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[mod]Little Fighter 2- The Final Return
(06-04-2010, 09:35 AM)Phil Wrote:  guys, you are starting to just chat with each other.
oliver, please use constructive criticism and not "its stupid" or just sent him a pm with your "kind" of criticism.
forgetlatios, i would advise you to not respond on his messages all the time if he uses this more or less offending kind of criticism. I hope you get the point ;)

then i'll ignore him.. Twisted

anyway... people, i need ideas... now i kinda have this list...

woody: julian-like teleport
firzen: newly sprited beam with spiralling red and blue... tho i kinda wanna needa know... if it twists round and round... then how do i make the hitting and rebounding and hit sprites? D:
julian: cloning(lol i dunno what to do with the 10 hp when opointed thing... :D)
monk: facepalm!!! :D(or maybe i make 2 monks, and one of them called ignorant monk)
justin: D>A sprites, shooting out a explosion in > direction
sorcerer: dunno yet...
hunter: uhh... maybe a weaker super arrow?
bandit: nope.
davis: i'm probably gonna make something similar to CE for dragon punch, but DvA will be a very long line of punches... :D
dennis: D>J will be something like a... whirlwind... yea... but thats so unoriginal so i dunno yet. D^A will be a beam. yea... beams...
freeze&firen: more power comes from weapons. F.E, freeze's normal running gets ice columns off the back, firen's D>A shoots 2 instead of 1 fireball, etc.
rudolf: :s i need something like a dash to replace D>J
john: shield holds on with ik8. i'll make it passable to anyone by making it uhh... without special bdys. gotta edit everyone's rowing tho, for whirlwind.
henry: i think he'll be just really cool... :P tails on arrows everywhere(maeby?)

btw: ROFL PHIL after you posted, everyone's reading... man...
[Image: UB2.gif]

News of the day 19th Sep 10: Someone's back on track
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(06-04-2010, 09:51 AM)forgetlatios Wrote:  julian: cloning(lol i dunno what to do with the 10 hp when opointed thing... :D)

3 ways:

1. Opoint an id:5 (Rudolph, only 10 hp when opointed) in frame xyz. This frame (in rudolphs datafile) contains a state 8xxx transformation to the char you want as clone (Julian in this case).

2. Create the clone and then hit him with state:18+itr/kind:0+injury:490 on a special-bdy.

3. Summon a T3, give it a frame with wait:0 and hit_a:490 and afterwards a state:8xxx transformation to the char you want as clone (Julian in this case).
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erm, doesn't have julian the same id-related hp thingie? like his clones also have only 15 hp or so?
Thanks given by: forgetlatios
yeah julian's clones only have 10hp or so. test the game if you don't believe us.
what about melee/illusion attack for justin? that'd be great.
or for rudolf: epic ninja attack! (he teleports to someone and creates some epic ninja effects like slashes or so)
[Image: abstractdaad.png]
Graphic Stuff|Tania|Indo Fighter|Sprites|Comics|
News of my days: My graphics skills will go better. Eventually...
Thanks given by: forgetlatios
(06-04-2010, 10:22 AM)Alblaka Wrote:  
(06-04-2010, 09:51 AM)forgetlatios Wrote:  julian: cloning(lol i dunno what to do with the 10 hp when opointed thing... :D)

3 ways:

1. Opoint an id:5 (Rudolph, only 10 hp when opointed) in frame xyz. This frame (in rudolphs datafile) contains a state 8xxx transformation to the char you want as clone (Julian in this case).

2. Create the clone and then hit him with state:18+itr/kind:0+injury:490 on a special-bdy.

3. Summon a T3, give it a frame with wait:0 and hit_a:490 and afterwards a state:8xxx transformation to the char you want as clone (Julian in this case).

they're right... you know?

and you do know i know all thre of the above methods and one more...
4. Opoint an id:52 (Julian, only 10 hp when opointed) in frame xyz. This frame (in julians datafile) contains a state 8xxx transformation to the char you want as clone (Julian in this case, although it may seem totally lame and pathetic since he's already julian).

btw: any more reviews...?
[Image: UB2.gif]

News of the day 19th Sep 10: Someone's back on track
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General overview:
Dennis: DvJ really good used cpoint, it (dis)enables to continue the attack.
D>A Not bad, too, but the IDEA isn't very original.
Not much changed here, but the coolest thing is that whirlwind.
Fire sword. Blah. Everyone get it in their mods these days :)
I'd suggest "fire paralyze" instead of the flames. Look: (Click to View)
Rudolf: Ehm... Really cool throwing stars?
Henry: D>J looks like he's gonna shoot MULTIPLE arrows... Argh...
John: Best levitation I've seen! Good job!
The answer to life, universe and everything (no, not 42) (Click to View)
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(06-05-2010, 12:19 PM)SirisRhazael Wrote:  General overview:
Dennis: DvJ really good used cpoint, it (dis)enables to continue the attack.-haha lulz. used ik8. allows limited range teleportation. or dashing.
D>A Not bad, too, but the IDEA isn't very original.
Not much changed here, but the coolest thing is that whirlwind.-meh... lacking ideas. tho i'm working on ice run when normal running while holding ice sword
Fire sword. Blah. Everyone get it in their mods these days :)
I'd suggest "fire paralyze" instead of the flames. Look:-lol i cant see the code on my phone due to diasabled scrolling. tho i guess ik8, fall: 20, and stuff. also removed it cuz it takes soo long to select-scroll.
btw @rudolf stars: lemme guess... hit ground. not bounce. D: fixed. :P
@arrows: i'm lazy. will fix. :P
and uhh... @levitation: i meight add some kool effects. i dunno.
[Image: UB2.gif]

News of the day 19th Sep 10: Someone's back on track
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vFire sword
Ok, code:
kind: 0 x: 12 y: 16 w: 49 h: 47 dvx: 8 fall: 70 bdefend: 16 injury: 40 effect: 2
As I said. Paralize and burn enemies.
forgetlatios Wrote:haha lulz. used ik8
I could swear it was cpoint :)
The answer to life, universe and everything (no, not 42) (Click to View)
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ok. how about this.
firen dash attack--> burn himself. :D freshness OVER SPARTA.
btw can anyone help...?
as (almost) everyone doesnt know, frames 9-11 always have a wait value specified up in the bmp part. so most have a wait of 3 aka 4 TUs. thus, if i made freezes ice sword opoint out ice columns in frame xxx(on hand frame), he will opoint out 4. i was wondering, since the wait value between each opoint is 0, and will always be the same object, could i opoint out something with state: 8xxx, which hits the untransformed(state 3005) and thus creating 2 objets, oncw again hitting each other to finally create a ice column? or does alb/nave/bp/mh/anyone have a better idea?
[Image: UB2.gif]

News of the day 19th Sep 10: Someone's back on track
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add columns on the rowing animation (with sword on if you want, but sword off would be cooler)
you know like, he rolls, hit ground with power and a column adds extra protection (kinda strategic move)
[Image: bilxvzqm0a6dmcc6c.png]
by firzenX's graphics shop

my spriting attempts | Char: Boomer
chishio: "The only limitations in life, are those imposed by yourself and the laws of physics." - learn parkour or join the matrix (either will set you free from physics).
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