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snorsorbet's stuff that may be considered artwork
I decided to post some things that I made and am really proud of... (I will not post old stuff)

A bunch of userbars I made today and yesterday.

[Image: 39830937ci9.png]

[Image: 70876443qj4.png]

[Image: 73354304su6.png]

I am most proud of the Beeya userbar which I made to my sister...

Now tell me what you think :D

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
Thanks given by: HELLGATE
Wow! That are the first real userbars i see at this site (with some exception) that were not made by me :D
Great work dude!

... It looks like you use the userbar maker 404 (or sth like this), (sry if not :D)
but i guess you made them completely by yourself.

Anyways those bars looks pretty good keep them up :)

btw. the justin face looks a bit blurred
Thanks given by: HELLGATE
And no, I use GIMP. Is it bad to use UB maker 404?
And I know that Justin's face looks a bit blurred.

[Image: 37590647uo3.png]

[Image: 62742073ld7.png]

[Image: 40554570sn8.png]

I hope that YinYin doesn't bother about that I use his characters for my userbars :D
and the Wut? Sunglasses? is transparent.

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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(02-01-2009, 06:45 PM)snorsorbet Wrote:  And no, I use GIMP. Is it bad to use UB maker 404?
No but if you use an extra programm for it its not that ... special :)
can't explain it xD sry

@ your userbars: a bit edgy on some places like the ones i marked extra for you:

[Image: ohnooo.png]
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Here is a regiment of Chaos Warriors (from the miniature wargame Warhammer) which I just finnished. Phew... It almost took me half a year to finnish them ^^. I Really am a slow painter (I'm a slow spriter too :D)

Here is a shot from behind:

Close up (that face to the right almost took longer to do than the rest of the miniature):

Unit Champion (I don't intend to play with him, but I painted him anyway :P):

Any feedback/comments/ratings are welcome :)

EDIT: And yeah, the comp is showing LF-Empire :P

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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Impressed by those Warhammer...thingies. Tried painting a Space Marine once, took ages and the end resut wasn't even close to yours. On the other hand, I was at a game fair (fare? Spelling DX) and the brush wasn't really that great.
| Metaknight | G-types | Bottle Skinz | Companion Cube | Art Gallery |
"Do not grieve, it is logical. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
Thanks given by: snorsorbet
700th post... Just as planned

[Image: justasplannedbt0.jpg]


Aaanyway, I am just finished with this picture. I guess it speaks for itself.

[Image: foughtbattle.png]

So, ehr, critique is very welcome ;D

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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It is nice and awesome, though if it's a bg you can make it more detailed, or add something entertaining, because now the shape and all looks very nice, but it lacks some more 'deepness'.
For instance - you can color it?

I don't know, I might be wrong. Just expressed how I feel lol

snor Wrote:it speaks for itself.
though though though, some explanation here from you would be nice.
Thanks given by: snorsorbet
u could add more detail snor. could add more details in the ground rather in the sky. hmm ya darkness values in the elements.. Like that cross and arrows in ground some catus like thingys . Thats it it lacks details.
Thanks given by: snorsorbet
It is a plain, where the aftermath of a battle is happening.

I may add some more details to it, but I wont colour it because I want it to have that blue hue.
I also won't shade the background, because I want to try stuff out ;) I may add some gradients, just to emphasize stuff, though.

I probably should add something entertaining as well, but I don't know what to add. Maybe a banner?
Any ideas? ;D

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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