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Zack v0.91 out now
ok guys theres a terrible problem in super punch... it simply sux... i mean yeah its not bad, smoth and so on not that kind of problem

it just looks lame in game :/ so i need new one any ideas?
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probably cause it looks like a ball-spawning move.

what about a double hit, like right laser punch, left laserpunch? like davis + laser x awesomeness

name suggestion: Zhalamel (random thought)

ill try to work on a lighting-dc example tomorrow or the day after. ill pm it to you when its finished.

btw: the sprites rock :D
Thanks given by: hell fightter
k ill try it ^^ and omg THX!!! ill be very greatefull thx bro

ok more badass "Z" names ZION, ZABEL, ZAC, ZAIRA, ZAN, ZANDER, ZED, ZHOU, ZHONG...
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2nd top right sprite: his arm seems disjointed.

otherwise, gratz! Great to finally see a follow up to Duke!
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avatar by Una
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Thanks given by: hell fightter
oh thats becouse darkest shade is to dark :P its a huge problem on black backgriound... but wheres my maniers, thanks in advence my kind friend ^^

also i was thinking about remake duke with my current skills but naaah XD
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hey i have a question guys... dont you mind if i resprite more sprites? i mean... im so bored of spriting basic sprites, i just wanna finish it and focus on something more interesting... skills indeed

so is that ok if i let my lazynes take control over that char? (f***** up already couse of my lazynes :P)
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It is not our choice in reality, its all about the person who's thread it is. So you do as you wish Out.

Just make sure you improve though eh?

One day, I shall become, TUTORIAL-MAN: Superhero of writing overly long, overly annoying tutorials which most people probably won't read, but will give it a stab at the first 5 lines!
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hmmm i gues youre right i just wanted to know what you guys think about it, at first it suppouse to be tottaly new char but my famous lazyness ruin my plans >.<
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It should be a totally new character.. when you're done. Laziness and thought processes/planning and even perfectionist seem to go hand in hand quite well.

Take your time, do what you think is best.. we'll soon see the rewards of your work I'm sure.

One day, I shall become, TUTORIAL-MAN: Superhero of writing overly long, overly annoying tutorials which most people probably won't read, but will give it a stab at the first 5 lines!
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!@#$#%@^#^%$^# youre right cat damn it, sadly it reminds me of all those wierd sprites wgo shouldnt ever apearn like jump and many other f***** up cus i was to lazy to fix it and leave it how wierd it was DX .... i think that i will resprite rest and TRY to make moves oryginal =_=
[Image: done.png]

i just need new super punch and run attack :/
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