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[Char]Woodys Brother

this is my project called "Woodys Brother" (I need a name for him)

I want to create a extra stage for him, and i want to make him a bit stronger than the main chars but not overpowered or stronger than Julian or Firzen.

I am not the best spriter, but i try to do my best, but only if you like the idea.
Finished sprites:
[Image: woodybrother_standing1.png] [Image: woodybrother_punching1.png] [Image: woodybrother_punching2.png] [Image: woodybrother_walking.png] [Image: woodybrother_heavythrowing1.png]
What do you think about him?
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The hair looks kind of... Weird?

Otherwise it's quite good ;)
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Thanks, he and Woody got different hairdresser
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(09-07-2008, 10:29 AM)Lauli Wrote:  The hair looks kind of... Weird?

Actually I like that hairstyle :P

Therefore I'd complain about his left sleeve a bit because the shading looks... err, yes... weird :P

The rest looks really good though :)
Silverthorn / Blue Phoenix
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"Freeze, you're under vrest!" - Mark, probably.

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I like the hair... kinda manga inspired =) and I liked the tatoo
the arms could use slightly more muscles
it's woody's elder brother isn't it?

TITLE: a idea
make cave for bear?
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yes he is woodys elder brother.
more muscles.. hmm.. maybe in on of his moves :D like power or berserker mode


Here is a punching sprite [Image: woodybrother_punching1.png]


I try to make a face xD [Image: woodybrother_face.png] or --> [Image: woodybrother_face2.png]
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Its a very good concept(idea), I lke it. The body I note in a little bit smaller than the head.
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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No bad at all,
i like the idea-

Also cool sprites! *thumbs up*

some tips for the sprites:

1) face
do not use "gradient",
go "filter"->"other"->"custom", set the divisor at 2 aand set the second value at 2
i know, sounds very comlex, but it's easy .....

2) standing
give him a wider tail.

give him a bit of nec and make his one leg a bit wider-

yust 2 thingys left:

Whats his name?
Which moves will he have?
Please don't wonder when I suddenly dissapear for a while!
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Roody as a name or...Tarzan, Mike, Roker, or u could always use the name generator
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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Roker is not bad ^^'

@hypermodder: i will try to change the things but first i want to create some other pics :D walking, running or maybe start to create a special move.
and at the end i fix all things.

Hmm.. i have no idea for attacks.. i think he needs good combos, because he is woodys brother :D
and he need some energy balls. No teleport but maybe.. a little power mode. He can use the powermode for a lot hp and mp and then he transform into woodysbrother2 and after 20 seconds he transform back.
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