
   pic: 15  state: 1000  wait: 0  next: 999  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 23  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 20 on_hand
   pic: 20  state: 1001  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 40  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 24  y: 40  weaponact: 0  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 5  x: 17  y: 2  w: 13  h: 44  fall: 20  bdefend: 16  injury: 789  
<frame> 21 on_hand
   pic: 21  state: 1001  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 40  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 17  y: 41  weaponact: 0  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 5  x: 15  y: 20  w: 12  h: 23  dvx: 8  fall: 20  bdefend: 16  injury: 789  
<frame> 22 on_hand
   pic: 22  state: 1001  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 40  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 12  y: 37  weaponact: 0  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 5  x: 15  y: 21  w: 10  h: 17  dvx: 8  fall: 20  bdefend: 16  injury: 789  
<frame> 23 on_hand
   pic: 23  state: 1001  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 40  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 9  y: 33  weaponact: 0  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 5  x: 9  y: 25  w: 14  h: 13  dvx: 8  fall: 20  bdefend: 16  injury: 789  
<frame> 24 on_hand
   pic: 24  state: 1001  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 40  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 10  y: 29  weaponact: 0  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 5  x: 8  y: 24  w: 18  h: 12  dvx: 8  fall: 20  bdefend: 16  injury: 789  
<frame> 25 on_hand
   pic: 25  state: 1001  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 40  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 12  y: 23  weaponact: 0  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 5  x: 6  y: 18  w: 24  h: 15  dvx: 8  fall: 20  bdefend: 16  injury: 789  
<frame> 26 on_hand
   pic: 26  state: 1001  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 40  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 14  y: 15  weaponact: 0  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 5  x: 12  y: 12  w: 16  h: 17  dvx: 8  fall: 20  bdefend: 16  injury: 789  
<frame> 27 on_hand
   pic: 27  state: 1001  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 40  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 17  y: 13  weaponact: 0  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 5  x: 12  y: 8  w: 14  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 20  bdefend: 16  injury: 789  
<frame> 28 on_hand
   pic: 28  state: 1001  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 40  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 24  y: 11  weaponact: 0  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 5  x: 18  y: 9  w: 13  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 20  bdefend: 16  injury: 789  
<frame> 29 on_hand
   pic: 29  state: 1001  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 40  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 29  y: 13  weaponact: 0  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 5  x: 18  y: 6  w: 14  h: 24  dvx: 8  fall: 20  bdefend: 16  injury: 789  
<frame> 30 on_hand
   pic: 30  state: 1001  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 40  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 36  y: 16  weaponact: 0  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 5  x: 22  y: 12  w: 19  h: 15  dvx: 8  fall: 20  bdefend: 16  injury: 789  
<frame> 31 on_hand
   pic: 31  state: 1001  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 40  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 37  y: 19  weaponact: 0  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 5  x: 19  y: 15  w: 22  h: 14  dvx: 8  fall: 20  bdefend: 16  injury: 789  
<frame> 32 on_hand
   pic: 32  state: 1001  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 40  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 37  y: 26  weaponact: 0  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 5  x: 20  y: 20  w: 22  h: 12  
<frame> 33 on_hand
   pic: 33  state: 1001  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 40  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 38  y: 33  weaponact: 0  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 5  x: 22  y: 25  w: 20  h: 15  dvx: 8  fall: 20  bdefend: 16  injury: 789  
<frame> 34 on_hand
   pic: 34  state: 1001  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 40  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 34  y: 36  weaponact: 0  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 5  x: 22  y: 25  w: 17  h: 16  dvx: 8  fall: 20  bdefend: 16  injury: 789  
<frame> 35 on_hand
   pic: 35  state: 1001  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 40  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 2  x: 29  y: 40  weaponact: 0  attacking: 0  cover: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0 
      kind: 5  x: 19  y: 23  w: 13  h: 21  dvx: 8  fall: 20  bdefend: 16  injury: 789  
<frame> 40 throwing
   pic: 0  state: 1002  wait: 0  next: 341  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 37  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 55  
      effect: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 41 throwing
   pic: 1  state: 1002  wait: 0  next: 342  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 34  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 55  
      effect: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 42 throwing
   pic: 2  state: 1002  wait: 0  next: 343  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 34  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 55  
      effect: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 43 throwing
   pic: 3  state: 1002  wait: 0  next: 344  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 35  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 55  
      effect: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 44 throwing
   pic: 4  state: 1002  wait: 0  next: 345  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 36  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 55  
      effect: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 45 throwing
   pic: 5  state: 1002  wait: 0  next: 346  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 36  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 55  
      effect: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 46 throwing
   pic: 6  state: 1002  wait: 0  next: 347  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 35  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 55  
      effect: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 47 throwing
   pic: 7  state: 1002  wait: 0  next: 348  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 22  centery: 33  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 55  
      effect: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 48 throwing
   pic: 8  state: 1002  wait: 0  next: 349  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 26  centery: 27  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 55  
      effect: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 49 throwing
   pic: 9  state: 1002  wait: 0  next: 50  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 27  centery: 26  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 55  
      effect: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 50 throwing
   pic: 10  state: 1002  wait: 0  next: 351  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 35  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 55  
      effect: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 51 throwing
   pic: 11  state: 1002  wait: 0  next: 352  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 25  centery: 34  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 55  
      effect: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 52 throwing
   pic: 12  state: 1002  wait: 0  next: 353  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 33  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 55  
      effect: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 53 throwing
   pic: 13  state: 1002  wait: 0  next: 354  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 25  centery: 36  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 55  
      effect: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 54 throwing
   pic: 14  state: 1002  wait: 0  next: 355  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 34  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 55  
      effect: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 55 throwing
   pic: 15  state: 1002  wait: 0  next: 340  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 32  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19  dvx: 8  fall: 70  bdefend: 16  injury: 55  
      effect: 1  
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 19
<frame> 60 on_ground
   pic: 17  state: 1003  wait: 1  next: 61  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 25  centery: 33  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
  sound: data\027.wav 
<frame> 61 on_ground
   pic: 18  state: 1003  wait: 2  next: 62  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 31  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
<frame> 62 on_ground
   pic: 17  state: 1003  wait: 2  next: 63  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 32  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
  sound: data\027.wav 
<frame> 63 on_ground
   pic: 18  state: 1003  wait: 1  next: 64  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 30  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
<frame> 64 on_ground
   pic: 16  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 0  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 25  centery: 30  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 1  y: 19  w: 46  h: 15
<frame> 70 just_on_ground
   pic: 2  state: 1003  wait: 1  next: 71  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 35  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
  sound: data\027.wav 
      kind: 0  x: 1  y: 19  w: 46  h: 15  dvx: 2  fall: 40  arest: 16  bdefend: 16  
<frame> 71 just_on_on_ground
   pic: 5  state: 1003  wait: 2  next: 72  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 32  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
      kind: 0  x: 1  y: 19  w: 46  h: 15  dvx: 2  fall: 40  arest: 16  bdefend: 16  
<frame> 72 just_on_on_ground
   pic: 3  state: 1003  wait: 2  next: 64  dvx: 0  dvy: 0  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 31  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0
  sound: data\027.wav 
      kind: 0  x: 1  y: 19  w: 46  h: 15  dvx: 2  fall: 40  arest: 16  bdefend: 16  
<frame> 340 throwing
   pic: 0  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 41  dvx: 0  dvy: -2  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 37  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 99
<frame> 341 throwing
   pic: 1  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 42  dvx: 0  dvy: -1  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 34  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 99
<frame> 342 throwing
   pic: 2  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 43  dvx: 0  dvy: -2  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 34  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 99
<frame> 343 throwing
   pic: 3  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 44  dvx: 0  dvy: -1  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 35  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 99
<frame> 344 throwing
   pic: 4  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 45  dvx: 0  dvy: -2  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 36  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 99
<frame> 345 throwing
   pic: 5  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 46  dvx: 0  dvy: -1  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 36  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 99
<frame> 346 throwing
   pic: 6  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 47  dvx: 0  dvy: -2  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 35  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 99
<frame> 347 throwing
   pic: 7  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 48  dvx: 0  dvy: -1  dvz: 0  centerx: 22  centery: 33  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 99
<frame> 348 throwing
   pic: 8  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 49  dvx: 0  dvy: -2  dvz: 0  centerx: 26  centery: 27  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 99
<frame> 349 throwing
   pic: 9  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 350  dvx: 0  dvy: -1  dvz: 0  centerx: 27  centery: 26  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 99
<frame> 350 throwing
   pic: 10  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 51  dvx: 0  dvy: -2  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 35  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 99
<frame> 351 throwing
   pic: 11  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 52  dvx: 0  dvy: -1  dvz: 0  centerx: 25  centery: 34  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 99
<frame> 352 throwing
   pic: 12  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 53  dvx: 0  dvy: -2  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 33  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 99
<frame> 353 throwing
   pic: 13  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 54  dvx: 0  dvy: -1  dvz: 0  centerx: 25  centery: 36  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 99
<frame> 354 throwing
   pic: 14  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 55  dvx: 0  dvy: -2  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 34  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 99
<frame> 355 throwing
   pic: 15  state: 1004  wait: 0  next: 40  dvx: 0  dvy: -1  dvz: 0  centerx: 24  centery: 32  hit_a: 0  hit_d: 0  hit_j: 0 hit_Fa: 3
      kind: 0  x: 6  y: 16  w: 39  h: 99

edit: slow slower slowest
Thanks given by:
yay for yinyin's method!

only thing i had to do was to add the pick-up itr on other punch frames because of the punch timing (changing to defence frames as i type)
[Image: bilxvzqm0a6dmcc6c.png]
by firzenX's graphics shop

my spriting attempts | Char: Boomer
chishio: "The only limitations in life, are those imposed by yourself and the laws of physics." - learn parkour or join the matrix (either will set you free from physics).
Thanks given by:
there is no 'method' its all the same
Thanks given by:
i had some problems
well... defence frames didn't work so i put it on the punch frames again
but now i realize only the very first frame catches the boomerang
i copied the itr to the other frames and changed type to 7
in theory it should work, right?
do my frames need a wpoint? (i think that's the problem?) no success with wpoints
[Image: bilxvzqm0a6dmcc6c.png]
by firzenX's graphics shop

my spriting attempts | Char: Boomer
chishio: "The only limitations in life, are those imposed by yourself and the laws of physics." - learn parkour or join the matrix (either will set you free from physics).
Thanks given by:

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