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Zack v0.91 out now
Additionally, try to stick to a more neutral background. With that I mean: less lightning, just a plain gradient from light to dark red (or any color, really, as long as they work well together with the face's colors).
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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like that?
[Image: hellf.png]
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Tone down the background's saturation. It's stronger than the character itself right now :P
But yeah, along those lines.
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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omg that is totally awesome!! see bp was right now you can just add a smooth light arround him if you wan to..
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
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nah i tryed it out glow looks bad D:
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(04-17-2010, 09:26 PM)Gad Wrote:  The second frame of runnign should have longer legs, then head won't move so bad.
SDJs;lkjdsad;lksa;dlkkasd - LONGER Leggs

[Image: animation2jm.gif]
you guys think its better? :/
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much better...
"I'm the president of the shadow government
The grand governor of the federal reserve
Public enemy of the society
The one you cannot see the thirty three degree"
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ok then ill go for rest then... curent project "run attack" its gonna look like that (work name:powpunch)
[Image: 25891816.jpg]

btw (it possibly NOOOb question so plese make sure that kids and old people wont read it couse it could end badly) is there any way (in dc obviously) to turn character on back (no mean sprite... i mean turn the way that characte moves) and repeat attack after clicking attack button? also is taht possible to make character do another run attack if theres no mana to do it?
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[Image: animation1r.gif]
This is reaaaaaaaly similar one.
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naaaah ... i mean yeah it is but heares his pushing.... in running he wil... hmmm... (kind of) punching

take a look at 2 frames i just maked:
large image (Click to View)
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