![[Image: z5DmQqv.gif]](https://i.imgur.com/z5DmQqv.gif)
Firzen can block roughly two hits, Freeze and Firen one each. It doesn't work against whirlwind, as it uses itr instead of effect to freeze a character, still there are other ice/fire multiple hit moves which can break the armor as well
I did it by accident
004463C6 > \83F9 07 CMP ECX,7
004463C9 . 0F85 A8000000 JNE 00446477
004463CF . 8B84BE 940100 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI*4+ESI+194]
004463D6 . 83B8 B8000000 CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+0B8],1
004463DD .^ 0F8F EB83FEFF JG 0042E7CE
004463E3 . 8B4CE4 0C MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+0C]
004463E7 . 8B49 2C MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+2C]
004463EA . B8 67666666 MOV EAX,66666667
004463EF . F7E9 IMUL ECX
004463F1 . C1FA 02 SAR EDX,2
004463F4 . 89D0 MOV EAX,EDX
004463F6 . C1E8 1F SHR EAX,1F
004463F9 . 01D0 ADD EAX,EDX
004463FB . 83F8 01 CMP EAX,1
004463FE .^ 0F84 CA83FEFF JE 0042E7CE
00446404 83F8 03 CMP EAX,3
00446407 .^ 0F84 C183FEFF JE 0042E7CE
0044640D . 83F8 05 CMP EAX,5
00446410 .^ 0F84 B883FEFF JE 0042E7CE
00446416 . 83F8 17 CMP EAX,17
00446419 .^ 0F84 AF83FEFF JE 0042E7CE
0044641F . 83F8 1E CMP EAX,1E
00446422 .^ 0F84 A683FEFF JE 0042E7CE
00446428 83F9 00 CMP ECX,0
0044642B .^ 0F84 9D83FEFF JE 0042E7CE
00446431 . 83F9 01 CMP ECX,1
00446434 .^ 0F84 9483FEFF JE 0042E7CE
0044643A 83F9 03 CMP ECX,3
0044643D .^ 0F84 8B83FEFF JE 0042E7CE
00446443 . 83F9 05 CMP ECX,5
00446446 .^ 0F84 8283FEFF JE 0042E7CE
0044644C . 83F9 17 CMP ECX,17
0044644F .^ 0F84 7983FEFF JE 0042E7CE
00446455 . 83F9 1E CMP ECX,1E
00446458 .^ 0F84 7083FEFF JE 0042E7CE
0044645E . 8B849E 940100 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EBX*4+ESI+194]
00446465 . 8B90 68030000 MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+368]
0044646B . 8B82 F4060000 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+6F4]
00446471 .^ E9 7C99FEFF JMP 0042FDF2
Skipping cmp eax 0 and using only cmp ecx 0 makes the armor ignore regular hits properly
This is the proper address
The one I posted is from
this thread, they all are a bit off
If you can explain why it works, or make an actual "ignore only effect: x" armor, I'd appreciate