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Ramond's RPG Adventure v2.0
oh, I didn't think of it that way ;P

let's stay for the night :D

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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Alright, good point.
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"Do not grieve, it is logical. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."
- Mr. Spock
"A man's not dead while his name is still spoken"
- Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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We rest and kill the inn-dude later
latter was sarcasm, if ye have not noticed
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
~ Breaking LFE since 2008 ~

"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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Sorry guys. I'm outta here, because I'm dying. Blue Phoenix knows why.

So yeah. This is probably not going to continue. Last update.

Blue Phoenix: Well crap. Do you guys think we can stay for the night?
SirFrog: Well, wasn't that one dude, like, the leader? Which would leave them without plans.
snorsorbet: Then again, if there are more leaders?
Nave: More leaders?! DIE!
Bamboori: Perhaps one of us should always stay awake to alert us if there's activity.
Simon: Yeah, let's do that. I'll stay awake. I can't sleep really well anyway and I'm usually night-active.
Blue Phoenix: *to innkeeper* ALRIGHT. We're STAYING.
Innkeeper: *grins*
Blue Phoenix: After this night we will come and kill you.
Innkeeper: *grin fades*

The group moves to their room. Six beds and a cat basket. Everybody yawns (chain reaction) and occupies a bed. Phil lets himself down in the cat basket.

Blue Phoenix: Good night, people. We gotta be fit tomorrow.

And the group falls asleep.

All except for Simon, the sleepless ninja.

Simon: Time to say goodbye, folks.

Simon suddenly yawns too.

Simon: Holy crap. I must be tired.

He looks at the empty bed...

Simon: An empty bed, so warm, nice and cozy, just for me...

Simon moves to the bed and touches it. Then he seats himself onto it.

Simon: Must... resist...


To be concluded...?

Book of Knowledge

(Hints of Interest: -)

Bamboori - HP: 14/97, MP: 5/7 (Arrows: magic 1, normal 13) (asleep)
SirFrog - HP: 9/76, MP: 27/101+5 (asleep)
Blue Phoenix - HP: 62/67, MP: 9/9 (asleep)
Nave - HP: 28/79, MP: 20/90+5 (asleep)
snorsorbet - HP: 58/83, MP: 50/50+5 (asleep)
Phil - HP: 63/63, MP: 5/5 (asleep)
Simon - HP: 82/82, MP: 2/2 (?)

It's night. (?:?? PM)
The dark, starry sky is filled with shining stars.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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noez simon, noez!
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I knew it! those damn ninja's... you can't trust them *madface*
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I will not fell asleep, no I don't, and you all know it!
Face it Ramond!! D:<

Ramond edited this post 06-05-2010 09:07 PM because:
He meant that Simon was going to kill them all.
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Blue Phoenix: *yawn* Oh my god.
Simon: Blue Phoenix?
Blue Phoenix: Yeah.
Simon: Had a nightmare?
Blue Phoenix: Yeah.
Simon: What was it?
Blue Phoenix: I saw a blue phoenix in the sky. It attacked the camp I was sleeping in. Everything was burning...
Simon: Weird. Where did you get your name from anyway?
Blue Phoenix: I don't know... people just called me like that for whatever reason.
Simon: Since when?
Blue Phoenix: I don't know, I know nothing about my past. Really nothing.
Simon: That's truly weird.
Blue Phoenix: Well, the sun is about to rise. We might as well get up and on.
Simon: Yeah, let's do that.
Blue Phoenix: No interruptions at night?
Simon: Nope. They must have chickened out after their leader died.
Blue Phoenix: Good.

Blue Phoenix wakes everybody up, one after another.

Blue Phoenix: Get up, guys, we gotta move.
Nave: *yawn*
Bamboori: Where are we going?
Blue Phoenix: Into the future. Come on.

The party is ready in a short time and goes out of the room. Ironically, the innkeeper doesn't seem to be at the counter. When Blue Phoenix gets nearer, he notices a body lying behind the counter.

Blue Phoenix: He's dead. I give you the finger, innkeeper.
snorsorbet: Ah well. We should move on.

They move outside into the streets. No sign of bandits.

SirFrog: I guess they gave up.
Bamboori: Yeah.
Simon: So what now? There are several ways out of this town. South, east, west, north. Or do we still want to visit some shop?


Book of Knowledge

(Hints of Interest: updated Quest Logbook)

Bamboori - HP: 97/97, MP: 7/7 (Arrows: magic 1, normal 13)
SirFrog - HP: 76/76, MP: 101/101
Blue Phoenix - HP: 67/67, MP: 9/9
Nave - HP: 79/79, MP: 90/90
snorsorbet - HP: 83/83, MP: 50/50
Phil - HP: 63/63, MP: 5/5
Simon - HP: 82/82, MP: 2/2

It's dawn. (6:06 AM)
The sun's first rays of light fill the outside with color and life..
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)
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just why do i feel that there will be a super-uber-unbeatable endboss all of a sudden?

thus, going to all shops to stock up our stuff.
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well, considering the fact that we orginally came from south, I'd say, ONWARDS TO THA NORTH!!!1
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