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dread zone
how you play is you pretend to be on a tv show were thers always death and destcion so your the host make a post with stuff like fighting and guns and stuff but it has to have somthing to do with lf2 and than the next poster continues like a tv show seris heres a demo than lets get started Twisted

ok now for the rules steling points. 2.stick to the rules. 3.rules meaning point by point sistem as well. 4. point by point sistem it go like this one attck not fall down just a attck 1 point areal attcks 3 points and ko 5 points combows 10 points no dobel combow in turn. 5. a attck can parliz if continuis but the points must be 1 per turn. 6. you must join a team or make a team a team must have a name and at lest 2 members in it at all times other wise it will no longer be a team it will be two sepert people. 7. you must pick a char and stay as it. you can be a mod char if you want. if you would like to chang it ask me. 8. when in a team you can call for help but it works like this if you are the dragons you call for dragons or if you are shadows you call shadows that do attcks like rip the soul from a person get the idea. 9. finaly anybody can tally the scores for you all but stick to the sistem and ill update the rules when i need to. 10. if you ko some one the ponits of that person is gone but when in a team the points dont go away untill all members of that team are ko also you recover from ko next post from when you got can seperat from team to join anther.

ok folks its time for dread zone here we are h.e.r.e w.e a.r.e so lets take a look ow that spell caster went down hard folks and look at this deep wins the best fighter comp and gets 5 ponits and he moves on up good for him now for dread comp over to you next poster
lfe what a kingdome
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Just as Deep feels safe Freeze, Deep's best friend, comes roaring in on his bike (with sword proof tires) in a last ditch effort to gain some points before he is eliminated and tossed into the black hole that is at the center of of universe. Freeze uses his bike to run over deep repeatedly because each knockdown is worth a point. Thoroughly annoyed deep picks up a nearly dead bandit and throws it at freeze. since freeze is so desperate he forgets about his bike and uses his whirlwhind to freeze the bandit and get two points, but now his bike is destroyed. deep sees his opprotunity to kill freeze and hesitates, all he can do is stab him in the chest with freezes sword. Deep gets 2 points. and freeze had got 5 points.

Deep: 8
Freeze: 5 (mortally wounded)
Hey Kid... did you ever dance with the devil in the pale moon light?

[Image: sig.gif]
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Freeze is wounded, but Julian comes and knocks Deep out very far away.....freeze says thanks and julian pwns him

Deep: 8
freeze: 5
Julian: 200 Twisted
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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As Julian is exulting, fire and ice suddenly start raining on his head. His armor blocks the first bit, but it soon shatters and he suddenly goes through a few hundred extreme temperature changes, then finally ends up as an ice block--only to be burnt again as he lands on fire.

Firzen: 30
[offtopic]cmon guys lets be fair 200!?!? [/offtopic]

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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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Suddenly due to strange mystical forces Firzen splits into firen and freeze....(wut? 2 freeze's)
Firen and freeze pionts divided

If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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down comes a rine of bolts its henry he used a sonar of death update and evry one takes damege hahahahaha says henry and starts to walk away not before he ganes 5 ponits per fighter due to ko and he lets go of anther rain of bolts and says hahahahahaha

scores are
lfe what a kingdome
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suddenly appears louis...
he fights a prolonged battle with henry henry uses crital shot and louis jumps over it, louis vses phoenix palm henry counters with the same. this goes on and on untill henry seems to have a majorly upper hand. things are desprate for louis (((what are the others doing???))) anyways...a last crital shot comes at him (heart beat) closer (heart beat) even close (heart beat) (((yup, slow motion))) a ball of rage and power builds inside louis's chest and BALM!!!! TADAAA!!! Louis-Ex, the critical shot passes withot and damage and WOOPH!! BALM!! Louis wins!!!

scores are
louis(ex): 30
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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...And Deep's back in the picture, as he suddenly slashes at louis once--and again--louis is in serious pain now--Deep grabs him--knees him 4 times--ouch, that must've hurt--and throws him straight up. He's coming down--Deep's sword is glowing now--Louis lands right on Deep's sword--he' bouncing on it one--two--three--four times--now Deep's slashing at him--whoa, that sent him high--and now Deep's in the air too--WHAM! Down Louis EX goes!!

Deep: 32 (one for each hit, plus his original scores)
Freeze 1: 5
Julian: 0
Firen: 15
Freeze 2: 15
Henry: 5
Louis EX: 6 (ouch)

...And there's the final buzzer! Deep advances to the aerial competition! ( Twisted )

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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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Suddenly there is a whole array of dark small creatures, deep can kill em with one slash, but there are too many. They suck out the points from Deep and give it to their master. Which is revealed to be bat

Deep: 0
Freeze 1: 5
Julian: 0
Firen: 15
Freeze 2: 15
Henry: 5
Louis EX: 6
Bat: 32

Now all of them have recovered and are raring to figt again.....
If at first you don't succeed, you're probably not going skydiving again.
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Deep commences the same combo on bat and takes the stolen points back. (i didnt kno u could steal points)
Freeze 1: 5
Deep: 32
Julian: 0
Firen: 15
Freeze 2: 15
Henry: 5
Louis EX: 6
Bat: 0

Anyway, stop the fight! On to the aerial competition already!

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Grand Fonic Hymn - Orchestral Arrangement. Arranged by me. I promise it's not horribad.
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