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Zack v0.91 out now
Aww don't change it, it looks awesome with him turning into lightning. I don't see that as a problem.
Henry David Thoreau Wrote:
Let your life be a counter-friction to stop the machine.
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Could it be something like this?
(made myself, feel free to use if you like it.)
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!
Thanks given by: hell fightter , snorsorbet , LutiChris
impresive :D i like it but i was thinking about something another then lois punch... i want jump on bac of opponet quickly fast like a tUNDAH!!!! RAARWR!!! and still wanna completly turn character into tunder :P also i have an idea how it should look like.... ill force my as to sprite it later :P to bussy (lazy) now
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i was just about to suggest to you that what you saw missing with the thunder was the after effects
so on the last frame, add some lightning that is fading away. that may look better :)
~its been a long time coming~
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You could make him visible through the lightning, the same way Julian is visible through his "LAZER COLUMN" move

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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OR...... (lol, idea-pool)
I was thinking along the lines of Rudolf's rowing frames; the blurred & scan-lined sprites. So that he's not fully there, but also not fully absent :P
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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or something like Bat's, almost same like rudolf's, or maybe its same...

EDIT: and yes (in my opinion), you lack "transforming progress" sprites, that's why its not smooth
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tunder transform officialy sux D: i tryed with kind of fadge, fusion, and rudolfs rowing, and turning into spark in first, then into tunder but yeah it sux... so yeah... also someone point that i could make it in some king of luis tunder punch but i dont rly like that idea but yewah i decide to try it maybe that will work
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actually i'd prefer a combination with the thunder-punch and rudolf's row/bat's speed punch
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sriously? perosnaly i think it looks damn streange when he summon ball, disapear and come back when ball disapears =_=
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